Can you cross a solid white line in South Australia?

Road markings are painted to help road users navigate the roads, stay in the correct lanes and avoid hazards. These photos show you real-world examples of the markings.

Dividing lines

Can you cross a solid white line in South Australia?
Double white unbroken (continuous) lines mean you are not allowed to overtake in either direction.
You can cross an unbroken line to enter a driveway, side road or road-related area from the main carriageway. You can also cross the unbroken line when emerging from a driveway, side road or other area.
Unbroken and broken lines are also used to mark the edge of the carriageway. You should not cross an unbroken edge line unless you are stopping, overtaking a vehicle turning right in a two-way street or right or left in a one-way street, turning at an intersection or driving a slow-moving vehicle like a road maintenance vehicle.
Can you cross a solid white line in South Australia?
If the unbroken line is only on your side, you may not overtake, but if it’s a broken line on your side but an unbroken line on the other side, you can overtake.
Can you cross a solid white line in South Australia?
Broken dividing lines may be crossed either to change lanes like in the motorway above, or to overtake (as long as there’s no danger to oncoming traffic)
Can you cross a solid white line in South Australia?
A flush median marks an area which can be used to wait to turn right, or to join the traffic flow. It must not be used for overtaking
Can you cross a solid white line in South Australia?
Arrows indicate a compulsory direction that this lane must follow
Can you cross a solid white line in South Australia?
A give way line indicates where a vehicle should stop at an intersection or traffic lights to be safe from turning vehicles and crossing pedestrians
Can you cross a solid white line in South Australia?
A turning bay can be used to wait to turn right or left. The hatched median strip before it can also be used, but drivers in the lane have priority
Can you cross a solid white line in South Australia?
Curved broken lines indicate turning radii at intersections and act as de facto lanes
Can you cross a solid white line in South Australia?
Broken yellow lines indicate a clearway – you can’t park here between the hours shown on the signage. In the photo above, it indicates a bus lane, which is also painted to reinforce that other vehicles aren’t allowed in it.
Can you cross a solid white line in South Australia?
An unbroken yellow line is a no stopping line – you can’t stop unless it’s a medical or similar emergency or you are directed to by police.
Can you cross a solid white line in South Australia?
Dragon’s teeth increase road users’ awareness of vulnerable road users, such as cyclists and pedestrians and around school zones where the limit is 40km/h
Can you cross a solid white line in South Australia?
Can you cross a solid white line in South Australia?
Keep clear markings means you can’t wait in this zone. They are painted outside fire stations and at some intersections
Can you cross a solid white line in South Australia?
Zig-zags on the road indicate a pedestrian crossing is ahead.
Can you cross a solid white line in South Australia?
Audible lines, also called rumble strips or audio tactile pavement markings, create noise or vibration when you drive over them.

By Darren Cottingham

Darren is an expert on driving and transport, and is a member of the Institute of Advanced Motorists

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Can you cross a solid white line in Australia?

Single continuous line You can cross a single continuous centre line to enter or leave a road, including entering or leaving a property, and to safely pass bicycle riders. You cannot cross a single continuous centre line to overtake or do a U-turn.

When can I cross a solid white line?

You may cross the line if necessary, provided the road is clear, to pass a stationary vehicle, or overtake a pedal cycle, horse or road maintenance vehicle, if they are travelling at 10 mph (16 km/h) or less. Areas of white diagonal stripes or chevrons painted on the road.

Can you cross solid white line on motorway?

These road markings can be found mainly on dual carriageways and motorways, and are mainly used to help protect traffic from turning right or to separate traffic lanes. If the marking is bordered by a solid white line then you are not permitted to enter it unless it is an emergency.

Can you cross a solid white line to overtake a cyclist?

You may cross a double-white line if necessary (provided the road is clear) to overtake someone cycling or riding a horse if they are travelling at 10 mph or less (Rule 129).