Common sense of a duke’s daughter wiki

Common sense of a duke’s daughter wiki
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Common sense of a duke’s daughter wiki

First volume cover of the light novel.

Koushaku Reijou no Tashinami (公爵令嬢の嗜み, Accomplishments of the Duke’s Daughter) is a slice of life, romance, drama, historical light novel and manga series written by Reia and illustrated by Umemiya Suki and Futaba Hazuki

For the light novel specific information, see Light Novel.
The novel originally began on Shousetsuka ni Narou[1] on February 7th, 2015. A revised and illustrated version of the work was released by Kadokawa under their Kadokawa Books (カドカワBOOKS) label since November 10, 2015. The light novel has been licensed in English by Seven Seas Entertainment.

For the manga specific information, see Manga.
The manga premiered in 2015 in Young Ace Up by the publisher Kadokawa. It is officially licensed and published by Seven Seas Entertainment[2] and the first officially released English translated volume was released on August 4th, 2018. The manga is still ongoing.



Main Characters[]

  • Iris Lana Armelia: female protagonist.
  • Alfred Dean Tasmeria: The first prince of Tasmaria who spends the first half of the series going by his alias 'Dean' and working for Iris as a trusted employee.

Major Supporting Characters[]

  • Armelia Household & Servants
    • Berne Darshi Armelia
    • Louis de Armelia
    • Merellis Reiser Armelia
    • Gazell Daz Anderson
    • Tanya
    • Lyle
    • Dida
    • Sebastian


  • Prior to the official translation for Koushaku Reijou no Tashinami, fan translations for the title were either Common Sense of the Duke's Daughter, Simply Good Sense for a Duke's Daughter, or Simply Good Taste for a Duke’s Daughter. After the series was licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment, the series was officially became known as Accomplishments of the Duke’s Daughter.



Common sense of a duke’s daughter wiki
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Iris Lana Armelia (アイリス・ラーナ・アルメリア) is the female protagonist of Koushaku Reijou no Tashinami also known as Accomplishments of the Duke's Daughter. She is the first born of Louis Dan Armelia and Mellice Reese Armelia who eventually became the Feudal Lord Representative of her father's territory after her engagement with the Second Prince of Tasmeria was broken off.

Her memories and personality were fused with an Unnamed Lady, a modern-day, 30-year-old Japanese lady who died from a car accident.


Iris is a very beautiful, petite and slim pale-skinned young woman with thigh-length white-blue hair that has longs bangs hanging to the right side and clear sky-blue eyes. She took up yoga and exercise at the beginning of the series because she was African she was getting a little on the pudgy side.

She is seen wearing a beaded circlet under her bangs and an assortment of gowns for any occasion in which they are all shades of blue, white and sometimes black in some way.

She prefers dresses made by her company, which are modern flowing gowns; despising the medieval layered dresses.


Since her personality was mixed with the Unnamed Lady, Iris will be the combination of the lady and herself.

In her original life, Iris worked as accountant. Thus, she is extremely intelligent as a result, although she was also an otaku for otome games. However, she acknowledged she never considered having a live life due to her workaholic nature.

The in-game version of Iris was portrayed as a villain, but not too much is known about her beyond that. In the original game’s ending for the Edward path, Iris would be expelled from High Society and exiled to a nunnery due to apparently bullying Yuri Neuer. Even the unnamed Lady felt Iris's personality obnoxious, but she understood Iris' reason for being confrontational with Yuri. She even felt Iris being sent to a nunnery was not something she deserved, and she felt somewhat sympathetic towards her due to Yuri stealing her fiancé.

Despite being portrayed as a villain the game, the real Iris was shown to be generous and kind. She built up good relationships with most of the people she has met. To her, it didn’t matter whether they were nobles or commoners. This was best shown as she went out of her way to rescue several children from dying in abject poverty and giving them jobs as servants in her mansion.

After her engagement with Edward was broken, Iris saw love as being an illness. Iris realized that her jealously of seeing Yuri seduce Edward caused her to lose sight of herself. This resulted in her verbally assaulting Yuri and later being made the scapegoat of things she didn't actually do. As a result, Iris tries to suppress any romantic feelings she may have.

In addition to suppressing romantic feelings, Iris found it difficult to trust and rely on others. Fearful of being betrayed again, Iris struggles not to depend on Dean whom has been assisting her in the conglomeration. As such, Iris often hides away any signs of weakness, refusing to cry as she felt that it was unnecessary to do so, as crying would not change anything.

According to her mother, she is honest and straight forward, even in confronting Yuri. After inspecting the conditions the people were in, she wanted to ensure that no one would end up in dire states like the children, now grown up alongside her, she had saved. With her knowledge from her previous lives, she had drastically improved the lives of the people. She is also shown to be selfless, always putting the welfare of her people before herself.

To the surprise of even those closest to her, Iris took her job as Acting Governor seriously from the start rather than pushing her work onto others, such as Sebastian. In fact, Iris has proven to be a workaholic young woman who is in charge of the Azura Conglomeration. After reading through a number of records, she visited her fief under the alias of Alice to understand their condition and to improve them. In a way she was able to connect, mingle and make friends with them without them knowing who she was. She liked to visit the orphanage and play with the children, even hoped that after her retirement, she may work at her orphanage raising the children.

Iris uses her knowledge from her previous life to bring about major, positive changes and products to her fief and the kingdom such as the reformation of tax, concept of banking, medical reform, expansion & connectivity of road, various schemes, expansion of trade and schooling for commoners who would otherwise not receive an education, increased the security patrol so that the safety of her citizen is ensured even during the night. She also introduces products that had not previously existed in the kingdom or were only available in a crude format such as chocolate, conditioner, textile and cosmetics, going so far as to create her own successful business. She also established orphanage and funded it through the selling of picture books of her company.

Following Iris' brush was excommunication, Iris adopts a somewhat colder and pragmatic approach. While she generally remains kind and friendly, she displays a more no-nonsense attitude towards others, such as Van Lutasha and the public servants who betrayed her. She realized that despite her best efforts people aren't necessarily going to play nice. She understands that she needs to be ready to do what she needs to do to accomplish her goals and not be blindsided again.


Due to Iris being both a resident of this world as well as being a reincarnation, she is technically a woman of two pasts. In the modern world, Iris was originally an Unnamed Lady who was a worker in financial department. In her previous life, she was a woman who never had any romantic entanglements. While she enjoyed work, she acknowledged she tended to be overworked. As a result, she didn't have much of a social life outside of playing video games, such as "You Are My Princess". Unfortunately, her life "ended" when a drunk driver ran her over. When she wakes up, she found herself being accused of harassing the baron's daughter as Iris Lana Armelia, the game character who was supposed to be the antagonist.

In Tasmeria, Iris grew up as a noblewoman in the most powerful Noble family of the land next to the Royal family of. During the early years of her life, she encountered a number of orphans that, Tanya, Lyle, Dida, Moneda, Rehme, Sei, and Merida, she took in because she wanted to have friends. She enjoyed interacting with them during her earlier years. At one point, she bought four ribbons from a merchant. She kept one for herself and gave the other three to Tanya, Rehme, and Merida. She spoke with her grandfather to help Lyle potentially gain a position as a knight which he ultimately decided to decline. Eventually, the years forced them to acknowledge the difference in their social classes.

During her formative years, Iris became friends with Mimosa Langley, and she had encounters with both Alfred Dean Tasmeria and Edward Tone Tasmeria. She was unaware of who Alfred was at the time and believed him to be a servant in training. Despite believing they were of completely different social classes, she remained friendly with him and enjoyed their conversations. Although Iria wished for Iris to become engaged to Alfred, Iris fell in love with Edward during his party when he told her that she shouldn't have to worry about what others think of her. Afterwards, she asked her parents to arrange her engagement with Edward to which they and Iris reluctantly agreed.

When Iris was heading to the Academy, she gave all her friends the chance to leave the Armelia Household to pursue something else. Moneda was the only one who choose to leave while the others happily remained servants of the household in different capacities. Throughout her time in the Academy, she continued interacting with Edward in regards to their relationship, but Iris would later come to realize in retrospect that it was one-sided on her end. Upon reflection, she realized he never returned any of her affection or even purchasing her a gift. Unfortunately, everything changed when she saw Edward begin interacting with Yuri Neuer, the illegitimate daughter of the baron.

After Edward began spending a significant amount of time with her, it became clear he was unfaithful to her. It caused Iris to react extremely negatively to the situation which resulted in her confronting Yuri on several occasions despite being warned by her friend Mimosa to be wary of Yuri. It's also shown that Iris was not responsible for all of the bullying done to Yuri, as she had only spread rumors and made negative comments towards Yuri. However, there were others who harassed and hated Yuri who used Iris as a scapegoat. While Iris' actions were far more polite by comparison, it did not matter in the end when she was confronted by Edward's enterouge which included her own brother.

Eventually, Iris was made into a scapegoat for all of the bullying Yuri supposedly went through despite Iris only being responsible for a small portion of it. After being held down by Dorssen Kataberia during when Edward had Iris tried and humiliated in front of the academy, it triggered the awakening of Iris' memories of her past life.


A Twist of a Fate[]

Trial and Exile

Iris' memories of her past self awaken as she is being held down by Dorssen Kataberia while she is being publicly humiliated by Edward Tone Tasmeria, Yuri Neuer, Van Lutasha, and her brother, Berne Darshi Armelia. Despite how upset Iris is at the turn of events, she does her best to be calm. She knows if she handles this poorly, she truly will lose everything.

As she is held to the floor, she implores Dorseen to let her stand up by point out that she is a weak girl, and what he is doing is nothing but knightly. Iris' words clearly affect Dorseen as he reluctanly lets her go.

Iris makes her exit from the room, she leaves behind a perplexed Yuri and an angered Edward who is less than pleased by the outcome.

Appointed Acting Governor

After leaving the 'trial', Iris is able to leave the Academy with some pride and dignity intact. Apparently, several of the onlookers actually felt a certain level of sympathy for her. She makes her exit from the Academy on a carriage that her father had sent for her to be picked up in to escort her back to the Armelia Household in the capital. As she was being taken back to her home, Iris understood that she had to confront her father, Louis Dan Armelia, the current Duke of Armelia and Prime Minister. She knew that if she failed to properly negotiate with him, she would be fated to face the same punishment Iris suffered in the original game.

In the end, she was placed as a person acting as the fief lord and became the creator of a successful conglomeration.


Iris decides to investigate various areas of the duchy in order to learn more about it, so she could rule it more effectively. She decides to bring Tanya, Rehme, Lyle, and Dida as her entourage for the journey. While she does not have enough time to inspect the entire dutchy, she decides investigate the areas that are more profitable for the dutchy and which area is struggling the most.

Iris is struck by inspiration when she notices a certain fruit that is growing. She decides to purchase a large quantity of the fruit that she could make use out of it later.

Beginning of the Azura Corporation

After returning from the inspection, Iris finishes her preparation to with her plans for the future of the dutchy. She recruits Merida's help to make use of the cacao fruit. She attempts to use her memories from the previous world to recreate chocolate.

Following her preparations, Iris decides to unveil her plans to her house. She tells her staff that at the current state of the Dutchy is certainly in good shape, she compares it to fruit. At this moment, it is ripe, but if nothing is done, it will begin to rot.

Iris decides that she would like to create a separation between the money of her house and the money used for the citizenry. Iris plans on using money taken from taxes to be used to improve the conditions of Armelia while she wishes to make the House self-sufficient by starting a business. While some of her followers are reluctant with this plan and point out other houses have failed doing something similar, Iris puts the doubts to rest. She offers them a sample of 'chocolate' which allows them all the see she has a product and an intended customer base which causes all of them to support her decision.

Orphanage Confrontation

When Iris decided to explore the local town, she recruits her uncle to be her guard. Tanya decides to accompany them as well to Iris' reluctance.

During their trip, they come across some orphans that appear to be lost and bring them back to a rundown church being run by a girl around Iris' age, Mina. As Iris becomes aware of the situation, the church is attacked by men.

Iris attempts to peacefully negotiate with the men. Despite her attempts to be civil, they attempt to kidnap Iris and take her as a slave before Tanya intervenes.

Despite the men seemingly retreating, Iris and her group are attacked by them. Her grandfather easily defends Iris while Tanya takes Iris with her to escape. They manage to get some of the soldiers to help her grandfather. By the time they arrive, her grandfather had easily dispatched the man, and her guards wrap things up by arresting the men.

After the men are arrested, Iris learns that the men in question were involved in trafficking. She also learns that the Church did indeed sell the land to the criminals.

Sibling Confrontation

Iris and her mother are enjoying a tea break only for it to be interrupted by her brother Berne Darshi Armelia sudden entrance. Iris remains silent as Berne and her mother are in conflict. Her mother continues to refuse to go to the engagement party between Edward and Yuri after Edward broke the engagement between himself and Iris. Her brother threatens that Berne may end up disinherited if he keeps up his behavior due to Iris proving to be capable herself.

Iris is rather dumbfounded that her brother forgot what she looked like or put two and two together that she was the person drinking tea with their mother.

Berne cannot help but watch in awe that Iris is working as hard as she is. Iris also notices that Berne is gagged by Tanya. Iris orders Tanya to release him.

After Iris brings her brother to the academy she created, he questions her on why a school for commoners was necessary. This prompts Iris to order her brother to take some classes. Their grandfather happily takes Berne away while Iris discusses matters with the headmaster.

Iris was somewhat satisfied to see her brother was humbled. She hoped he wouldn’t regress to what he used to be beforehand.

Fated Meeting

Iris is impressed with the work being handled by an employee by the name of Dean.

Unexpected Invitation

Much to the surprise of Iris and everyone in the household, she receives a royal invitation to attend the Foundation Day party. Tanya expresses disdain regarding how the royal family had the nerve to invite Iris to a party after previously casting her out. Despite that, Sebastian points out that regardless of whether Iris wishes to or not, she has to attend the party because it was basically an order. Iris reluctantly complies and decides to go back to the capital for the first time in two years.

Upon arriving at the Armelia estate, she is greeted by the servants as well as by her parents and brother. They discussed her her invitation to the party. Berne even asked if Iris would be okay due to Edward and Yuri being there. Iris is rather pleasantly surprised that Berne is expressing concern for her. Berne tells her that it might be a little late for him to express such concerns, but he would be there to support her regardless.

Wearing a new dress, Iris attempts to ready herself for the new battlefield of High Society that she had been exiled from for several years.

The Perils of High Society[]

Foundation Day Confrontation

Iris is escorted into the Foundation Day by her brother, Berne. At first some question who she is, some do come to the conclusion that she must her Iris. Some question why she is there are being expelled from High Society. However, the situation turns around after Iris speaking with the Dowger Queen Iria Fons Tasmeria. The interested onlookers overhear that Iris is the acting governor of Armelia along with being the President of the Azuta corporation rather than her father. This causes a few nobles to see Edward as foolish for letting Iris go, and they attempt to curry her favor.

Despite Iris' attempts to keep to herself, she is confronted by Yuri and her group, who were still unaware at the time of Iris' status as acting Governor and President of the Azuta corporation. Iris attempted to remain cordial with the group until Edward escalated the situation. When he angrily asks her why she is here after her banishment, Iris informs him that she was invited the Dowger Queen. Edward scoffs at this and calls Iris a liar. Iris' mother provides assistance to her, but the situation continues to grow more tense until Iria intervenes.

Friendship Reunion

Iris has a meeting with her childhood friend Mimosa Langley.


Before heading home to the Dutchy, Berne has a private meeting with Iris to which he apologizes for his actions two years earlier. Ultimately, Iris acknowledges that Berne is remorseful, but she can't bring herself to forgive him at least not at this time. Berne is willing to accept that.

In private, Iris discusses with Dean that her brother apologized to her, but she couldn't bring herself to actually forgive him. That leads Iris to inquiring about Dean's own family. Dean reveals to Iris that he has a younger brother and sister. While he gets along with his sister, he and his brother are at odds, and he doesn't really consider him his brother anymore much to Iris' surprise.

Life and Death Lie in her Hands[]

Aftermath of Trial

Before Iris returns to Armelia, she has to deal with some of the aftermath of escaping from the Church’s attempts to frame her.

As Iris is getting prepared to leave for the Dutchy, she becomes aware that Van Lutasha, wishes to have an audience with her. After being advised it would not be a good idea by Tanya, Iris gives her permission to chase him away. Iris then went into town with her entourage to buy some gifts for some of her loyal servants that are still in the Dutchy.

While shopping, Iris encounters Dean accompanying an unknown woman. The unknown woman identifies herself as Dean's sister, Leticia, much as Iris' relief. Afterwards, Iris and Leticia have a rather spirited conversation that goes beyond the norm of what most people would expect of two high class noble woman would speak about much to Dida's surprise. After they are finish speaking, Iris shows interest in speaking with Leticia again, and she looks forward to seeing Dean at the Dutchy again when he has a chance.

Uneasy Aid

Upon returning to the Armelia mansion, she encounters Van who desperately wishes to speak with her. Not wanting to make more of a scene, Iris reluctantly decides to let Van into her home to have this meeting.

Iris bluntly tells Van that she sees no value in helping him, and she has nothing to gain.

When Van tells Iris he wishes to have revenge on those who pushed him aside, Iris reluctantly decides to give him a position at a local church. She tells him upfront that it is unlikely that the Church would ever be willing to make him the Pope but he might be able to rise in the ranks if he works hard enough.


In the aftermath of the incident, Iris is informed that Van had been arrested, and they have all the evidence to prove his guilt. Iris decides to confront Van regarding his crimes on her own.

Sacrifice Your Heart[]

Regular Everyday

Iris begins setting up procedures in the Dutch.

Unexpected Proposal

Iris receives a visit from an envoy from a foreign nation, but she realized based on his ring, he was likely the prince himself.

Social Season Developments

Upon returning to the Armelian estate, she visits her father who is recovering from his injures.

Death of the King

Following the funeral of the king, Iris returns to Armelia.

Iris hears a number of reports that Edward and his mother are constantly abusing their power.

The Price of War[]

After finding out that the War was started again, Iris heads back to Armelia, so she can prepare the Dutchy.


Iris and Dean marry and have two children.

The Flower and her Blade[]

Iris appears in the prologue to attend a ceremony involving Queen Leticia. She speaks with her mother regarding the progress her own children are making which leads Iris to make some inquires about her mother's life.

At the end of the volume, Merellis decides to take a break. Iris had become enraptured by her mother's story that her mother decides to break her out of it.


Potential Suitors[]


At first, Iris couldn't trust him especially since he was new to her even if she has played the game before. She gradually came to accept him because of his show when they first met, and because her mother knew who Dean was from a previous meeting.

She finds herself entranced by him but she is hesitant because of her fear of abandonment. Despite that, they work extremely well together.

Dean and her has grown close from the times they worked together and she had opened up to him regarding her feelings on her broken engagement with Edward. Iris feels comfort in his warmth, and showing weakness for the first time to him.

However, she is unaware of Dean's true identity as the first prince, Alfred Dean Tasmeria, until the end of Volume 04. Even after learning of Dean's true identity, Iris believed she and Dean were not meant for each other. She believed that their paths were not meant to interest anymore, and she also believed that due to her previous engagement with Prince Edward, despite it being annulled, she would not make a suitable match for him.

When they met in private following Dean taking over of the Kingdom, partly thanks to Iris showing her support for his claim, she told him that she intended to resign from being acting governor and accept the proposal of Hafiz Bent Mersid.

After Iris initially received news of Dean's apparent death, Iris was bedridden for days.

In the epilogue of Volume 05, Dean and Iris get married in a small wedding ceremony to prevent anyone else know her husband's identity. For safety concerns, history records indicate that Iris married a commoner who actively supported her, but his name isn't listed. However, it is acknowledged that he was apparently her intellectual equal, and their union acted as an inspiration for future generations.

Hafiz Bent Mersid

When Hafiz decided to visit the Kingdom of Tasmeria at the beginning of Volume 4, he purposely visited Armelia first rather than the capital specifically to meet with Iris. Despite his attempts to remain incognito, Iris was able to deduce his identity based on the ring that he wore which impressed Hafiz. According to him, he fell in love with Iris at first sight. He proposed to Iris, but Iris was unable to provide an answer due to being informed of an assassination attempt on her father.

Hafiz was willing to accept the extenuating circumstances, and he was not insulted. Instead, he was willing to be patient, and Iris promised that she will be sure to give him a more proper welcome the next time they spoke.

In Volume 05, Iris ultimately decided to reject his proposal. Hafiz is disappointed, but he is impressed by her willpower. He sends a number of letters to her over the years to try to convince her to accept his proposal. Iris noticed that her husband Dean had a much stronger negative reaction to these letters than she did.


Louis de Armelia

He originally considered having Iris sent to a nunnery to protect her from the cruel political world he believed she was unsuited for. However, Iris was able to prove she was more valuable, and the jealously she displayed was something she would overcome. He made her acting governor after being convinced. It did not take much for Berne to convince him to allow Iris to become his true successor as Governor of the dutchy.

Merellis Reiser Armelia

Following the annulment of Iris' engagement to Prince Edward, showed more outward disgust for how her daughter was wronged, but choosing to ignore certain social events that had anything to due to Prince Edward and his group.

During the early days of the Azuta company, Merellis was more than happy to support her daughter. During Volume 01, she outright told Berne that she would support disinheriting him in favor of allowing Iris to gain permanent control of the Dutchy due to all the good work she has done.

Gazell Daz Anderson

Iris' Maternal grandfather who she has a great deal of respect for. He greatly respects what his granddaughter has accomplished, and he is very protective of her. During his first appearance, he tells Iris that after she retires, she can feel free to live in the Anderson domain.

When Gazell comes to visit the Dutchy during the first volume, Iris recruits him to help with training the security guards of the Azuta Corporation and Dutchy along with asking him to act as her escort into town.

Ludius Jib Anderson

Iris' Maternal uncle. She has a generally favorable opinion of him, but she acknowledges that certain geographical issues have prevented them from being able to have as much contact as they would want. He was willing to work with Iris during the food shortage crisis. They created an alliance to counter Edward's faction. Even without the intervention of Dean, they would have successfully been able to derail Edward's plans.

Berne Darshi Armelia

Iris' younger brother by less than a year. While their sibling relationship began quite strong and was something Iris cherished, it became quite complicated and temporarily hostile. She was in utter despair her brother who took sides with the second prince of Tasmeria, tossing her aside and accusing her for harassing Yuri Neuer without hesitation in the judgement scene of the game.

When Berne first came to the fief to persuade his mother to attend the engagement party between Edward and Yuri, he could not even recognize his sister sitting with their mother much to surprise. He irritated her further when he mentioned that the sister he knew was more fat. During the two years he had spent with Edward and Yuri and neglecting his duties, Iris saw that he was not aware that idea of banking nor the creation of the conglomeration were his sister's ideas.

After seeing how hard Iris had worked as a fief lord, he was shocked and could not even comprehend why she was working so hard. He was also berated by Iris as his current state is not suitable to inherit the title of Duke from their father, let alone the Prime Minister. Berne could not offer any rebuttal.

Returning back to capital, Berne realized how Edward is unaware of their country's shrinking budget and tried to persuade him to continue having these charity events. When his advice not only fell on deaf ears, he was horrified when Yuri suggested disbanding the military to have a bigger budget since their country was so peaceful. Since then, he slipped away from Yuri and returned to his sister's side.

At the beginning of the Social Season, Berne showed a great deal of concern when Iris was not only welcomed back into High Society by invited to the country's Founding celebration. He was unsure what might happen to Iris as both Edward and Yuri are there, and he understood that there would likely be a confrontation. Iris was surprised that Berne was concerned for her, and Berne acknowledged that his prior actions might make it a little late for him in this regard. Berne accompanied Iris to the celebration and when Yuri attempted to coax him back to her side, Berne softly rejected her in favor of remaining on his family's side. He recognized Yuri as being a dream while his sister was more focused on handling what really matters.

As the social season ended, Berne attempted to apologize to Iris for what he had done to her. Their meeting ended in a mixed bag. Iris accepted that his apology was sincere, but she could not forgive him for what he did. Berne was willing to accept that, and he did not push the issue any further. Regardless, their relationship was mended to an extent following this.

When Iris was briefly excommunicated, Berne investigated the circumstances on her behalf by speaking with Edward and Van. While neither were apparently responsible, he knew things were not right. He would relay this information to his sister which she was grateful for.

Despite that, Iris wishes to help her brother get back on the right track and succeed their father as the prime minister.

During the fifth volume, Berne decided that Iris was better suited to become head of the family. While Iris initially had reservations, she decided to ultimately take Berne up on his proposal and accept the responsibility.

Ludius Jib Anderson

Iris's cousin on her mother's side. While he does show some concern for her, his priority is to Alfred. Iris has fond memories of him from their childhood. He was aware of Iris' actions against Yuri, but he did not think less of her for it due to her feeling justifiably angry and jealous of Yuri interfering with her engagement. He believed she appeared to be a cute jealous girl.

He was concerned for Iris in the fourth volume when she appeared unwell following her confrontation with Yuri, but she merely dismisses his concerns, so he wouldn't worry about her.

Elpis Armelia

He is Iris' son with Alfred. In the prologue of Volume Six, Iris notes that Elpis is studying hard, so he can become her successor.

Luce Armelia

She is Iris' daughter with Alfred. She makes note that Luce wishes to physically train similar to her own mother, Merellis.

Servants & Employees[]


Iris met Tanya in the streets after she was left on the roadside as an orphan without origin. She took Tanya in as a maid for Iris' birthday present and Tanya has been by her side ever since. Tanya believes she owes Iris her life and continues to dutifully work with her as a trained maid with deadly combat skills. In her heart, Tanya claims to serve only Iris, not the household as a whole.

When Iris returned home after her engagement with Edward was broken off, she expressed hatred towards the prince for betraying Iris. She chose to stay by Iris' side even when Iris was highly likely to be disinherited from her family. Tanya even proclaimed that she will only leave Iris' side when her life ends or when Iris no longer needs her.

Due to their closeness, Iris sees her as part of her family.

In the epilogue of Volume 5, Tanya wishes to train her children to be capable of serving Iris' children when they grow up. While Iris is personally fine with that, she wants Tanya’s children to have other potential options in case they wish to do something else with their lives.


Dida was one of the orphans Iris picked up as a child. Due to his past with being affiliated with criminals, the household was reluctant to take him in, but Iris' stubbornness won out. Since that day he has vowed to serve as her knight alongside Lyle and protect her with his life if he must.

Dida calls Iris as "Princess" because she was the one who saved him. Due to that, he saw her as a kind-hearted beautiful princess he knew only from fairy tales. Dida was the person to discover the cocoa beans which sparked the idea for Iris to use them to make chocolate and sell them as a company in her family's fief.

Due to their closeness, Iris sees him as part of her family. Dida apparently has no issues with allowing his and Tanya's children to continue serving Iris' children when they grow up. During Dida's confrontation with his former friend, he asked what Iris would think if she knew what he used to do. Iris made her presence known, and she told both of them that she would ask Dida to come back home.


Lyle was one of the orphans Iris picked up as a child. He originally declined Iris' offer to join her household. After he told her about his past, Iris cried at her own powerlessness. Eventually, she won him over, and he accepted her offer. Since that day he had vowed to serve as her knight alongside Dida and protect her with his life if he must.

Lyle is able to sense Iris standing behind him without her announcing her presence. He feels it is a great honor to escort and protect Iris.

Due to their closeness, Iris sees him as part of her family. He refuses Yuri's advances in the fourth volume out of loyalty to Iris.


Rehme is one who assists Iris on knowledge regarding the fief. She finds it unacceptable that Iris' engagement with Edward was cancelled and Iris to be punished with house arrest.

Due to their closeness, Iris sees her as part of her family. Iris looks to Rehme on her knowledge of history to make some of her decisions on improving the Dutch.


He was one of the orphans Iris helped take off the street when he was a child. When Iris offered him a chance to leave the Armelia estate prior to her departure for the Academy, he took her up on the offer.

Iris was impressed by the business skills he displayed in the guild which is why he was one of the first people Iris recruited for the Azuta Corporation. While he initially intended on turning her down, he did hear her out. When he was impressed by her plans, he changed his mind. She placed him in charge of establishing the bank.

During the years, he continued to work for the Azuta Corporation. Iris recognized that out of all her friends, he would be the most objective and voice a disenting opinion if he disagreed with her.


Iris shows some concern for him regarding his future. She gives him a position to give him more leadership practice, so he can succeed Sebastian. She becomes impressed by his progress overtime.


Similar to Iris' other childhood friends, Merida was saved by her. She bought her a matching broach.

Iris and her worked together to create chocolate that helped launch the Azuta Corporation and prove they have viable product. When Iris was excommunicated, Iris offered her a chance to leave without any repercussions, but she refused to do so.


He is the family butler, and he helped raise both her and Berne when they were children. He originally believed Iris would dump all her work on him, but he was pleasantly surprised that he was wrong.

While he was initially hesitant to support Iris' ambitions regarding the Azuta Corporation, he changed his mind when she displayed her plans. Afterwards, he became fully supportive of her endeavors. He also kept an eye on Berne for Iris and informed her of his progress.

Friends & Allies[]

Mimosa Langley

Mimosa is Iris' best friend back in school before she left the academy. Despite keeping in touch by exchanging letters, Iris felt nervous to reunite with Mimosa. Mimosa felt guilty for not being there for Iris due to her falling sick and staying at home when Iris was publicly accused by Edward Tone Tasmeria and his companions. When Iris lost her place in the academy, Mimosa stood by her side until the very end. She was an important friend to her. If she hadn’t supported Iris through the whole ordeal, the rumors about Iris would have been twice as bad.

When reunited, they remained best friends and even planned an outing together. Mimosa also encouraged Iris not to treat love to trivially after what had happened with Edward. She claimed that Iris looked beautiful when she was in love with Edward, and whenever she spoke for Edward, she was shining so brightly. Wanting Iris to attain happiness, Mimosa asked Iris not to reject the 'her' she was back then.

When Yuri Neuer plotted to pressure Mimosa into marrying Dan through Queen Ellia, Iris with the help of Priest Ralph and all other connection halted the marriage and aided Mimosa in marrying the man of her choice. After Dan's family was exposed and disgraced by Berne and Dean, Iris planned on writing Mimosa a letter congratulating her on her broken engagement to Dan.

Dowager Queen Arya Von Tasmeria

From an early age, Arya desired having Iris marry into the royal family since she was unable to do the same for her mother before her. She was the one that named Iris because of the color of her eyes as well as how the resembled her mother.

She was disappointed when Edward broke off his engagement to Iris and forced her into social exile. However, she became quite impressed by Iris' various accomplishments in Almeria and decided to take measures to welcome her back into High Society. She wished for Iris to become married to Alfread, and she believed they would make a better match.

When Dean and Iris do get married, the former Queen happily cries that her wishes were finally coming true much to Iris' confusion and Dean's dismay.

Princess Leticia Tasmeria

Letty became interested in meeting Iris partly because she was a politically active woman, but she was really interested in her because of how her brother was clearly in love with her. Letty has a great deal of respect for Iris due to her various reformations and projects being so successful.

When they met, she got along quite well. People who listened to their conversation were quite surprised by how unorthodox it was compared to the normal conversations high status girls normally would have.

After Leticia becomes High Queen, she affords Iris special privileges for Armelia.


Edward Tone Tasmeria

He was Iris' former fiancé. When they originally met as children, Iris developed feelings for him due to how he showed her kindness. He told her that she shouldn't let her parents affect how she feels about herself.

For years, Iris was legitimately in love with Edward, but she recalled that in all that time, Edward never bought her a present. She also remembered that Edward acted like doing anything she wanted to do as a chore.

Eventually, Edward had no issue cheating on Iris with Yuri despite already being engaged to her. This eventually caused Iris' jealously to reach a breaking point as she verbally harassed Yuri for her actions. Despite the fact that Yuri wasn't the only one to being vocally critical of Yuri, Edward along with Yuri and other members of his group end up making Iris a scapegoat for all the wrongdoing.

After Edward's death in the fifth volume, Iris is shocked and somewhat saddened by the news which puzzles her. She comes to realize that despite their troubled history and falling out, she can't help but think of the good times they had.

Yuri Neuer

Iris has had a strong, mutual animosity towards Yuri ever since she started seducing Edward while he was her fiancé.

When they met again after two years, Iris attempts to be civil with Yuri, but she thinks Yuri is nothing more than a spoiled brat.

During Volume 03, Iris is able to guess what Yuri's true nature is, but she is unable to act on it directly.

At the end of the fifth volume, Edward's death causes a profound change in Yuri. She was willing to give information she knew regarding Divan and his men. However, she demanded to speak with Iris first before she did anything else which Iris complied with. When they speak, Iris mentions that she shares some pain in regards to Edward's death which surprises Yuri. They appear to make peace while acknowledging their mutual hatred for each other in a somewhat friendly manner.

Ellia Marea

It is implied that Ellia and Iris started out fine during the time she and Edward were engaged.

Following Edward's annulment of his engagement to Iris, two have a mutual animosity towards each other. Ellia attempted to have a kangaroo court in regards to Iris being excommunicated.

Iris barely had a reaction to when Ellia was executed at the end of the fourth volume.

Dorssen Kataberia

Due to Dorsen physically holding her to the ground and harming her, she and her family had a special ire for him.

When Dorsen entered Armelia, Iris had her spies keep an eye on his movements to make sure he wouldn't cause any trouble.

Some of his actions cause Iris to feel rather dumbfounded.

After he was expelled from his family, Iris did not care much for what happened to him. She was unaware that he was later murdered by Divan, and her reaction to this news is unknown.

Van Lutasha

While Iris did not care much for Van, she disliked him for the role he played in her humiliation and expulsion from the Academy.

After his father was disgraced, he came begging Iris for help, and Iris was happy to point out that helping him is of not benefit to her.

Despite Van's attempts to seem sympathetic, Iris could see that Van was truly unapologetic for his nor his family's actions. Iris wisely had her connections to watch his every move. They were able to see he was betraying her and had him and his conspirators arrested. In his prison cell, Iris informs him the fate that most likely awaits him.

When Van was sentenced to be executed, Iris seemed to be somewhat amused by this. Rather than wasting her time on the matter any further, she simply told her servants to ensure Van was indeed put to death. She was merely concerned that he might somehow be spared to cause her trouble again later.

Wilmotz Lutasha

He is the former pope that acted as Iris' primary antagonist Volume 2 alongside Ellia. Prior to Church incident, Iris had no issue with him despite any issues she had with his son. It was only after

After he was bribed by Divan, Wilmotz stopped at nothing to falsely accuse Iris of destroying a church without authorization to cover up his own misdeeds. Iris' actions were able to expose Wilmotz's crimes which eventually led to him losing his position and eventually being sentenced to death by being forced to drink poison.


While the two have not interacted directly, Iris and Divan are very much aware of each other's existence. Iris has made it clear that she will not let him succeed in his attempts to destroy Tasmeria.


  • “I will build a territory that will never waver or fall no matter what happens in the capital.”


  • The name Iris means "rainbow" in Greek.
  • Iris' middle name Lana has many meanings depending on the different languages:
    • In Gaelic ailin, "Little rock"/"rock or handsome".
    • In Hebrew, it means "Sunshine".
    • In Slavic, it means "Light".
  • A submission from Alabama, U.S. says that Iris' surname Armelia means "Pledge", "Variant of Carlene", "Charlene", "Eagle" and "Hardworking" in English.


  • It is shown that Iris' favorite color is blue/white and sometimes black as she is seen wearing black, blue and white dresses, blue nail polish, blue or white accessories etc.
  • Iris isn't a typical reincarnation Isekai character. Instead, it seems she was inhabited by the spirit of the Unnamed Lady, much like how Ozma reincarnates in RWBY, and had her own personality reallocated to the subconscious part of her mind. Hence why the reincarnated lady seems to be the one in charge of her body, while Iris just gave up (since her will was weakened by heartbreak).
  • Unlike other Isekai characters, Iris recognizes herself as Iris while also knowing she has memories of a previous life.
  • Due to the Unnamed Lady, only completing Edward's route, she had very little information regarding Iris herself. It is unknown if the game itself would have revealed there was more to Iris than she originally thought.
  • Iris has never revealed to anyone that she had memories of another life to anyone.
  • Due to Berne's actions, Iris is considered to be the favorite child by both of their parents.


Light Novel[]

Common sense of a duke’s daughter wiki

Iris in the light novel

Common sense of a duke’s daughter wiki

Character Pages[]





Who does IRIS end up with in accomplishments of the Duke's daughter?

In the epilogue of Volume 05, Dean and Iris get married in a small wedding ceremony to prevent anyone else know her husband's identity.

How does accomplishments of the Duke's daughter end?

Thinking fast, Iris manages to leave the school with her dignity intact and upon returning home, is also able to avoid being sent to a nunnery, the fate of the original Iris.

Is accomplishments of the Duke's daughter a romance?

Koushaku Reijou no Tashinami (公爵令嬢の嗜み, Accomplishments of the Duke's Daughter) is a slice of life, romance, drama, historical light novel and manga series written by Reia and illustrated by Umemiya Suki and Futaba Hazuki.