Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build

Spirit Warrior is a warrior specialization in Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening.

Spirit Warrior talents[]

Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build
Beyond the Veil
Range: Personal
Upkeep: 80
Fatigue: 10%
Cooldown: 10s
The warrior dons a cloak of mystical energies from the Fade in order to evade a substantial proportion of physical attacks, although the mode drains stamina constantly. If the warrior has Soulbrand, this mode also adds a moderate chance of resisting hostile spells, and the warrior's attacks all deal spirit damage, bypassing enemy armor. If the warrior has Blessing of the Fade, the chance of resisting hostile spells increases further and the warrior gains bonuses to movement speed and attack speed.
Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build
Requires: Level 22
The warrior has gained a deeper connection to the spirit world. While Beyond the Veil is active, the warrior gains a moderate chance of resisting hostile spells, and attacks now deal spirit damage, bypassing enemy armor.
Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build
Fade Burst
Range: Personal
Activation: 80
Cooldown: 30s
Requires: Level 25
The warrior bursts with energies drawn from the other side of the Veil, dealing spirit damage to all enemies nearby, particularly harming creatures from the Fade. The amount of damage depends on the warrior's willpower attribute. Friendly fire is possible.
Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build
Blessing of the Fade
Requires: Level 28
The warrior is able to draw strength from the benevolent spirits of the Fade. While Beyond the Veil is active, the warrior's chance of resisting hostile spells increases further and the warrior gains bonuses to movement speed and attack speed.


Manual purchased from Octham the Grocer at the City of Amaranthine for 12

Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build
Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build
Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build

Note: If you save before purchasing just reload the game, and you will still have the specialization unlocked (this works for all specialization manuals).

Notable Spirit Warriors[]

  • Justice


  • Oghren and Brogan Dace can learn this specialization despite being dwarves, suggesting that dwarves may not be completely cut off from the Fade and showing another form of a spirit's magic affecting non-mage individuals as is seen in the Broken Circle quest.
  • Fenris in Dragon Age II, while not technically a spirit warrior, boasts many similar abilities and follows the same principle of a warrior wielding magical energies.
  • BioWare Wiki

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Classes and specializations in Dragon Age: Origins

Warrior Rogue Mage

Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build

Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build

Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build

Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build

Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build

Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build
Spirit Warrior

Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build

Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build

Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build

Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build

Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build
Legionnaire Scout

Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build

Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build
Arcane Warrior

Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build
Blood Mage

Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build

Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build
Spirit Healer

Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build

Dragon Age: Origins Spirit warrior build

What does a spiritual warrior do?

The spiritual warrior fights against the self-delusion, fear, and ignorance that create suffering in your life. This battle is fought within; an effort to shed the chains of conditioning and false beliefs that lie within you.

How do you become an arcane warrior in Dragon Age Origins?

By receiving the memories from the phylactery, you unlock the Arcane Warrior specialization for the mage as well as 250 XP. In order to unlock the specialization, interact with the phylactery.

Does Arcane Warrior need dexterity?

you need zero points on dex , i've finished the game a lot of times i always play on nightmare mode and you DONT need dex, with the fade bonus (4 dex), some equipment (bergen's honor) and miasma you're going to hit everything, with rock armor + combat magic (with aura of might passive) you'll have insane defenses, if ...

What is the best class in Dragon Age Origins?

Although rogues are useful for players who are revisiting Dragon Age: Origins - primarily so chests or doors can be unlocked without needing to rely on companions - mage is the most effective class combat-wise.