Can you do OnlyFans without showing your face?

One of the simple ways to make money (hundreds of dollars daily) fast online without stress is through OnlyFans. 

Although OnlyFans is not a porn site. Despite a lot of adult cam girls and even film stars having a page on the site, it’s anything but that.

There are plenty of content creators that can be models without showing one instance of nudity.

If you are planning on starting out with OnlyFans and worry about being “outed” for being on a “porn site”.

Because there’s a lot of people who will easily misunderstand the entire concept of OnlyFans.

Plus, there are those out there with nothing better to do than “ruin” someone for having a page. I will be explaining the simple way to make money on OnlyFans without showing your face.

  • How to be anonymous on OnlyFans
    • 1. DON’T feel obligated to show your face
    • 2. DO use a stage name
    • 3. DO use your real name when providing documents to OnlyFans
    • 4. DO maintain your anonymous ID on social media
    • 5. DON’T reveal your real location
    • 6. GeoBlocking
  • Simple Way To Make Money On Onlyfans Without Showing Your Face
  • Can you still make money without showing your face?
  • How Much Can You make on Onlyfans Without Showing Your Face
  • Final Thoughts

How to be anonymous on OnlyFans

Can you be anonymous on OnlyFans? Absolutely.

If you want to stay anonymous, it’s important to cover as many bases as possible. We’ll be taking a look at some “do’s” and “don’ts” that you really need to take seriously if you want to keep a low profile and also make money on OnlyFans. Let’s get started with the first tip:

How to be anonymous on OnlyFans

1. DON’T feel obligated to show your face

One to being anonymous is not showing your face. This might be the obvious choice if you are creating adult content on your OnlyFans page. If anything, a lot of OnlyFans users might not care about your face

If you want to show your face and use a stage name (read the: that’s our next tip), but all means please do. However, you may risk being found out if someone had too much time on their hands. But you might not be too worried about that.

2. DO use a stage name

To remain anonymous do not use your real name at all, rather you need to choose a stage name. You will be smart to steer clear of any names that may sound close to your real identity. For example, if your name is John, don’t use it as part of your stage name (or any of the names like Joh, Johnny, etc.)

When it comes to choosing a stage name, don’t overthink it. Come up with something simple. Bonus points if you come up with something that may have a bit of a ring to it.

Can you do OnlyFans without showing your face?

3. DO use your real name when providing documents to OnlyFans

Even if you do plan on going anonymous, you’ll still need to use your real name. But that’s when you need to provide the necessary documents to the OnlyFans admins to verify your identity. Also, you’ll need your real name while you are linking your bank account to your OnlyFans page.

The reason why is obvious. Your real name is linked to the bank account.

And if you make enough money, there’s the potential of reporting your OnlyFans income when tax season rolls around.

In the US, OnlyFans content creators will receive a 1099 form if they were to make $600 or more in a single tax year.

4. DO maintain your anonymous ID on social media

There’s might be times when you’ll want to promote your OnlyFans on social media.

However, you can run into potential issues if you are not careful. This is a tip that you really need to pay attention to as you read on.

The first thing you need to consider is which social media platforms you plan on using for promotional purposes. If anonymity is essential, Reddit should be one of those platforms. Another can be Instagram.

When creating your social media platform, you absolutely do not want to link any social media that uses your real name. For instance, if you have an IG account under your real name it should not be linked to your anonymous IG. Keep it separate and far away as possible.

If you are on social media platforms that require that you sign in with Facebook, Google, or the like, do not link those accounts.

5. DON’T reveal your real location

OnlyFans creators may have the choice to reveal their location. You do not have to do this if you want to maintain an anonymous identity.

On top of that, revealing your location may also generate some buzz (especially if you don’t live in a large city).

Do not give away your location. If you need to, play around and have fun.

Come up with a fictional location or something like “Only in your dreams”. You get the idea.

6. GeoBlocking

Is it possible to do some kind of Geo-Blocking where a specific area of the world can’t see your OnlyFans page? The answer is yes. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Go to the settings page
  2. Click security
  3. Scroll down until you see the IP and Geoblocking section
  4. Choose the countries you want to exclude and click save changes

While you can block viewers from specific countries from seeing your profile, you can also block out specific users by way of their IP address. Just enter the IP information and save changes.

However, take note that your OnlyFans page could be viewed by someone who may be using a VPN. But regardless, you will remain anonymous for the most part.

Related: How to make money online without referrals

Can you do OnlyFans without showing your face?

Here’s what you need to consider:


If you’re not going to show your face, what are you going to show?
A niche is about your content, story, and branding. 

T: Girl next door, MILF, Innocent/Cute, Dominatrix, and so on.

But a niche in OnlyFans can also be related to specific body types or body parts like: BBW, Skinny, Big Ass, Tiny boobs, Feet, and so on.

If you’re not showing your face then you typically (not always) need to have 1 or more great, or unique, body parts – like boobs, ass, feet, or anything else. That’s a general rule and there are exceptions.

Examples of niches that you can you use to make money on OnlyFans?

  • Fit girls
  • Gym Bunnies
  • Big or small ass/bust/other private areas
  • Muslim/Arab
  • Gym Girls
  • Cosplay
  • Curvy Girls
  • Feet
  • Girls with big tits
  • Girls with small tits
  • Girls with no tits
  • Women with large asses
  • Women with tiny butts
  • Guys with giant biceps
  • Guys with little muscles
  • Guys with no muscle
  • Guys with tattoos

We have seen MANY models in these niches do consistently well at making money on OnlyFans without showing their face.

Having a niche, or multiple niches is very important when it comes to making money on OnlyFans without, or even with, showing your face.

You can succeed with almost any niche. 

But some niches have a larger potential audience and even preexisting communities on places like Reddit. 

Can you do OnlyFans without showing your face?


While having the right body part/parts to show off help – having the right equipment to produce high-quality content is also important. 

One way how to make money on OnlyFans without showing your face is to put some extra effort into your content quality.

You don’t need to go crazy and spend loads of money but $20-50 spent on some simple lighting can go a long way to making your content ‘pop’ and stand out. 

Depending on what type of content you want to make, buying some sexy outfits, toys & props can also help you make money on OnlyFans without showing your face.

Wearing masks, blindfolds, and another headgear is a nice hack for how to make money on OnlyFans without showing your face.

also mystique and curious intrigue to a beautiful, faceless body. 

Whether you end up sharing pictures of your amazing ass or sexy feet…

Leaving your customers in suspense about what you look like can be a powerful attraction tool to keep them coming back for more – even on a subconscious level.

A lot of ‘faceless OnlyFans models’ get an insane amount of DM’s asking them to show their face in private DM’s.

Don’t do this unless you’re comfortable with your face potentially being leaked.

TIP: Even though the current “situation” is nearly over “getting your pandemic on” and donning a face mask in all your content is not a bad idea 

Can you still make money without showing your face?

Yes, you can make money without showing your face. However, there are some important things that you need to pay attention to.

It may depend on the parts of your body that may appear aesthetically pleasing. If you think you have a great body, then you can stand a chance of making more money on OnlyFans.

Especially if you are creating adult content. Most people will pay more attention to the rest of your body and might not care to see your face.

There are people who use OnlyFans that might be into a certain body type. And yes, there are those on OnlyFans who might like certain things (i.e. Feet pics). The key here is to know your ideal fan and what they look for.

It’s very crucial to know your audience. Let’s take a look at Reddit in this example. You cannot promote your feet pics to a subreddit to those who hold an affinity for larger boobs.

But, there are subreddits that are dedicated to those who have an affinity for feet. You post a sample of your content there, promote your OnlyFans (and even add your link to your profile), and the rest pretty much takes care of itself.

As for how much money you make, it depends on certain factors. The subscription price is obviously one of those factors.

Also, you’d be crazy not to suggest tips each time you post content on your page.

Can you do OnlyFans without showing your face?

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Subscriptions allow users to become members of an influencer’s fan club by paying a certain amount per month. The more they spend, the higher up the membership ladder they climb. This is a great way for creators to make extra money and over time you’ll be less reliant on other social media sites.

Donation allows users to give small amounts of money directly to the model/influencer via PayPal. This method works best when the user has already built up a relationship with the influencer. The more well-known you are and legitimate you seem the easier it is to push digital products your audience will buy.

How Much Can You make on Onlyfans Without Showing Your Face

You can from $150 to $3,500 over the first 3 months with consistent effort. How successful you are is ultimately determined by your ability to market yourself on other social media accounts.

While rates vary due to Onlyfans allowing creators to set their pricing for subscriptions and exclusive content there are several examples of performers making $20,000 per month while remaining completely anonymous. The longer you spend on the platform and the more content you make the easier it will be to attract new fans.

If you are yet to make an Onlyfans account you can read our full guide on the process here.


  1. Research niches that could make content for.
  2. Check these niches have a subreddit.
  3. Order the list of subreddits by members to see which are most popular.
  4. Take photos and videos for the top subreddits.
  5. Release 10% of your content for free on the subreddit with a link to your Onlyfans.
  6. Set up automatic responses to send free content via dm to Redditors who comment.

Once you gain a following on both Reddit and Onlyfans you can use your audience to build other socials such as Instagram or even Tiktok.

Creating these first can be a struggle primarily because a profile with very few follows and no face showing can look like a fake account.

A cold outreach approach where you spam follow other Instagram profiles in the hopes of them following your back is a very common mistake.

Final Thoughts

If you want to be anonymous on OnlyFans and make money without your face making an appearance, it’s possible. There are plenty of ways for you to still make money even if you are camera shy or just want to lay low period.

A lot of people may not seem to care about your face. Especially when it comes to creating adult-oriented content. As long as your body is aesthetically pleasing, you may still be able to earn a good amount of money.

There are OnlyFans subscribers who do have personal preferences. This is something to keep in mind whenever you are promoting your OnlyFans. You do not want to promote your page in front of the wrong audience.

When the time comes to promote, it’s important to know where to find them online. Get your message in front of the right people at the right time and your success will be assured, anonymous or not.

How do you make money on OnlyFans without showing your face?

How to Make Money on OnlyFans Without Showing Your Face.
1) Don't use your real name and create new social media accounts..
3) Don't show your birthmarks, scars, or tattoos..
4) Avoid showing places your acquaintances might recognize..
5) Compensate the Absence of Face with Good Interaction..

Can I do OnlyFans anonymously?

In other words, if you're a creator on OnlyFans, OnlyFans will always know who you are. However, this doesn't mean any of your followers or fellow creators have to know your true identity. You can make your profile as personal or as anonymous as you want.

Can you post pictures on OnlyFans without showing your face?

Nobody require from you to show your face when posting any kind of content (pictures or videos). But you will need your face and ID for OnlyFans team to they can verify you. But this will not be visible by others (your subscribers or any third-party).