Why is Myrtle to blame for Gatsbys death?

George Wilson pulled the trigger that ended Gatsby’s life, but all of the blame should not be placed on George. Gatsby’s death resulted from a chain of many events that all contributed to his demise. The death could be traced back to Daisy Buchanan, Myrtle Wilson, Tom Buchanan, or Gatsby himself. The main events that contributed to Gatsby’s death were Myrtle and Tom’s affair, Gatsby’s obsession and affair with Daisy, Myrtle's death, and George Wilson eventually shooting Gatsby. These events all have different causes and effects, but I believe only one person should take the responsibility for Gatsby’s death.

The first event that contributed to Gatsby’s death was Myrtle and Tom’s affair. Tom decided to cheat on Daisy and have an affair with

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This death was very odd because Myrtle was the one who ran into the street, yet everyone put the blame on the driver for killing Myrtle. No one knew who the driver of the car was that struck her, but Myrtle thought that Tom was driving the car and she was hoping that he would stop to visit her. It was actually Gatsby’s car that killed her, but Daisy was driving. Most of the characters in this book could take responsibility for this accident, Tom caused Myrtle to run into the road, but Myrtle should have known better, also Gatsby should not have had the heated argument with Tom which caused Daisy to drive home erratically and to show no remorse after killing a woman. Daisy did not even stop after hitting Myrtle which infuriated George and caused George to seek revenge on whoever murdered his wife. Daisy allowed Tom to continue his affair with Myrtle which caused her to run into the street where Daisy hit her and drove off. These actions directly triggered George to hunt down the murder of his wife, so if Daisy would have driven more carefully and stopped after hitting Myrtle then maybe that would have saved Gatsby’s …show more content…
Unfortunately no one interferes so Gatsby was killed and only one person should take the blame for his death. Based upon research and analyzing the situation Gatsby is the one at fault for his own death. It was his life that was taken and he had the most opportunities to prevent his death. Initially this entire situation could have been avoided had it not been for Gatsby’s obsession with Daisy. Although her marriage was not the happiest she had not seen or interacted with Gatsby for five years, and she had probably lost most of her emotions for Gatsby. Five years is too long to suddenly try and re-enter someone’s life, especially if they are married, so Gatsby should have moved on and avoided the whole situation. Whenever Daisy murdered Myrtle he should have taken some initiative and cleared his name instead of waiting for his unknown punishment. Gatsby probably did not expect to be shot, but he had to have assumed someone would figure out it was his car that killed Myrtle. If Gatsby went to George and told him the truth then he definitely would have survived. Tom’s affair with Myrtle, Gatsby’s affair with Daisy, and Myrtle's death all contributed to George Wilson shooting Gatsby, but Gatsby is the one who had the most control over the situation so he is the one at fault for his own

2. Is Tom most responsible for Gatsby’s death? Daisy? Myrtle? Gatsby himself? Give reasons why or why not each character is implicated in the murder.

In my opinion, multiple characters share the blame for Gatsby’s murder. However, I personally feel that Tom was the most responsible for Gatsby’s death. Tom once stated to Nick, “What if I did tell him? The fellow had it coming to him. He threw dust into your eyes just like he did in Daisy’s, but he was a tough one. He ran over Myrtle just like you’d run over a dog and never even stopped his car.” (178) This quote shows readers the intensity of Tom’s dislike for Gatsby by the very fact of Tom’s persistence on being sure that Wilson knew that Gatsby was the owner of the vehicle that had run

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Is Gatsby a Christ figure? Why or why not?

In my opinion, Gatsby was not a Christ figure. I agree with the fact that he was a wealthy, worshipped man. I can also see where some could say that he “died for Daisy’s sins” because he allowed the blame of Myrtle’s death to be put on him.

However, he was a liar, as is evidenced by the fact that he never claimed his true heritage. Gatsby hid the fact that “his parents were shiftless and unsuccessful farm people – his imagination had never really accepted them as his parents. The truth was Jay Gatsby, of West Egg, Long Island, sprang from his platonic conception of himself...So he invented just the sort of Jay Gatsby that a seventeen-year-old boy would be likely to invent, and to this conception he was faithful to the end.” (98) He never let anyone know his “true” self – giving lavish parties just across the bay from Daisy. He eventually lured her to his parties, where he flaunted his wealth and self-worth. This was certainly not Christ – like. Jesus never flaunted himself or tried to be someone he was not.

Though Gatsby presented himself as a prosperous and upstanding business man, his wealth was actually a product of bootlegging and shady business deals. The numerous crimes he committed were certainly not Christian acts of

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Some critics maintain that the characters of Gatsby and Myrtle are similar. What do you think?

I do see many similarities between Gatsby and Myrtle. Both of them were having affairs with married people, both were committed to protecting their lovers, both wanted a future with their lover, and both ended up being murdered as a result of their infidelity.

It was apparent that Tom and Myrtle were in love – they had their own apartment, a puppy, and entertained together, even if they were not married to each other. Their life was not normal, but their time together seemed happy. This was illustrated best when Catherine stated that “It is really his wife that is keeping them apart. She’s a Catholic, and they don’t believe in divorce.” (33) Even though Daisy was not really Catholic, that was the reason people assumed that Tom and Myrtle were not married.

Gatsby was single, but the entire novel demonstrated his eagerness to become the man that Daisy could love. She was the reason he threw the lavish parties. “Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay… I think he half expected her to wander in to one of his parties, some night”, went on Jordan (78-79). Daisy was the one he evidently spent his entire life trying to impress. She was the one that he protected by saying he was driving when Myrtle was

Who is most to blame for Gatsby's death?

The person responsible for Jay Gatsby's death is Tom Buchanan. At the time of Myrtle's death, Tom has told George that the yellow car seen by witnesses, was the same one that Jay Gatsby owns. Although Gatsby's car was being driven by Daisy when the accident happened, Tom took that opportunity.

Who is most to blame for Myrtle's death?

Daisy is responsible for Myrtles death because she was in the car and she ran her over in Gatsby"s car which ultimately caused Gatsby's death as well.

Why is Nick to blame Gatsby's death?

If Nick had told anyone that Daisy was driving the car, George would not have shot Gatsby. Nick Carraway's wrong decision that was not to tell anyone Daisy ran over Myrtle has led the Gatsby's death. Moreover, Carraway's wide tolerance has not prevented the death, but caused it.