Can you have infinite life MTG?

Basically how this works in terms of game rules in a tournament setting is that the non-active player gets the final say before the active player is forced to progress the game state. So let's say a player establishes an infinite life combo and gains an immeasurably large amount of life, then passes the turn and on that players turn, that player assembles a combo that deals infinite damage. In the case of the Walking Ballista combo against the Spike Feeder combo specifically, the ballista player would win because the Spike Feeder would never go above it's current number of counters--unless something like Hardened Scales also makes the Spike Feeder infinitely large--so the ballista player just shoots the Spike Feeder for lethal damage and then once the Spike Feeder player stops looping, the feeder would die and break up the combo, leaving the ballista player to deal infinite damage to the opponent unimpeded, but for sake of the question let's assume whatever infinite damage combo can only target players. Let's just say that the Spike feeder's controller also controls an [[Asceticism]]. So basically the way that would pan out is on the Ballista player's turn they'd attempt to deal infinite damage and in response the Spike Feeder player would gain infinite life. Any time you establish an infinite loop, what you actually do is just select an arbitrary number, as long as it's mathematically possible with the cards provided. In other words, the amount of life the Spike Feeder player gains can't be an odd number, but other than that it can be any number. So when the active player says "I'm going to shoot you a billion times," his/her opponent says "I'll gain two billion life." So the active player, in the stalemate presented, picks an arbitrary number, then the non-active player picks an arbitrary number, presumably one that is higher than the one the opponent picked, and from there the active player is forced to make a progressive play to keep the game moving, so then the ballista player passes the turn presumably. Then on the Spike Feeder player's turn the opposite happens: as soon as the Feeder player attempts to do anything to progress the game, the ballista player will attempt to shoot infinitely, the active player will choose a large amount of life to gain, then the ballista player will choose a large amount of damage to deal, presumably enough to kill the opponent. Because the active player can't continuously loop and needs to advance the gamestate, they are forced to let themselves die to the ballista combo when they are the active player. I'm not a judge, so I may be off with this but this is how a similar scenario was explained to me by a judge.

Asked by flyguy 8 years ago

Let's say I gained infinite life, and you had an infinite damage combo. What would happen?

Also, what if I gained infinite life in increments of 2 and you dealt damage to me in increments of 1? What about vice-versa?

What if I gain infinite life more than once?

What I am trying to say is, how does infinite damage/ life stack. I know that in some forms of math, one type of infinite is more than another, and infinites can stack. Does this apply to MTG? How so?

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Yes, you can. All damage dealt by the creature will loop (repeat infinitely) and all damage dealt by the creature will gain you life. Yes, it is an infinite life combo.

Note that there is no infinite in Magic. So, at some point you have to say that you have gained 1 000 000 000 life, then deal damage to something else to end the loop.

September 16, 2014 9:28 a.m.

There are some infinite loops in MTG (Oblivion Ring on an Oblivion Ring exiling an Oblivion Ring with no other non-land permanents on board), but they result in forced draws so they are not good for winning games. As Boza said though "infinite" life and damage is merely incomprehensibly large. Most people just pick their favorite number over 1 trillion and name it. The immature crowd probably like 1 Sextillion (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) I prefer a googol or Grahm's Number depending on how pretentious I am feeling.

September 16, 2014 10:25 a.m.

Earlier in the game an Infinity Elemental was given Lifelink and dealt damage, giving me infinite life. I have a Form of the Dragon in play, so that at my end step my life total becomes 5.

Rule 119.5 states

If an effect sets a player’s life total to a specific number, the player gains or loses the necessary amount of life to end up with the new total.

The ruling on Infinity Elemental states

If an Infinity Elemental you control gains lifelink and deals damage, you’ll then have infinite life. From that point on, your life total effectively can’t change. If you lose life, you’ll still be at infinite life. You can pay any amount of life and still be at infinite life. In fact, you can be hit by an opposing Infinity Elemental and still be at infinite life.

On one hand, "the necessary amount of life to end up with the new total" seems to indicate that I must end up at 5 life, but the ruling seems to indicate that not even an infinite loss of life can change my life total (infinity minus infinity being mathematically undefined aside). Which one controls?

asked Jan 30, 2021 at 20:40

Can you have infinite life MTG?

There is a ruling on this already in gatherer. You said it was rule 119.5 but it is also a ruling on this card. So in this situation your life becomes 5 at the end of each turn regardless of being set to infinity because of life link.

If an effect sets your life total to a specific number, it will be that number, even if you previously had infinite life.

The other gather ruling even makes reference to the ruling that is right below it which I have listed above.

If you give Infinity Elemental lifelink and it deals damage, you will gain infinite life. You might think infinite life sounds like a lot, and you’d be right. Once at infinite life, your life total mostly can’t change (see below). At infinite life and gain 2 life? You’re at infinite life. At infinite life and lose 29 life? You’re at infinite life. You can pay any amount of life and still be at infinite life. In fact, if you’re at infinite life and get with an opposing Infinity Elemental, you’d still be at infinite life.

answered Jan 30, 2021 at 22:47

Can you have infinite life MTG?

Joe WJoe W

13.6k2 gold badges44 silver badges68 bronze badges


IMHO (we can't be sure; it's an Un- card after all), the rulings on Infinity Elemental reflect the 'common' properties of the mathematical concept of infinity (Aleph null), at least partially: infinity plus or minus a finite number is still infinity. The fact that "In fact, you can be hit by an opposing Infinity Elemental and still be at infinite life." surprises me; infinity minus infinity is usually undefined, not infinity.

It's safe to say the comprehensive rules don't have to say anything about this, but if I would need to house-rule this: I would say that Form of the Dragon trumps Infinity Elemental, since it doesn't modify your life total by adding or subtracting, but rather by setting it to a specific number.

answered Jan 30, 2021 at 20:57

Can you have infinite life MTG?


28.6k6 gold badges87 silver badges133 bronze badges


Given that there will be no official answer for rule questions about silver-bordered cards; in my opinion you should have 5 life.

It is unclear whether 119.5 is describing the mechanism by which you follow the instructions to set your life to a specific value, or whether it I’d describing a natural consequence that comes from setting your life to a specific value.

The latter is the more natural interpretation to me, and if interpreted this way, then there is no contradiction. You set your life total to 5, and 119.5 says that this counts as losing as much life as necessary for that to happen (which would be an undefined or infinite amount). It doesn’t matter whether that amount is a real number or not; 119.5 is just explaining that it counts as loss of life.

answered Jan 30, 2021 at 21:13

Can you have infinite life MTG?


69.9k4 gold badges150 silver badges268 bronze badges

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Can you go infinite in MTG?

The game does not end. You cannot do something infinitely. While you do not have to do every step of a combo you do have to announce how many times you do it. This number must be finite but can be as large as you want.

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