Why are my villagers despawning 1.18 bedrock

Ok, Xbox bedrock player here. I've been having this problem since 1.18 dropped and since then I lost almost every passive mob I had encapsulated. I didn't really have a zoo but a few horses, cows pigs, chicken and sheep vanished from small pens on a "passive only" world. I do provide a bed and a workstation to every villager but the villager did not have the ability to path to the bed. I have never felt the bell was necessary but two out of the four training stations I lost were built in the village the original villagers came from and the rest of the village was left untouched. The other two were built just below hight limit. The trading stations consisted of between 18 and 30 villagers, 18 and 20 were built in lines and 27 and 30 were built in squares to double as iron farms. None of the villages disappeared all at once but every time I'd come back to find a pair or more missing. Some things I've learned. The last training stations I made, the 30, was of a different construction. The rest were cells of 2-3x2x1 xyz with x and z alternating depending on location. Each cell had a work bench at one end, door at the other and a bed on the floor underneath(solid block under their feet, air block, bed). The station that survived was 1x2x1 glass cells with a water source at their feet. It has now out lived the lifespans of all of the others combined. It is at Y280 and only ever accessed via nether portal. It now also has an Afk area with a cobblestone/stone generator and a decent sized storage underneath all built with glass everywhere to stop mob spawning/enderman teleportation. The reason I put passive only in quotes is we have since then added a mob spawner above it with a trident killer. I have had no problems with it since and am planning to make another soon. None of these were chunk aligned and I don't actually know but I'd bet the animal pens weren't either.

Minecraft is not a safe world. There are plenty of mobs, zombies, enemies, and deadly monsters around you. You will find it challenging to keep yourself protected against your foes. The same is the case with the Minecraft villagers. Let’s find out why and how villagers despawn in Minecraft and the possible ways to stop them from such things. 

Minecraft villagers usually do not despawn or disappear. But there are a few ways in which your villager will despawn and disappear in Minecraft. Still, you have some possible way-outs to stop them from despawning . You can control your villager from despawning  by increasing the lightning of your Minecraft world, making boundaries to your house, and caging your villagers in the Minecraft houses. 

Minecraft villagers will prove to be very helpful for you in your gameplay. To keep yourself fully updated, you will have to read this article. Let’s learn about how and why villagers despawn in Minecraft, ways to stop them from despawning , and do they despawn in Minecraft. Read on to get the hang of all these things. 

Minecraft villagers usually do not despawn in Minecraft. It would be best if you keep your villagers stay at their houses. Or else, you will lose your villagers one way or another. The despawning  of the Minecraft villagers depend upon a few factors. If you properly take care of your villagers and watch them, you won’t find them despawning . So, Minecraft villagers do not despawn and disappear under natural circumstances.  

Why Do Villagers Despawn In Minecraft?

Why are my villagers despawning 1.18 bedrock

Under normal circumstances, Minecraft villagers do not despawn in your gameplay. There are chances that your villager will despawn under some particular situations. 

Despawning  rate of the Minecraft villagers depends upon a few things. Let’s get to know about those things:

  1. Minecraft villagers will despawn if your house has many openings (doors, windows). 
  2. Lack of proper and a wall-long fence around your house will increase the Despawning  rate of your villager in Minecraft. 
  3. If you fail to keep the Minecraft mobs and zombies away from your villager, then you will have to give up on the villagers. 
  4. Poor lighting around your world will help a lot in despawning  a Minecraft villager. The lack of proper lights is a sign of the presence of zombies in Minecraft. If you want to stop your villager from despawning , you need to cater to this aspect too. 
  5. There are chances that your villager will despawn if it moves more than 128 blocks away from your house or world in your gameplay. 
  6. There could be another way by which your villager will despawn in Minecraft world. If your villager is in mating mode and you are not breeding them, then your villager will despawn. 
  7. Lack of proper breeding will compel the villagers to despawn in your Minecraft world. 

Do Villagers Despawn If Not Named?

There are conflicting points of view on this question. Some of the people think that the Minecraft villagers despawn if not appropriately named. On the contrary, some people opined that having name tags is all that can keep your villager away from despawning . 

There are various updates in Minecraft Vanilla Edition. You won’t see your villager despawning there in the absence of name tags. So, name tags are not mandatory to stop your villagers from despawning in the Minecraft world. Minecraft villagers do not despawn if not named. 

Do Villagers Despawn If You Trap Them?

Your villagers will not despawn if you trap them in your Minecraft world. Still, there are cases when the villagers despawned by coming out of the traps. What would you say why your villager despawn? 

Having a trap is not enough to stop your villagers from despawning in Minecraft world. There could be a bug that makes your villager set free and despawn around your Minecraft world.  

Do Villagers Despawn Without Beds?

Why are my villagers despawning 1.18 bedrock

Beds are one of the necessities of the Minecraft villagers. You will provide a separate bed to your villagers to stop them from despawning. 

Here I will mention one thing again. A bed is not mandatory or all to keep your villager stay in your house. You can use a bed to stop your villager from despawning in your gameplay. If you don’t provide a bed to your villager, the villager will not breed. You will lose your villager in one way or another. So, the bed is one of those things that will help you stop your villager from despawning. 

Do Villagers Disappear On Peaceful Mode?

Minecraft villagers disappear on peaceful mode (Survival mode). There are many reasons behind this thing. You won’t see any reasons why your villager will disappear in peaceful mode. Still, the Minecraft villagers disappear. Let’s find out why the villagers disappear in peaceful mode. 

1. Lack of proper breeding 

Lack of breeding will put your villager in confusion about whether to stay or disappear in your Minecraft world. Minecraft villagers breed and multiply in numbers. You can breed them to get their services quite easily. If you forget about their breeding, then your villager will disappear in peaceful mode. 

2. Lack of separate beds for each villager

Now the deficiency or lack of proper beds will put a pause on your game. You will have to give up on your villagers. Without beds, your villagers will not be able to take rest and breed. And these things will make them disappear around your Minecraft world. 

3. Presence of undead mobs

The presence of undead mobs further adds to the already intensified situation. Minecraft mobs will make your villagers disappear from your world. If you cannot protect your villagers from such mobs in peaceful mode, you will see your villagers disappear. 

How Do You Stop Villagers From Despawning?

Why are my villagers despawning 1.18 bedrock

Stopping your Minecraft villagers from despawning is crucial to make your gameplay effective and performant. By doing this, you will be able to enjoy the services of your villager. So, it would be best if you stop the Minecraft villagers from despawning. You can stop your Minecraft villagers from despawning by using the following ways:

1. Quarantining 

Want to keep your villagers safe in your Minecraft world? Well, quarantining is the best possible way in this regard. Quarantining refers to keep your villagers stay at a specific and secure location. You will lock your villagers in a protected place. You will find a place that would be far away from the undead Minecraft creatures. 

2. By Lightning Your Minecraft World

You can stop your villagers from spawning by keeping your Minecraft world brighter than before. Zombies and mobs will not spawn in bright areas. That’s how you will keep your villagers far away from despawning in Minecraft. 

3. Provide Your Villagers With Basic Necessities 

There are chances that your villager will not spawn. If you provide your villagers with the basic necessities (house, bed, and many other related things), then your villager will stop despawning in Minecraft. 

4. Make Proper Boundaries And Fences Around Your House 

You can avail this option to keep your villagers far away from espawning in Minecraft. All you need to do is to make a fence around your house. You can also remove the unnecessary openings of your house. 

Ensure that you have closed all the windows and doors to make your villager stay at your Minecraft house. It would be best if you also make sure that the walls of your house are high enough to keep your villagers inside the house. 

5. Trading As A Temporary Way To Stop Your Villagers From Despawning 

Why are my villagers despawning 1.18 bedrock

If you have already availed of all of the above methods and didn’t get any productive results, this option is for you. You can start trading with your villagers to keep them far away from despawning. You can trade for many valuable things such as emeralds. Your villager will trade for the essential food items in Minecraft. 

All these things will help you a lot to keep zombies away from your world. And it would ultimately stop the villagers from despawning in Minecraft. 

Do Villagers Disappear In Minecraft?

As mentioned above, Minecraft villagers do not disappear naturally. Still, there are chances that your villager will disappear from your Minecraft world. If you stop keeping an eye on the Minecraft mobs, your villager will disappear soon. So, you will see that the Minecraft villagers do disappear in some situations. 

Why Do Villagers Disappear In Minecraft?

Minecraft villagers disappear in some specific situations. You can also know about the reasons behind the disappearance of your villagers. Here, you will use the same points to justify that the Minecraft villagers disappear, as mentioned above.

  • Why are my villagers despawning 1.18 bedrock

    Hrvoje Milakovic is co-owner of Fiction Horizon and a big cinephile. Apart from that, he likes to read comics, play games and collect action figures. He has been featured on LifeWire, Yahoo and IMDb, to name a few.

Why do my villagers keep disappearing bedrock?

If you shut down the game when you are seeing a bunch of villagers, and perhaps right before some "save" functions are called, the villagers will disappear when you re-enter the game.

Why did my villagers suddenly disappear?

There are chances that your villager will despawn if it moves more than 128 blocks away from your house or world in your gameplay. There could be another way by which your villager will despawn in Minecraft world. If your villager is in mating mode and you are not breeding them, then your villager will despawn.

Can villagers starve in bedrock?

Villagers eating in Minecraft Villagers don't appear to eat anything regularly. They don't hunger and therefore don't need to eat food to remedy that. They do, however, breed, and that requires them to "eat."