How to hide OnlyFans on bank statement Reddit

Privacy dot com. Takes like 1 minute to link it to your bank and create single-merchant cards, so the bank statement only says "privacy dot com". I use it for when I'm buying vape juice/hardware from iffy sources who I don't trust with my card info (because it only allows 1 merchant to use the card, so if it gets leaked nobody else can use it), but I don't see why it wouldn't work great for situations like this too.

edit: this is actually now only available with privacy pro ($10/mo)

edit 2: according to u/aria-of-sorrow privacy has long since shut down only fans transaction entirely, so nevermind, sorry.

How do I make OnlyFans not appear on my bank statement?

You cannot hide the name of the OnlyFans from your bank statement. But you can use a virtual credit card on OnlyFans. You can easily get a virtual credit card. What does “OnlyFans” show up as on a debit card statement?

Does OnlyFans appear on bank statements?

OnlyFans will definitely appear in the debit card statement. It will show as “PURCHASE - ONLYFANS” when you make a transaction on the official OnlyFans website.

How do I hide transactions on my bank statement?

If you really need to hide a purchase, such as when buying a gift or something highly personal, you do have a few options:.
Use cash. Cash is a reliable low-profile way of making purchases. ... .
Buy and use a gift card. ... .
Use an online payment service. ... .
Switch to electronic payments..