You can no longer use PayPal new account


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Posted on

‎Jun-20-2018 07:57 PM

I'm a long time user of Paypal and I just got a email saying my account violated fair use and it said at the bottom that they do not let users pay for sexual activity or content.  I have never used paypal for any such thing that I can recall and I know for a fact I have never used my paypal account to pay for an adult site for the past few years.  I am going over my activity and the last years its just been buying video games and PC parts and recieving money from freinds.  At first I thought it was a spoof email but I logged into my account and sure enough I have a notice in the bell symbol and paypal my account is limited and it says it is permanent.  It has no resolution steps and states if I have money in my account in a few months or so they will email me on how to get it out.  Is this normal?  It has to be a mistake?  You can clearly see my activity has no violations of the fair use policy.  Its all just purchases of digital games and products like services from games and microsoft and money owed from friends and family.  If it was a spoof why would I get a notice in my actual paypal account?  I am just shocked.  It says I can no longer use Paypal!  What should I do?  Contact paypal to get a reason or something?  I am just shocked here folks.  I have done nothing wrong unless spending money buying normal things like a credit card does or recieving money from family is a violation then paypal is never going to work for anyone..

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You can no longer use PayPal new account


After only two purchases of software with my new Paypal account, **bleep** restricted my account, asked for my drivers license and Credit Card statement to confirm my identity and then banned my account stating there's suspicious activity using my card. This is a brand new card only a month old.

My concern is these  **bleep**Paypal are most likely committing fraud by gathering data for the government agencies and then blocking users.

New Community Member

I am a new user as well and i received the same message and now i'm no longer able to use PayPal ever again. Also they are holding my funds from a sell of telecom products that i sold. I made a sell and received monies and then made a second sell of the same items to the same person and ten i was not allowed to transfer funds like i did the first sell. I then noticed a red icon next to my profile pic so i assumed it was something to do with the profile picture so i uploaded a profile picture then next day received another red icon so i was like was it clear enough so i uploaded another picture and made sure it was clear. Then the next day i received a message on the app that said i was not able to use PayPal ever again and that they are holding my funds for 180 days then they will contact me to transfer funds. I called PayPal and the woman treated me like a criminal. Also i never received any email telling me what i did wrong until after i called PayPal and they treated me horrible. This is crazy and everyone i talk to about this is completely speechless... I'm beyond **bleep** off i'm furious because i need those funds and i was already struggling at the time due to why i sold the items in the first place. So now i sit here steaming and fueling the fire wondering what to do. Sorry to hear that you are going through something similar.


im new too, and i open for business account, just starting do my website and wanna fill in my bank account, and found out im acc can no longger use.....i confuse that i havent start yet already limited and can no use.....

Esteemed Advisor


You can phone them to appeal but unfortunately its rare for them to overturn a permanent ban.

Were the dvds adult content?

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.


do you have other Paypal accounts which are banned?

are you related to someone whose account is banned?

are you dealing in items or services which are not acceptable to PAYPAL 


Still banned for life and unable to close a 18-year-old account from a company that closes my account for no apparent good reason.  They have all my personal info as Paypal has become a facet of everyday life for this digital world on the internet.  I used it for everything.  I can no longer use eBay or make a new Paypal account unless I go open a new bank account which I'm not going to do just for this...  

No guys I did not do anything with adult DVD's.  I do not have two accounts.  I did however make my account business once years ago, 8 years ago maybe for the purpose of trading and selling crypto when it was new on a site called xcoins or something.  My account was limited with the option to unlimit provided I agree to something and provide documentation.  But yes I do feel my account was associated with a friend whose account was flagged for something suspicious or for whatever reason.  But this is hardly my fault.  I'm not meant to know what other people's business is.  I just sent a friend money who is abroad many times and for a long time and the first time and only time they returned or repaid my account was banned forever as was theirs.  This is my only guess.  I was not doing anything wrong or dealing with anyone or anything.  I used my account correctly for years.  I may be foolish I suppose but I can say for a fact I did nothing wrong and Paypal made a wrong decision and gave no reason.  I was told to hire lawyers and write letters by hand to appeal which Paypal never does.  So what's the point...  I just think it's silly that they build and gives us a tool we become so used to and dependant on and take it away from us with no options to fix or make a new one.  What is the worse thing a normal blue-collar man could do?  I used this thing for years like 5 times a day.  They were making a killing off me.  It's been a few months now and I've had to fully rethink and restructure my online life and way I conduct business without this tool...  I am just amazed.

New Community Member

No I have none of that I simply use the Paypal resolution center and suddenly it stated I am inconsistent with the user agreement and now I can no longer use Paypal even though I purchase everything with Paypal


There is no phone support and no chat support. there are having the good excuse of COVID-19.

New Community Member

I'm too am a long time user of Paypal (since 2011 and have 2 accounts) and I also got a email saying my accounts violated paypal's user agreement.  They did not specify what violation(s) I have committed.  I only sell beauty products on eBay and do not know what I had violated.  

No resolution open whatsoever.

Is the only recourse to just wait for 180 for an email to inform me how I can withdraw my funds?

Help me please. 

It says I can no longer use Paypal!  What should I do?  Contact paypal?  

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It happens. Hit the "Login to Ask the community" button to create a question for the PayPal community.

Can I open a new PayPal account after PayPal closed my account?

PayPal will not allow you to reopen a closed account. Therefore, you should check your terms of service to make sure you are not violating any terms. If you still want to reopen your account, contact customer support or the PayPal community.

How do I create a new PayPal account after being banned?

The next solution for using paypal even after the ban is to create a new account in your name. In order to do so, there are a number of precautions that you must follow so that the new account remains safe. a)You should give a new bank account, credit card number and address in the new application.

Why does PayPal say I can no longer use it?

At PayPal, we value a safe community for our customers to do business. We noticed activity in your account that's inconsistent with our User Agreement and we no longer offer you PayPal services. Any bank or card information linked to your PayPal account cannot be removed nor can it be used to create a new account.

Can I have 2 PayPal accounts?

To begin with, PayPal allows one user to have a maximum of two accounts. One is for personal use while the other one is for business use. End-users are allowed to add as many email addresses for accepting/sending payment.