Do Mexicans call it cilantro or coriander?

My general food knowledge has been largely influenced by Texas, where I live, and Australia, where my dad is from. In Texas, food is greatly influenced by Mexican cuisine. You can find fresh cilantro stirred into guac, chopped up in a salad, or sprinkled on top of pretty much anything. In Australia, and most of the rest of the English-speaking countries, an herb called coriander adds the same flavor to popular Asian dishes like soups and curries.

To me, these two ingredients have always seemed to add the same fresh, bright, citrusy flavor to anything they are thrown into. So why do they have different names? I've dissected the origins of both to see if there's actually a difference between cilantro vs coriander. 

As it turns out, the chopped herb in your salsa and the leafy, bright greens served with your warm bowl of curry are in fact the same thing. They're just the leaves of the coriander plant, most popularly used to flavor both Asian and Latin cuisine.

The Leaf

Do Mexicans call it cilantro or coriander?
Msu Spoon

The leaves we Americans call cilantro come from the Coriandrum savitum plant. From its home in the eastern Mediterranean, the herb was loved by the Greeks and it's also been a staple in Indian and Chinese cooking for hundreds of years. From there, the Spanish conquistadors introduced the herb to Latin America.

Today, the leaves are mainly used as a garnish or mix-in to the dishes of East Asia and South America. They add that irreplaceable flavor that many people find repulsive to some of the most popular international dishes you can find in America. From curry to salsa to soup, this controversial leaf has made its way into many popular dishes.

The Seed

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In the US, coriander usually exclusively refers to the floral, flavor-boosting dried seed that's often added to meats, stews, and savory baked goods, and most would not associate the flavor it adds to the flavor cilantro adds. But, as you may have guessed, this common kitchen-cabinet spice comes from the same plant.

Though similar in taste to the leaves when fresh, the dried and ground seed loses that pungent flavor and is a milder and warm one, making it the perfect addition to any winter meal.

Coriander vs Cilantro

Do Mexicans call it cilantro or coriander?
Ariela Basson

The word 'coriander,' introduced first in the UK, comes from the French word for the plant: coriandre. Though originally used mostly for its aromatic seeds, the influence of Asian cuisine made the leafy part of the plant to popular in Western Europe.

The word 'cilantro,' on the other hand, is the Spanish word for the plant. As the leafy part of the herb made its way into the US through Mexican cuisine, the Spanish name stuck with it. 

So Basically....

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Whether you're enjoying it on top of a big bowl of Pho in Sydney or generously mixed into a taco in Austin, cilantro and coriander are one in the same. Though more commonly called cilantro when incorporated into Mexican cuisine, the herb can be called by either name when it comes down to it.

Next time find yourself in a cilantro vs coriander dispute, remember that the two are just different words referring to the exact same thing. They're that bright, citrusy herb that some despise and some can't live without.

Perhaps no other herb defines Mexican cuisine better than cilantro, otherwise known as fresh coriander, and Chinese or Mexican parsley.

Indeed, no self-respecting Mexican salsa is complete without a touch of chopped cilantro. Neither is a Vietnamese spring roll, a Moroccan stew, nor a bowl of Thai noodle soup. Yet, many still label this ubiquitous herb as “exotic,” and it remains a relative unknown to a majority of cooks.

Southern Californians, however, are well-acquainted with the sweet, pungent flavor of cilantro, whether they use it personally, or savor it in the multitude of ethnic restaurants dotting the landscape.

To further confuse the issue, this most fragrant of herbs actually boasts a dual personality: When sold in the form of seeds, it is called coriander. As such, it imparts a spicy, citrus-like taste, to pastries, preserves and liqueurs, and is a popular flavoring in many European dishes. Indian cuisine is redolent of coriander seeds, whether crushed or whole, in garam masala and curry powders, two essential spices in India’s cookery.

Cilantro, the Spanish name for the most fragrant of herbs, is purported to derive from the Greek word “koros” or “wood-bug.” The Chinese on the other hand, call it Yuen Tsai, which means fragrant herb or fragrant vegetable. In times past, Chinese diners believed eating the eponymous parsley would confer immortality.

In some parts of the Middle East, the flat, parsley-like leaf sometimes doubles as breath-freshener. There too, the plant’s tiny, rose-tinted blooms are often chopped up along with the leaves to add extra flavor to a dish.

Cilantro is also an essential flavoring in the cuisine of Southeast Asia.

“Vietnamese food wouldn’t taste right without cilantro,” said Vietnamese-born Thao McLaughlin, owner of the Saigon Market in Vista. McLaughlin expounds on the use of the herb in her native cuisine, especially in crunchy spring rolls, one of the best-known Vietnamese specialties.

The flavorful rolls, filled with a mixture of “ground pork, grated jicama, onion, black mushroom, and bean threads,” are deep-fried, then traditionally wrapped inside a leaf of lettuce garnished with sprigs of mint and cilantro leaves. McLaughlin keeps generous bunches of the fragrant herb in a large cooler at the back of her well-stocked market.

She uses cilantro liberally in soups and stir fries. “Be sure to add it at the end of the cooking time,” she says, “or it will lose its flavor.”

Stephanie Caughlin of Seabreeze Organic Farm in Del Mar, also likes to use lots of cilantro in her cooking. She adds up to half a cup of the chopped herb to a bowl of Mexican meatball soup; she substitutes fresh-chopped cilantro leaves for the lettuce usually added to tacos.

“I place two to three cups of chopped cilantro on the tale, and encourage my guests to add it to their soup or to their taco,” she says.

Not only is cilantro flavorful, but it is also very easy to grow, according to Caughlin. “It’s easy to flower, and it is easy to go to seed,” she said.

Growing cilantro takes as much water and fertilizer as it does to grow lettuce, she said.

“Instead of transplanting seedlings, I direct-seed a bed since cilantro is quite slow to germinate. I cover the seed with 1/2 inch of soil, and I use double plantings. I then have cilantro growing for weeks and weeks.”

Unlike most farmers, Caughlin harvests her cilantro with the roots attached, which she says is the best way. Pulling up the roots, then cleaning off the soil is a labor-intensive proposition, and one most commercial growers would rather not indulge in. Cilantro plants will grow longer by pinching off the leaves, but that may cause the plant to to go to flower sooner.

“Each plant is a one-time shot. It’s as special as edible flowers.”

At the Herban Garden nursery in Rainbow, cilantro is only second to basil in popularity: “We sell tons of cilantro,” says co-owner Jeanne Dunn.

In Europe, where the seed was used as a flavoring for pastries and breads, the plant was bred to go to seed quickly, since only the seed was used, she says.

Nowadays, the increasing popularity of Mexican and Southeast Asian cuisines has created more demand for fresh cilantro leaves, leading to the development of a different variety of cilantro, known as the “longstanding” variety.

These newer strains have longer-lasting leaves and don’t flower as quickly, says Dunn. Cilantro tends to bloom more quickly in hot weather, although it prefers cooler temperatures. Cilantro, along with more than 100 other herb varieties, will be featured at the Herb Harvest Festival held at the Herban Garden on Oct. 10 and 11, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Craft booths, live music and herbal beauty products are among the attractions planned. A luncheon of herb-scented soups and breads will be available for a small fee.

Use cilantro much as you would parsley. It is usually used more sparingly, though, since the flavor is quite strong. If the roots are cut off, wrap cilantro in a wet paper towel, and enclose it in a plastic bags. It will keep its flavor for several days. If the roots are attached, simply place the bunch in a glass of water in the refrigerator. The roots are also delicious when crushed, and added to stews or soups.

If you grow your own herb, use the tiny pink or white flowers as a garnish. Be aware that some people can be allergic to cilantro. Fresh bunches of cilantro are a common offering on supermarket shelves.

Saigon Market, 635 S., Santa Fe Avenue, Vista, CA. 92084. 758-5782. Open: daily 9-6:30 p.m. Wednesday: 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Cilantro: 29 cents a bunch.

Seabreeze Organic Farmstand, corner of El Camino Real and Arroyo Sorrento Road, off Carmel Valley Road, 481-2890. Open Wednesday only, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Organically grown cilantro, roots attached, $1.25 a bunch.

Herban Garden, 5002 2nd St., Rainbow, CA. 92028, (619) 723-2967. Three-inch pots of cilantro, $1.25. Herb Harvest Festival, Oct. 10 and 11, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free. Lunch, $5 a person.

Is Mexican coriander the same as cilantro?

The word “cilantro” is the Spanish name for coriander leaves. Meanwhile, the dried seeds of the plant are called coriander. Internationally, it's a different story. Coriander is the name for the leaves and stalks of the plant, while the dried seeds are called coriander seeds.

What is Mexican cilantro called?

Mexican Coriander or cilantro extranjero (Eryngium foetidum) is a leafy green plant with a texture similar to spinach, but thinner. Leaves are rough, yet delicate, and have a taste and aroma similar to cilantro, but more perfumed and concentrated.

Is coriander used in Mexican?

Coriander is widely used in all levels of Mexican food. From the preparation of a chicken broth or caldo tlalpeño. It is also used to prepare ceviches and different types of spicy salsas. One of the most important uses we make of coriander is in Mexican tacos and snacks.

Is cilantro a Mexican thing?

While cilantro is extremely popular in traditional Mexican food, its roots come from the Middle East. Cilantro was introduced to Mexico by the Spanish in the 1500s, along with many other ingredients that we now consider essential to traditional Mexican food, including cattle, pigs, chickens, rice, wheat, and cinnamon.