How long does it take to lose weight after stopping citalopram

Last post: 11/07/2015 at 7:18 pm

How long does it take to lose weight after stopping citalopram

[smilie=039.gif]  Hello Ladies, I have been on and off PND medication of various strengths since the birth of my first daughter some 12 years sgo.I am now on citalopram 20g and was just wondering if anyone else had experience weight gain?  I seem to have put on a load of weight since taking them and was just curious to know if anyone else had experienced the same.Thanks for your time ... I know you are all busy.Take care!


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How long does it take to lose weight after stopping citalopram

Hi ya, I was put onto 20mg after my dd was born 2yrs ago and I put on weight, I'm now expecting baby no.2 and have been given a lower dose at 10mg this seems to have helped lose some weight already!  My advise to you, is just keep an eye on what you eat!!

Good luck with them hunni. xx

How long does it take to lose weight after stopping citalopram

Yes I've noticed that when I go on it the weight goes along with it.  I lost half a stone about January time -then went back on Cipramil in February and all the weight I lost has come back.  I've been on 40 mg.Susan


How long does it take to lose weight after stopping citalopram

Hi ya, I was put onto 20mg after my dd was born 2yrs ago and I put on weight, I'm now expecting baby no.2 and have been given a lower dose at 10mg this seems to have helped lose some weight already!  My advise to you, is just keep an eye on what you eat!!

Good luck with them hunni. xx

Oh Cool!  Thanks for that hun.  At least I know I am not the only one!!

Take care xx[smilie=039.gif]

How long does it take to lose weight after stopping citalopram

No probs, good luck

How long does it take to lose weight after stopping citalopram

How long does it take to lose weight after stopping citalopram

Yes I've noticed that when I go on it the weight goes along with it.  I lost half a stone about January time -then went back on Cipramil in February and all the weight I lost has come back.  I've been on 40 mg.Susan


So ... a very cheeky question ... does the weight come off again when you stop taking them?  Sorry ... need to know that this is not a permanent thing!!!!


How long does it take to lose weight after stopping citalopram

Yeah, like I said I've halved my dose and I seem to have lost weight, and I have to admit I havent been eatting that sensibly I think it will probably just drop off when you come off them!

How long does it take to lose weight after stopping citalopram

It does if you're eating healthily - I don't think being on the pill helps me either.  When I first started taking the tablets I noticed they just make you hungry.  I've lost the plot with diets I think.Susan


How long does it take to lose weight after stopping citalopram

Ha!  Watch this space!!Thanks for the advice ... good luck with your pregnancy.


How long does it take to lose weight after stopping citalopram

Folks it's Cherie that's pregnant and NOT me - or else I'd be on 60mg a day.Hope you get sorted Tracey.Susan


How long does it take to lose weight after stopping citalopram

Hi,Just wanted to say I'm so glad I'm not the only one with a weight issue being on citalopram.I never lost my baby weight as started taking them when lo was very small but before I was pregnant I was so disciplined with food and now I just can't stop eating some days. Don't think I'll ever be thin again - goodbye size 8 jeans hello more chocolate cake!!Seriously though it gets me down sometimes, as if we all didn't have enough to deal with without something helping us to gain weight.


How long does it take to lose weight after stopping citalopram

Hi You must have read my mind because I was going to post exactly the same question!I came off Citalopram in May (after 2yrs and 2 months) after feeling really well for quite a while and had seemed to put on weight.  Started diet 2 and half weeks ago and lost half a stone - great I thought!! But the little demons decided to put in an appearance about 10 days ago, got myself in a right state about my little girl, work, just about everything.  The constant paranoid thoughts began again, crying at the slightest thing and the overwhelming anxiety just descended again.  In sheer desperation I went running to the cupboard and grabbed my 20mg Citalopram, so I'm back on them again. I am starting therapy on Tuesday for my issues and I am going to try to continue my diet, monitor my weight and prove one way or the other if they actually do make you gain weight! Will take my mind off feeling like a total loser!

I've read somewhere that they only make you put on weight because they make you feel lethargic which means you don't want to exercise and also they can just generally increase your appetite because of the way they act on your brain and don't actually react against your metabolism. Anyway, I am going to conduct my very own experiment!

How long does it take to lose weight after stopping citalopram

Hi Cherry P!How goes the experiment?  Are you feeling any brighter yet ... I know it takes a while.  Drop me a line if you have time ...Trace.


How long does it take to lose weight after stopping citalopram

Hi TraceI am so sorry I haven't responded to you - thanks so much for taking the time to ask the question!I just didn't see your post - sorry honey!!In 9 weeks I've lost 18 pounds on Weigh****chers!So I suppose my experiment is working!We are all different on how we react to medication and diets etc, etc and the only thing I can say is I've stuck RIGIDILY to the WW plan, which I never have before.

Still on Citalopram but back to 10mg, feel much, much more in control but I'm never coming off the little blighters EVER!!;) The last storm seems to have passed - fingers crossed- but like all of us in our situation, always seem to think when is the next one is going to hit???

How long does it take to lose weight after stopping citalopram

i just been precribed these and wanted to know have they made you all feel a lot better and what other side effects did you experiance, i am a bit worried about taking them.