Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left

When someone has swiped right on you, but you haven’t swiped on them yet, you have what’s called a “potential match”, or a “like.”

And only 10% of Tinder users have a Gold subscription, most of which are men.

Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left

The only exception to this would be the SUPER LIKE which will put you within the first profiles a girl will see the next time she starts swiping.

Why is it called “Swiping Right” to like someone, anyway?

Why do we swipe right to like someone? 

Where does that come from?

One researcher, Jim Davies from the Institute of Cognitive Science in Canada had some ideas:

  • In theater directing, studies have shown the movement to the right is seen as “good” and left as “bad.”

  • In “The Matrix”, Keanu fights his way left to right.

  • And video games… well, you already know.

So why is it like this?

Because we right left to right -- and Tinder likely chose the same left to right movement to “feel” correct.

Which it does - at least to me.

2 - Make the Tinder Algorithm Work for You

Swiping through endless profiles will burn you out… especially if you’re getting no matches.

So what do most guys do?

They lay on the gas and start mass swiping right hoping it’ll be a numbers game.

Plus it’s more convenient to just swipe right on everyone.

After all, you won’t miss out on a match if you burn through enough women.

The problem is that… this just doesn’t work.

Tinder is aware of this frantic swiping behavior.

As a result:

  • Tinder put in place a system to rate profiles and screen the user.

For this article, we even did a nice experiment regarding swiping right only. 

The Test: Only Swiping Right

Here at Zirby, we like to get to the bottom of things so we ran a little experiment. We created 2 identical profiles.

  • Profile A would be “Mr. Desperate” and swipe right on everyone.

  • Profile B would be “Mr. Bond” and be extremely picky.

It’s important to remember though that new Tinder profiles get an artificial boost of visibility.

Basically to “trick you” into thinking Tinder is actually fair and worth putting your money and time into.

Even still, the results were interesting:

After 500 swipes on both accounts…

Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left
Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left

I noticed that the account that was super picky about right swipes had overall:

  • Fewer matches, 18 compared to 22.

  • Subjectively better quality matches.

While it’s quite obvious that we’d get fewer matches by being picky…

It’s interesting to notice that most of those matches were of a significantly higher quality.

In other words: more attractive.

Yes, this is subjective… to a point.

This is one of those things where the proof is in the pudding.

However, there was a 22% reduction in the number of matches.

Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left

The Catch 22%

The one “problem” with my swipe left or right Tinder experiment here is this:

It only shows the results from the first day of swiping.

And we know that Tinder artificially gives new profiles more matches.

This means that even though the “always swipe right” got more matches now…

We know that in the future the lead will quickly vanish.

And that profile would likely even be shadowbanned!

A concept I proved to be true in my Tinder Search article.

Our profiles

During our 500 swipes experiment, we used a fairly attractive profile.

Nothing impossible though, not showing abs or an incredibly expensive lifestyle. 

Clear, carefully selected pictures taken with a nice camera (aka not a smartphone’s camera).

Both profiles being the same, the swiping behavior didn’t seem to affect how many likes we’d get. 

After the second day, both profiles reached 99+ likes at roughly the same time in the evening.

It's all about the Tinder algorithm

Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left

The secret with Tinder is that it's all about the way the algorithm shows your profile to girls.

Simply put:

  • You're assigned a score based on how good or bad your profile fares on the app.

And that score determines who you get shown to in priority.

Let’s call this the “profile attractiveness score”.

If your profile is successful:

  • You will be shown in priority to people who have a successful profile, and inversely.

We strongly believe that you get shown to people who have the same “profile attractiveness” score as you.

Note that none of that is official and Tinder denies it every chance they get. 

They said they moved on from this system long ago. 

I'm almost willing to believe this…

But based on the tangible evidence we know they moved from this…

Only to get on with more complex algorithms that still do exactly the same thing…

Rating profiles.

Now, how does that relate to whether you should swipe right or not on Tinder?

The best ways to influence your “profile attractiveness score” is:

  • Improve your profile pictures…

  • AND modify the way you swipe.

Let's see exactly how to do both.

3 - Three Ways to Get More Right Swipes on Your Profile Photo

We talked about swiping on girls already.

But how about having girls swiping on you? 

Let’s see how to up the number of girls swiping right on you!

1 - Have a Clean Headshot

Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left

A clear headshot lets the girl see exactly what kind of guy she is dealing with. 

It also makes her feel way more comfortable about your profile.

Since you’re not hiding behind sunglasses or too far from the camera.

I know this seems simple but…

I can tell you that out of the 1000’s of Tinder profiles guys have posted in my private Own Your Online Dating Facebook group…

95% of them have terrible (or non-existent) headshots.

2 - Look Directly at the Camera

Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left

Looking directly at the camera furthers this vibe of honesty.

It gives the impression you’re genuinely here to build a connection with the girl. 

It makes your profile more intense and it stands out.

3 - Take 1000 photos to find 1 Good one

Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left

Here is a friend of mine.

Look how many pictures he took last time trying to get a single shot!

Finding the right picture isn’t easy… 

The last time I went out I took exactly 1521 shots to end up with 3 photos that were Tinder-worthy. 

That being said:

Putting that much effort into it you’re guaranteed to find the perfect picture that will show your best angle and get you above the competition. 

So yeah, it’s worth the time.

4 - How Aimlessly Swiping Is Hurting You

Every dating app is all about matching people who have high chances to get along. 

This is a great goal in theory.

The problem is the execution.

When it comes to Tinder: 

The algorithm is designed to match people with roughly the same profile attractiveness score.

Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left

How the Attractiveness rating system works

When you swipe on someone, you are a part of the attractiveness rating system too. 

If you don't swipe right when presented a profile:

You are signaling the algorithm that this person was not a good match for you.

And therefore might have a lower attractiveness score than you.

I don’t have proof of this but logically:

  • That person you just swiped left on will have her profile score decrease while yours will increase.

The pickier you are, the better your "attractiveness" score!

(Up to a point… Tinder likely has methods to “see” artificial behavior such as disliking everyone.)

That does raise some practical questions about how you should do your swiping.

Let's answer them one by one.

Is it Better to Swipe Left or Right?

Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left

Our little experiment above teaches us that being picky will improve our attractiveness score and visibility.

In other words:

  • The best way to see and get shown to higher quality profiles on Tinder is to swipe left often.

Again… don’t be artificial, but only swipe right on profiles you genuinely would be down to meet.

Is Swiping Right Bad?

When you swipe right on every profile you see, you will end up seeing fewer and less attractive profiles.

But be careful, if you are literally swiping right on every profile: the app might think you’re a bot and you might get banned.

And yes, shadowbanning is a big thing on Tinder.

It’ll happen quickly, with no warning.

The Time When Your Swipe Matters

We put out this article not long ago about the best time to use a boost on Tinder.

We figured it was best to focus on times when most girls are using the app (around 8 to 9 pm.)

Usually after work on days when they stay at home and watch Netflix.

We think it’s the best time for you to be swiping as it will put you in front of your audience at a time when you can get more attention.

In other words, the more girls online, the more matches you can possibly get.

5 - Why Your Profile Doesn’t Get Seen on Tinder

When you log on Tinder, you have a deck, a pile of profiles to swipe on.

Supposedly, you will see and be seen by everyone on Tinder.

In reality, it's a little bit trickier than that.

See, when women log on to Tinder, they don't usually go through every profile until they reach the bottom of their pile.

Statistics show that women spend an average of 30 minutes a day using the app.

Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left

But remember: that's including replying to messages.

In other words: 

Most women won’t see you at all, let alone swipe right or left on you.

Tinder has a ratio of 3 or 4 guys for 1 girl.

(At least in the US and most European countries.)

Everyone will appear in the profiled deck of everyone.

But those stuck at the bottom of the pile due to a lower Elo score will literally NEVER be seen.

If you're at the bottom of the deck pile, you won't even have the opportunity to have girls swipe left or right on you.

This is the very reason why you want to maximize your profile AND your swipes if you want beautiful girls to swipe right on you.

6 - So, Should you Swipe Left or right?

Tinder as a company would like to keep the exact way their algorithm works a secret.

That way no one can cheat or exploit it.

(At least, not easily… because exploiting it is exactly what I do.)

Anyway, here’s what we learned through testing:

  • Swiping Left more gets you shown more to higher quality profiles.

  • Slow and steady wins the race.

  • Mass swiping right buries your profile in the profiles deck 6 feet underground when it comes to matching with attractive girls.

So should you swipe left or right?


It turns out that one of the best ways you can get results on Tinder is by paying for Tinder Gold, getting boosts…

And just looking at your list of potential matches.

Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left

By seeing your potential matches… you can swipe right only on profiles you are guaranteed to get a match with.

That way… the Tinder algorithm “see’s” that you have a 100% match rate.

I’ve used this exact strategy and have racked up nearly 2,000 potential matches.

Yes, it’s powerful.

But there’s a big problem with it -- it costs money.

Remember, Tinder isn’t in this business to make you happy.

It’s to make their board of directors happy.

If you pay, you get to plan (and win) the game.

That said… there is a way to get all of this free…

And I’ll cover that in a future blog post.

7 - My Top 3 Favorite Conversation Starters

I've got 3 icebreakers you've never seen anywhere else on the internet.

This would be a change because by now girls have seen it all. 

Only OG content here, and your matches will love it.

These are conversation starters you can send when you get a match.

The Follow Through

I’m not going to just give you the opening line.

But the actual way to lead the conversation afterward.

That way you know how to follow up and lead things to an actual date.

Just keep in mind some overall points:

  • Give her the chance to talk about herself, it shows confidence that you don’t fill up the conversation.

  • Position yourself as different from her other matches - no cliche “hey what’s up” or “what are you doing” lines.

Let me walk you through.

1 - “Why do you look so innocent but yet so wild?”

This is my favorite line of this year 2021. 

Steal it before it goes mainstream.

And even if the line itself does, just tweak it and focus on the idea.

Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left

After this, anything can happen. 

But most likely good stuff.

It's great because it makes her talk about herself and gives you an indication of how "wild" she is.

Also, I got totally busted while experimenting with the 2 profiles. 

But that doesn’t matter as long as we lead the conversation.

2 - “I think your life would be better with X in it”

Fill in the “X” with one of your noticeable features.

Bearded? Tattooed? Whatever.

This line is great and direct in letting the girls know what they will get.

If she likes it, she will giggle at your boldness and you know you're on. 

Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left
Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left

Right after this, you want to have her figure out whether she's a good match for you, and you're on!

You can move to the normal conversation or even just ask for her Instagram from there.

3 - “You, you might have it”

Feeling in lack of inspiration with your openers?

Yeah, I get it.

Worry not, you too can wield the power of god-like texting with this extreme clickbait opener.

Now this opener is super cool because it's so open-ended. 

It makes your match curious.

And making her curious is the name of the game.

If a girl likes you enough she might jump in the conversation with her version of a pick-up line, see below.

Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left

Not much more to say here, a cheeky line that gets the job done!

Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left

Those openers won't do the whole conversation for you.

But at the very least they will get the girls to see something she doesn't see all the time.

Giving you a serious edge over your competition.

Once she replies it's ON.

Lead it to either text or Instagram -- then the date -- quickly.

So when you swipe right and get your match…

No need to spend tedious minutes thinking about which the first message to send.

More time to work on your side business…

Or hell, even start your blog and give advice just like I’m doing here with Zirby.

8 - Does Someone Know if You Swiped Left on Tinder?

No, there is no way for anyone to know if you swiped left on them on Tinder. 

As of 2021, Tinder does not notify the person that you’ve swiped left on them.

It’s very unlikely that they ever will. 


Simple, most people swipe left far too many times, not to mention it’d be bad for business.

You wouldn’t want to use an app if you got thousands of notifications that no one wanted you.

9 - When you Swipe Left are they Gone Forever?

It depends… are you paying Tinder?

If you bought a Tinder premium plan (like Plus, Gold, or Premium):

You will be able to rewind the very last profile you saw and effectively cancel your very last swipe.

This is useful if you swiped left by mistake.

You can only rewind once.

Though it doesn’t matter because you can just create a new Tinder profile from scratch.

What’s funny about that is you’ll also get a chance to match with people you’ve already matched with before.

People who ghosted on you, or people things just didn’t work out for the first time.

And you’ll get a second chance.

Which actually can pay off.

The craziest part? 

Creating a new profile will get you more matches on Tinder.

Because Tinder artificially boosts new profiles.

But one more thing before you go...

So you’ve learned:

  • Why you shouldn’t always swipe right.

  • We’ve also covered how to send great opening lines when you do get a match.

  • How to get more women to swipe right on you.

  • And other Tinder algorithm tips and tricks.

All of this will help you excel on Tinder.

Both in the number of matches, you’ll get over the long run.

But also in the quality of matches.

Which to me is way, way more important.

Not Getting Any Matches Yourself?

That’s the #1 complaint I hear from guys:

“I’m not getting enough matches.”

  • It could be that your profile needs improvement.

  • But more than likely the culprit is Tinder itself.

Having the Tinder algorithm hide your profile is nearly impossible to correct.

Because it’s out of your hands.

  • And once it’s decided that you’re not worthy of being shown to women that have the highest response rate and are the most attractive…

You’re relegated to the bottom of the barrel.

So what can you do?

Fight back.

Below you’ll see a video I put together with 3 Tinder algorithm hacks.

Each one will pit the algorithm against itself.

And fool it into giving you the matches you deserve.

Click the “watch now” button to get started.

Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left

More Tinder Hacks Advice:


Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left

Is Tinder worth it in 2022? Yes, and here are 4 Reasons Why

Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left

Tinder Passport Versus Being There (Statistics!)

Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left

What is Swipe Night on Tinder?

Will Tinder show you someone who you already swiped left

Max travels the world and teaches men to become the better, more attractive version of themselves. You can find more about him on YouTube and Instagram.

Can you see someone on Tinder again if you swiped left?

If you accidentally passed on someone you wanted to get to know, they are no longer lost in the Tindersphere™ forever. Use the Rewind feature to bring their profile back by tapping the yellow arrow icon on the main screen. Only Tinder subscribers can take back their last SWIPE of choice (Like, Nope, Super Like).

Why is Tinder showing me people I already swiped left on?

You may see someone's profile again if they deleted their account and decided to come back, or if you've been swiping with poor network connection.