Cities Skylines not enough buyers oil

The issue states that there are not enough buyers for products. For your Cities Skylines industries not enough buyers mean that the supply chain is paused so they aren’t producing money. Let’s figure out why the City Skyline not enough buyers for products issue happens.

Reasons Behind Cities Skyline not Enough Buyers Issue

To simplify, the supply chain in the game works in the following way:

– Raw materials are extracted
– Raw materials are processed into products
– Products are sold to commercial zones

Between all these steps, you need to deliver goods to the necessary facilities.

The not enough buyers for products Cities Skylines Issue is what may happen to your industrial zones when you fail to get products out of the industrial area to commercial zones.

How to Fix not Enough Buyers for Products Cities Skylines Issue

Your industries produce goods for commercial zones that are considered buyers. So you either don’t have enough commercial zones (or connections to them) or have too many industries. Also, something may be wrong with your export, add more connections for that.

There are two possible root causes for the Cities Skylines not enough buyers for products industry issue.

  1. You have either too much of industries or too few commercial zones. This means industries have nowhere to sell goods.
  2. You have transportation issues. Industries can’t take products away from facilities to commercial zones because of the bad connections.

To resolve the issue you should do the following:

  1. Balance your industries and commercial zones. Add more commercial zones or reduce the industrial zones.
  2. Build good connections. Industries generate a lot of heavy traffic thus you need to have wide roads and railroads. In this way, you will connect your production to consumers.

To summarize: in order to avoid City Skylines not enough buyers issue, you need to make sure your industries have proper connections and you have enough commercial zones.

Let’s have a look at cases when this issue is combined with some other issues.

Cities Skylines not Enough Raw Materials and not Enough Buyers

Most likely, the issue is that your connections don’t allow you to deliver raw materials to the industrial zone and to take products out of it. Try to improve connections, place industry closer to highways, use railway or cargo ships terminal.

Cities Skylines not Enough Goods to Sell and not Enough Buyers for Products

Sometimes, you may see that while your industry is suffering from a lack of buyers, your commercial zones don’t have goods to sell. That’s another example of the transportation issue. I’d recommend connecting these two zones with the cargo train line.

My city is having a huge issue where factories are getting shut down because they apparently can't sell their products. The in-game tooltip recommends building more commercial, but my commercial demand is at zero. I understand some of the dynamics at play here: traffic needs to be smooth enough that trucks can get to the stores in time, and if there are no stores available the truck will just export the goods outside the city. But this is where I get confused. The route between my industry area and the outside connection is barely used (zero traffic) and the industry area is right next to the outside connection. And yet, these factories are getting abandoned for not being able to sell their goods. So what I'm confused about is why my factories don't all just export the goods instead of complaining that there are no stores to sell them to? There is some exporting, but not enough. And its definitely not a traffic or distance to outside connection issue. So this leads me to believe there is some hidden maximum for how much you can export. But that's just speculation. Anyone know what's really going on?

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Are u using the TMPE mod?


prismaticmarcus said:

where did you get that from? my understanding is that the truck despawns if it's been stuck in traffic too long and the Goods disappear.

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Export Algorithm​

  • A building producing materials checks for exporting materials once it gets 8 tons in its storage.
  • It first checks if there are consumers that need the material at that exact moment.
  • Then for storage buildings that can take it, then for exporting the materials.

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Based on this, my understanding is that if there are no consumers in your city, it defaults to exporting the materials to another city. Or am I reading this wrong?

prismaticmarcus said:

there must be stores available if you have no demand for more.

do you have many stores that say 'not enough Goods?'

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There are some stores, but I think commercial demand is low because of low residential. I'm not getting any "not enough goods" issues at all, but I'm getting a lot of "not enough customers". I know I can try to remedy this by building residential, but I'm just interested in why I can't rely more on exporting to other cities so I came here to ask how it all works.

Dickpierce said:

Are u using the TMPE mod?

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No. Should I?

ASGeek2012 said:

You are exporting too much. There is a limit to how much you can export, somewhere around 12000, I think.

How do you fix not enough goods in Cities Skylines?

How To Solve The Cities Skylines 'Not Enough Goods To Sell' Problem.
Improve your traffic flow..
Focus on home industries..
Zone for local and organic produce..
Balance your supply and demand..

Does oil deplete in Cities Skylines?

Oil and ore extraction however consumes the resource, eventually depleting it entirely. Once this occurs, the production buildings will complain of a lack of natural resources and eventually will become abandoned if not able to import said resources.