Justine starts yelling in the store when she wants something. her parents buy her a toy in order to get justine to stop yelling. what type of conditioning is shaping the parents’ behavior?

Justine starts yelling in the store when she wants something. her parents buy her a toy in order to get justine to stop yelling. what type of conditioning is shaping the parents’ behavior?

Justine starts yelling in the store when she wants something. her parents buy her a toy in order to get justine to stop yelling. what type of conditioning is shaping the parents’ behavior?


Justine starts yelling in the store when she wants something. her parents buy her a toy in order to get justine to stop yelling. what type of conditioning is shaping the parents’ behavior?

The correct answer was given: kleighlamb4901

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Justine starts yelling in the store when she wants something. her parents buy her a toy in order to get justine to stop yelling. what type of conditioning is shaping the parents’ behavior?

The correct answer was given: Horse0809

Please answer please please thank you thank goodness thank you

Justine starts yelling in the store when she wants something. her parents buy her a toy in order to get justine to stop yelling. what type of conditioning is shaping the parents’ behavior?

The correct answer was given: Brain

Justine starts yelling in the store when she wants something. her parents buy her a toy in order to get justine to stop yelling. what type of conditioning is shaping the parents’ behavior?

The correct answer was given: Brain

you! go to the gym or i will kick you out of here to the gym

Justine starts yelling in the store when she wants something. her parents buy her a toy in order to get justine to stop yelling. what type of conditioning is shaping the parents’ behavior?
Justine starts yelling in the store when she wants something. her parents buy her a toy in order to get justine to stop yelling. what type of conditioning is shaping the parents’ behavior?

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Justine starts yelling in the store when she wants something. her parents buy her a toy in order to get justine to stop yelling. what type of conditioning is shaping the parents’ behavior?

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Justine starts yelling in the store when she wants something. her parents buy her a toy in order to get justine to stop yelling. what type of conditioning is shaping the parents’ behavior?

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Justine starts yelling in the store when she wants something. her parents buy her a toy in order to get justine to stop yelling. what type of conditioning is shaping the parents’ behavior?

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Justine starts yelling in the store when she wants something. her parents buy her a toy in order to get justine to stop yelling. what type of conditioning is shaping the parents’ behavior?

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Questions in other subjects:

Justine starts yelling in the store when she wants something. her parents buy her a toy in order to get justine to stop yelling. what type of conditioning is shaping the parents’ behavior?

All of the following are shaped by learned behavior except __________.

Behavior that happens automatically without conscious input is called __________ behavior.

The fact that sea turtles automatically move toward the ocean once hatched is an example of a(n) __________ behavior.

Which of the following is an example of a learned behavior?

human toddlers walking

The fact that older locusts use less energy to fly than younger locusts suggests that __________.

the older locusts have learned a more efficient way to fly

Which of the following actions does not require learning to occur?

In order to prove that learning has happened, it is necessary to __________.

measure performance objectively and concretely

The difference between an innate behavior and a learned behavior is that a learned behavior is __________ and an innate behavior is not.

a result of experience

__________ is an example of a learned behavior.

The effects of fatigue are not classified as learning because they __________.

are not permanent effects

Which of the following would not be classified as innate behavior?

learning to ride a bike at the age of 5

Which of the following accurately describes reflexive behavior?

Reflexive behavior happens without conscious thought.

Which of the following is not an example of a learned behavior?

All of the following demonstrate ways that learning is tied to experience except __________.

What is the outcome when an innate behavior is repeated and practiced?

The behavior becomes more skillful.

Over the course of his famous conditioning experiments, what did Pavlov’s dogs learn?

They learned to salivate at the sound of a bell.

___________ is the psychologist who conducted the “Little Albert” study in which he conditioned an infant to fear white rats.

When planning a classical conditioning experiment, what is the goal of the researcher?

to teach the subject to respond to the conditioned stimulus

A stimulus that naturally provokes a behavior or response is known as a(n) __________.

unconditioned stimulus

Which process is responsible for the gradual diminishment of the association between a conditioned stimulus and a conditioned response?

Which learning process occurs when a connection between a stimulus and a response is strengthened as learning begins?

When Ivan Pavlov observed evidence of classical conditioning, he was studying the __________.

intestines and digestive process of dogs

What did Pavlov initially notice about the animals in his original research after conditioning took place?

They salivated even when food was not present.

Which of the following is considered a naturally occurring behavior that does not have to be learned?

Which of the following represents the initial stage of learning in the process of conditioning?

Which learning process occurs when the same response happens in reaction to many similar stimuli?

Which two stimuli did John B. Watson associate in his infamous “Little Albert” experiment?

a white lab rat and a loud noise

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows. Molly and Mark are new parents. Their daughter Alvina often cries when she is uncomfortable. Each time Alvina cries, her parents give her a stuffed rabbit. Eventually, Alvina looks at the rabbit and cries because she associates the rabbit with being uncomfortable.

What is the conditioned stimulus (CS) in this scenario?

Watson’s “Little Albert” experiment demonstrated which of the following pairs of classical conditioning processes?


extinction and generalization

In classical conditioning, the __________ stimulus causes an unconditioned response.

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows. Edward spends a lot of time studying for his exams. He usually takes practice exams when he studies. During his study time, he drinks a lot of soda and coffee. When he takes his actual exams in class, he is frequently bothered by a strong urge to have soda or coffee.

What is the conditioned response (CR) in this scenario?

craving soda and coffee

Edward Thorndike’s law of effect was a precursor to the theory of __________.

The psychologist who believed that behaviors that are followed by favorable consequences tend to be repeated was __________.

In operant conditioning, acquisition is the __________.

point at which a behavior is associated with a specific consequence

In operant conditioning, food is an example of a __________ reinforcer.

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows. Glen is attempting to use operant conditioning to train his dog, Thor, to fetch a ball upon command. Once, when Thor goes to fetch the ball, he instead brings Glen a pinecone.

Which operant conditioning process is Thor displaying?

It would be most accurate to describe B. F. Skinner as a __________ psychologist.

Applause is a secondary reinforcer because __________.

the subject has learned to be reinforced by it

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows. Glen is attempting to use operant conditioning to train his dog, Thor, to fetch a ball upon command. At the beginning of the training, Glen throws the ball and yells “Fetch,” but Thor only watches Glen expectantly.

Which of the following is the most likely reason to explain why Thor does not fetch the ball?

Fetching is a complex behavior that has not been shaped by Glen.

Extinction occurs as behavior __________ due to lack of reinforcement.

After receiving a reward for escaping the puzzle box, the cats ________.

gradually learned to escape more quickly

The law of effect states that when a behavior is rewarded, which of the following is most likely to occur?


The behavior will be neither more or less likely to be repeated.

All of the following factors influence the effectiveness of reinforcement in operant conditioning except __________.

In classical conditioning, a stimulus is used to provoke or elicit a response that __________.

it didn’t elicit naturally before conditioning occurred

In negative reinforcement, the reinforcement for the target behavior can most accurately be described as __________.

Positive and negative reinforcement can be used to __________ wanted behavior.

The reinforcer is presented on an inconsistent basis in a(n) __________ schedule of reinforcement.

A reinforcement that occurs when a behavior or response is reinforced after every demonstration is __________ reinforcement.

Research indicates that all of the following except __________ are part of using punishment effectively.

Negative punishment is a type of punishment used in operant conditioning in which the __________ of a rewarding stimulus decreases the tendency of a particular response.

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows. Susan is watching a football game when the game goes to commercial. She knows that each commercial break during the game takes a different amount of time to resolve. She gets up to make a snack for herself. She checks back frequently to see if the game is back from commercial. After 3 minutes and 30 seconds, the game comes back on and Susan returns to the room.

Which of the following statements is true?

Susan is on a variable-interval schedule of reinforcement.

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows. Roland takes a walk through the desert. While there, he becomes extremely thirsty. To quench his thirst, he drinks a bottle of cold water. The water pleasantly refreshes him and he plans on bringing water more often on his desert hikes.

Which type of operant conditioning in occurring in the scenario?

positive reinforcement

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows. Justine is bothering her parents while they are shopping at the store. They buy her a toy in order to calm her down.

Which type of conditioning is shaping Justine’s behavior?

positive reinforcement

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows. Jimmer is playing basketball. After 24 seconds, the shot clock goes off and he loses the ball. This happens every time he gets the ball, because he refuses to pass or shoot.Which of the following statesments is true? Jimmer is playing basketball. After 24 seconds, the shot clock goes off and he loses the ball. This happens every time he gets the ball because he refuses to pass or shoot.

Which of the following statements is true?

Jimmer is on a fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement.

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows. A family counselor tells Jacob and Samantha that they should ignore their daughter’s temper tantrums if they want her to stop because giving her attention is only increasing her behavior.

Which type of operant conditioning in being recommended to the parents?

In positive reinforcement, the reinforcement for the target behavior can most accurately be described as __________.

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows. Justine starts yelling in the store when she wants something. Her parents buy her a toy in order to get Justine to stop yelling.

What type of conditioning is shaping the parents’ behavior?

negative reinforcement

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows. Harrison sends an e-mail to his boss. Harrison expects a response within five minutes, but he can’t help himself and checks every 30 seconds. After five minutes, a replying e-mail is delivered just as he expected.

Which of the following statements is true?

Harrison is on a fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement.

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows. Molly is eating red and black jellybeans from a paper bag. She is not looking at the jellybeans as she eats them. She likes red jellybeans, but she does not like black jellybeans. The amount of jellybeans she has to take from the jar before she gets a red one is never the same.

Which of the following statements is true?

Molly is on a variable-ratio schedule of reinforcement.

According to research, the most powerful reinforcement technique in conditioning is __________.

positive reinforcement

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows. Glenda is a gymnast. She performs a perfect triple backflip off the high bars. After landing successfully, the crowd erupts in applause.

Which type of operant conditioning is occurring in the scenario?


negative punishment