Course hero To kill a mockingbird chapter 10

Professor Bradley Greenburg from Northeastern Illinois University explains Chapter 10 in Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird.

To Kill a Mockingbird | Chapter 10 | Summary


Jem and Scout can't make sense of why people are so critical of Atticus just because of the Tom Robinson case when Atticus has been nothing but nice to everyone he meets. He doesn't hunt, smoke, fish, or play poker, as do all the other dads of Maycomb. Even so the Robinson trial has made Atticus a focus of the town's gossip.

Scout starts thinking about the air rifles they got for Christmas. She recalls that Uncle Jack taught her and Jem to shoot, but Atticus reminded them to never a kill a mockingbird because it was a sin. Miss Maudie explains that mockingbirds do nothing but make music for people to enjoy, which is why it is a sin to kill them. From there the conversation turns back to Atticus. Miss Maudie, who grew up with Atticus, starts listing things he's good at: playing checkers, playing the Jew's harp, and having an airtight will. Scout is unimpressed.

Shortly afterward Jem and Scout spot a neighborhood dog named Tim Johnson stumbling down the street with a strange look on its face. Scout and Jem go home to tell Calpurnia. She calls Atticus about the dog, and it is revealed that the dog is rabid. Atticus arrives with Sheriff Tate, who aims his gun at the dog. Tate says that if he misses, the shot will go straight into the Radley house. Instead he gives the gun to Atticus, who takes aim and kills the dog with a single bullet.

As Atticus and Sheriff Tate leave, Scout and Jem hear Miss Maudie call him "One-Shot Finch." She later tells Jem and Scout that, among Atticus's other attributes, he was the most accurate shot in Maycomb County.


Scout and Jem, startled to find people critical of Atticus, find their perspective of their father altered; he is not only their father, he is also a human being, with different roles to play outside of their family circle. Perhaps it is the anger generated against Atticus by his defense of Tom Robinson that causes Scout to wish he had some of the same hobbies as the town's other dads.

After Scout and Jem learn more about Atticus's past from Miss Maudie, they realize their father is human, just like all the other dads in Maycomb. But to Scout, her father's hobbies of reading and playing checkers are boring compared to other parents who smoke, fish, and hunt.

Scout and Jem's perspective changes when Atticus kills a rabid dog with one shot. They wonder why they never knew this side of their dad before. Atticus explains that shooting a gun well is not a talent to be proud of and should be used only when necessary. The fact that Sheriff Tate trusted Atticus with his gun symbolizes the high esteem the townspeople have for him. Jem and Scout learn a valuable lesson in the importance of humility.

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To Kill a MockingbirdCHAPTER 10CLOSE READ1.Pages 118-120.

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2. Compared to the parents of other children as school, in what way is Atticusdifferent?3.Why can't Jim play tackle football with Atticus?4.How does Scout feel about Atticus' job?5.How is Atticus different from Scout's schoolmates' fathers?6.Are Scout and Jem proud of Atticus?7.Supportyour answer to question 6 withevidencefrom page 118.8.What information about Scout is spreading amongst the children at school?9.Who taught Jem and Scout how to shoot their air-rifles?9.Why do Atticus and Maudie believe it is a sin to kill a mockingbird?10.What do other birds do that might justify humans killing them?11.What is it that Scout does not like about her neighborhood?12.According to Miss Maudie, what are some things that Atticus is good at?13.Pages 121-123.Explain what Jem means when he asks Atticus if he is going toplay for the Methodists?(Explain the CONTEXT!)14.Who scores touchdowns for the Baptists?

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What happens in Chapter 10 of to kill a mockingbird?

Jem and Scout think their father is super uncool, not to mention old. He can't even play football, like the other kids' fathers do. Plus, kids at school are giving them grief about the Tom Robinson case, and Scout can't even fight now that she's promised her dad not to.

Why does Miss Maudie and Scout Home Chapter 10?

Miss Maudie sends Scout home, so the construction crew doesn't crush her. Scout finds Jem's attempts to shoot tin cans boring, so when Atticus gets home, he finds Scout pointing her rifle at Miss Maudie's backside.

What do the kids discover about Atticus in Chapter 10?

We find that Atticus is the best shot in town, and called 'One-Shot' Finch by the town's populace. But in addition to this, we find that Atticus is extremely modest, and doesn't want the children to boast about him in school, even though Scout says, "Ain't everybody's daddy the deadest shot in Maycomb County".