Why do you cut the end off a cigar?

Many people who are unfamiliar with cigars might think that smoking a cigar is like smoking a cigarette. You just whip it out, light it up, and begin smoking. This is not the case, however. Cigars are a higher-class product and require more preparation and care.

Why do you cut the end off a cigar?

(Pixabay / dgphotografika)

While most manufacturers cut off the foot of the cigar for you, you must remove the head of the cigar before you begin smoking. The head of the cigar is where you put your mouth to smoke the cigar. If the head is not cut before lighting, it will be impossible to smoke the cigar, as air will not be able to pass through.

It may seem inconvenient to have to cut the head off of a cigar before smoking it. However, the cigar is designed this way to help hold the cigar together before smoking. When making a cigar, filler, leaves are rolled using a wrapper leaf. To hold the wrap together, manufacturers can use a knot or twist to keep everything in one bundle. More commonly, however, they use a cap, which is a piece of tobacco wrapper leaf that is placed at the head of the cigar to keep everything secure. The cap generally extends from the head of the cigar to where the label is placed on the cigar. When you cut your cigar, it’s crucial that you don’t cut more than you should or you run the risk of the cigar completely unraveling.

Another reason manufacturers don’t cut the head off before smoking is that the way in which the head is removed affects your smoking experience. Leaving the head of the cigar intact allows the smoker to choose what kind of cut they want, which will then determine whether they have a tight or loose draw. Since cigars can be pricey, it’s important that the smoker has the experience they want with the cigar of their choosing.

If you are a novice cigar smoker, you can explore a variety of ways of removing your cigar head. There are different types of cutting tools and techniques. As you discover what kind of cuts appeal to you, you will be able to customize your smoking experience.

While most of the enjoyment of the cigar-smoking experience comes from the quality of the cigar itself, cutting it poorly can result in a less-than-stellar smoke.

On a new cigar, one end — the “foot” — is already open. The other end — the “cap” — is enclosed by a small piece of tobacco leaf that’s separate from the main wrapper. As the cap end of the cigar will go in your mouth, it must be cut open before you can smoke it.

The goal in making this cut is to create a smooth opening without compromising the integrity of the cigar. You want to cut enough off for a smooth draw, but not so much that you cut into the main wrapper and risk it unraveling. You need to also cut quickly so that the break is clean and not frayed; you’ll always get some little flecks of wrapper in your mouth, but much fewer with a clean cut.

For tips on how to execute this kind of cut and get the most out of your cigar, read this.

Types of Cigar Cutters

Guillotine or Straight Cutters


Why do you cut the end off a cigar?

The most basic type of cutter used to make straight cuts is the single blade guillotine. The double blade guillotine is preferred by many aficionados because it usually makes a cleaner cut.

Why do you cut the end off a cigar?

Cigar scissors are also used to make straight cuts and may be the best choice for cutting the cigar at the exact spot you intend. However, the guillotines are usually the most practical, the least expensive, and can be easily and safely carried in the pocket of your shirt or trousers.

 Punch Cutter


Why do you cut the end off a cigar?

The hole punch is used to put a hole in the cap of the cigar, instead of cutting it off. If the hole is not large enough for the cigar, the draw of smoke through the cigar can be impeded. Also, as the cigar is smoked, tar can accumulate near the hole, also affect the taste as well as the draw.

 V cutter or Wedge Cutter

Why do you cut the end off a cigar?

The wedge or "V" cutter resembles the guillotine cutter, but the shape of the blade slices a wedge into the cap of the cigar instead of cutting it completely off. The cutter is designed to slice from one side, and at the same depth, so there is no danger of cutting too deep.


How to Make a Perfect Cut

  1. Locate the cap.

Why do you cut the end off a cigar?

The cap is just a small piece of tobacco that covers the end and keeps the whole thing together. It’s very easy to locate. This is all you want to cut — no more. 

  1. Position the blades right on the cigar, just inside the end of the cap.

Why do you cut the end off a cigar?

You want to position the blades a couple millimeters in from the end of the cap. 

  1. Make a quick cut — no lollygagging.

The first few cigars I cut, I was too tentative, and ended up with flayed cuts. For a clean, smooth smoking experience, cut the cigar firmly and quickly. It may not be perfectly straight — that’s just how it goes — but it’ll most likely at least be clean and leave fewer little tobacco flecks to end up in your mouth.

Is it necessary to cut the end of a cigar?

The other end — the “cap” — is enclosed by a small piece of tobacco leaf that's separate from the main wrapper. As the cap end of the cigar will go in your mouth, it must be cut open before you can smoke it. The goal in making this cut is to create a smooth opening without compromising the integrity of the cigar.

Why do people cut the end off a cigar?

The object of the cut is to create an ample, smooth opening for smoking without damaging the cigar's structure. With most cigars, this means cutting away part of the cap or flag leaf that closes the cigar, while leaving some of it glued around the end to keep the filler leaves together.

What happens if you don't cut your cigar?

If the head is not cut before lighting, it will be impossible to smoke the cigar, as air will not be able to pass through.