Does soap or shampoo go first?

Does soap or shampoo go first?

  • #2

I like to wash my hair first, then the body.. just feels wrong doing it the other way around.

  • #3

Soap then shampoo. Just the order I've always done it in. Plus my shampoo smells better then soap so it all works out for me

Does soap or shampoo go first?

  • #4

Shampoo. I start from the top and work my way down. Makes sense to me.

Does soap or shampoo go first?

  • #5

Shampoo first, then conditioner while you use the body wash.

  • #6

First Shampoo and conditioner and then body.

I don't really know why, it makes sense to me.
Working down, just like the water does.

Does soap or shampoo go first?

  • #7

I used to use body wash on my face, so I'd do that last so that I could easily find the shampoo bottle. Now, I'm told that washing my face makes acne worse, so I just let the water do its job. I still put on shampoo first, but I have to be careful that it doesn't get in my eyes. Damn, does that sting.

  • #8

I use soap first, because every time I shower ever, without fail the soapy water gets in my eyes and stings to high hell. Then I can't see what the hell i'm doing, I could be putting soap on the wall for all I know.

  • #9

Wrong forum. Unless you make a game out of showering...

DJDarque said:

Shampoo first, then conditioner while you use the body wash.


Does soap or shampoo go first?

  • #10

DJDarque said:

Shampoo first, then conditioner while you use the body wash.

Bingo. It's the most efficient way, otherwise I'll just be standing around in the shower doing nothing waiting to wash off the conditioner.

Does soap or shampoo go first?

  • #11

You start with the cleanest part of the body, then work your way down. Unless you make a habit of sticking your head in toilets, that usually means your crown.

Does soap or shampoo go first?

  • #12

I normally go top to bottom.

  • #14

Really? No option for couldn't care less? No preference whatsoever? I wash whatever I feel like washing in whatever order I feel like doing it in at the time..

  • #15

Shampoo. And, since this is in a gaming discussion, in what game can you shampoo your hair?

  • #16

Body then hair.
Reason being that I am known to get shampoo in my eyes, and so I wash my body first to prevent myself from having to do it while my eyes burn.

  • #17

Shampoo for hair, rinse, shower gel for torso, rinse, then shower gel for nether regions, then rinse. Simples.

Btw, this thread is rather pointless.

  • #18

mare84 said:

Shampoo. And, since this is in a gaming discussion, in what game can you shampoo your hair?

I see you've discovered a feature from Duke Nukem Forever...

Does soap or shampoo go first?

  • #19

OH! Sorry! I didn't catch the the category thing!

  • #20

I heard somewhere (prolly from my Mum) that you should leave the shampoo in your hair for a couple mins so I lather up, body wash, then rinse the hair. Seems to work alright.

Should I use soap before shampoo?

Dry hair Just like your scalp, using soap can also seriously damage your hair, leaving it really dry, coarse and brittle. The soap scum and lack of conditioning agents, as well as the silicones present, are to be blamed for this. Needless to say, this really makes your hair really prone to breakage.

In what order should you wash your body?

Do a quick rinse to wet your skin before applying any soap. Using a loofah, washcloth, or just your hands, apply bar soap or bodywash to your body. Start at your neck and shoulders, and work your way down the length of your body. Don't forget to wash your legs and get between your toes with soap and water.

What goes first when you wash your hair?

The general recommendation is to use shampoo to cleanse the hair before conditioner. Follow these steps for best results: Completely saturate your hair with warm, not hot, water. Squirt a small amount of shampoo into the palm of your hand.

Do you shampoo first in the shower?

It's almost an unwritten rule of showering: When washing your hair, first you shampoo, then you condition and wash your body, before rinsing out your hair. It makes sense, because it gives the conditioner a bit of time to sink in, to make sure your hair is as moisturised as possible.