Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Posted by3 years ago


Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

If these two got into a Freddy vs Jason style battle, which slasher would win in a physical battle?

Leatherface in the 2003 reboot of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre"


Jason Voorhees in the 2009 reboot of "Friday the 13th"?

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Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

level 1

Jason would win considering he is shown to be supernatural like, and Leatherface although strong wouldn’t be able to put him down for good.

level 2

Not in the 2009 reboot. He is 100% human.

level 1

Jason's stronger, faster, and smarter here. He'd run circles around Leatherface and chop him down in no time.

level 1

Jason is ridiculously powerful, even if he’s still human his skills far surpass Leatherface.

I’d say Jason 7-8/10 if Leatherface is lucky he could do some serious damage with the chainsaw and possibly get the win, but not likely with this version of Jason.

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Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

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Who would win, Jason or Leatherface


 - Remake versions of both characters only 
-Morals off and bloodlusted 
-win /only/ by death 
-Fight takes place at Camp Crystal Lake 
-Jason gets a Hunting knife and Machete 
-Leatherface gets a...well..chainsaw

 who wins??




Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

voorhees. but he comes out of it with a few a injuries.

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Jason is a...I don't actually know what Jason is but he's pretty much an unstoppable killing machine who can only be killed by a clever girl to return from the dead for another film. Leatherface is a F#!&%d human with a chainsaw. Jason wins with a chainsaw embedded in his chest

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Jason slays the hell out of Leatherface.

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface


Jason is a...I don't actually know what Jason is but he's pretty much an unstoppable killing machine who can only be killed by a clever girl to return from the dead for another film. Leatherface is a F#!&%d human with a chainsaw. Jason wins with a chainsaw embedded in his chest

the op says it's remake Jason, who has no superhuman abilities besides being a big guy 

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

@krilling said:

Leatherface slays the hell out of Jason.


10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Jason; hands down. 

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Remake Jason goes down hard

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

They fight. Jason wins. 
Leatherface then invites him to dinner to make ammends, and introduces him to the family.


Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Remake Jason was still incredibly hard to kill, had his "behind you" powers, etc. He beats Leatherface badly.

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

@batkevin74: Jason is a human and there are plenty ways to kill him, like any method for being that can't regenerate limbs.

Anyway he wins, not that i care.

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Leatherface did seem to have above average strenght, even for a big guy. Jason wins but it is by no means a slaughter.

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

@krilling said:

Jason slays the hell out of Leatherface.

This. Jason doesn't break a sweat. Btw, what exactly is Jason anyway?(does he have a healing factor, demon, what is he, I've never figured it out)

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Jason stomps.

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Jason wins Leatherface is a human he's going to feel pain Jason is unaffected by pain or at the very least has an extreme tolerence to it if Jason cuts Leatherface he's going to feel it it's going to slow him down but we've seen Jason be stabbed,sliced & shot without really slowin him down plus I hear the remake versions alot effing faster than the original

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

@majestic99: In the early movies Jason seemed to be basically just some sort of inbred degenerate freak. Later on (part 6, I think) he was resurrected by a lightning bolt and from then on was essentially some kind of undead zombie creature.

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Even remake Jason is to quote Wikipedia "was designed as a leaner and faster killer, with a backstory that could provide a little sympathy for the character, but not enough that he would lose his menace" and sure he gets a machete to the chest but at the end he explodes through the dock. Jason is unstoppable, possibly undead and an all-round bad-ass. Leatherface is a nutbar with a chainsaw

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Jason but it's a VERY close fight.

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

@Freefa11: In Jason X, it was stated that he had a healing factor that essentially made him immortal and immune to all diseases.

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

@batkevin74: People should just watch the old movies if they want to feel sympathy, plus in friday the 13th part 3 wasn't Jason also running.

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface


@krilling said:

Jason slays the hell out of Leatherface.

This. Jason doesn't break a sweat. Btw, what exactly is Jason anyway?(does he have a healing factor, demon, what is he, I've never figured it out)

for the first five movies he was just a normal  guy with above average strength and a slight healing factor, however after the sixth movie, he was Resurrected (truly) from the dead and became more like a zombie   


Jason wins Leatherface is a human he's going to feel pain Jason is unaffected by pain or at the very least has an extreme tolerence to it if Jason cuts Leatherface he's going to feel it it's going to slow him down but we've seen Jason be stabbed,sliced & shot without really slowin him down plus I hear the remake versions alot effing faster than the original 

the remake jason runs yes, but is no way near as durable as his regular form, nor does he have super strength, he's basically human 

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

@The Stegman: he's stronger than the average person, when he kills that woman in the bathroom he lifts her up of the ground and slams her into the antlers, when he kills that dude who is a bit of an arse hole he stabs him with his machete then ifts him off the ground easily.

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

@The Stegman: Jason Voorhees is anything but normal. After coming back from the dead or implied death at the end of each film in the original franchise he's some sort of supernatural thing. And keeping within the original parameters the remake Jason gets stabbed in the chest with a machete and dumped into the lake only to return at the end exploding through the dock. Jason aint normal

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Jason rips of leatherface's face and poo's on it

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface



10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

@batkevin74: well...we don't actually know if that was real, the remake director said they took bits and pieces from the other films to make this, at the end of the original Friday the 13th, jason jumped out of the water, but that was later revealed to be a dream..the same could be said for the ending of the remake, it's inconclusive. 

10 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Jason owns. He could kill anyone. Even the hellraiser guys

9 years ago

I actually read the Jason Vs LeatherFace comic....Jason owned him every time they faught (until LFs family intervened). And the remake Jason is even faster and more skilled than the original.

9 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Remake or not, Jason wins..

9 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

It goes like this folks as far as the slashers go. Jason > Michael > Leatherface. It is a rather fitting ranking from what I have seen of the 3 Freddy not included seeing as he is a dream slasher not a real world one.

9 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Jason is a supernatural force sent back from hell multiple times.

leatherface is human.

9 years ago

Jason is a supernatural force sent back from hell multiple times.

leatherface is human.

Remake Jason was human too...and the thread is discussing the remake versions...

9 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Jason... in an epic... #Curbstomp.

9 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Does anyone actually think Leatherface would win?

9 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

@noone301994: Not really...I mean I could just see this going the same way as it did in the Jason vs Leatherface comic, only the fight isn't stopped/interrupted. Plus Jason has a hunting knife, and we all know how accurate Jason is with throwing things.

9 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Jason wrecks leather face

9 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Was gonna make this. Remake vs Remake hmm.... Not Sure actually but leaning towards Voorhees

He seemed to actually have sense in the last film. But Leatherface could slice him up if he blitzes

6 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Jason, but this is by no means a stomp.

6 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Jason slices a triple face on leatherface.

6 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Pretty sure that any iteration of Jason would win handily.

6 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

@noone301994: @morleericks: When you pit Leatherface against other slashers, remake or original, environment is going to be key. He's not bright by any means, he's not stealthy, he's loud, sloppy, and out of control when he's in murder mode. Michael and Jason are like leopards, ambush predators, getting the drop on their prey and usually dispatching them quickly, Leatherface hunts more like a wolf or hyena, running down his prey with surprising endurance for a guy his size, tearing away at them both physically and mentally, until they are damaged and exhausted before killing them (this analogy also works in the fact that Leatherface runs in a pack, via the Hewitt clan.)

The best weapon in Leatherface's arsenal is his berserker rage attacks but these are not just a danger to his target but anyone around, friend or foe, as well as himself. Remake-Jason is smart enough to avoid such an attack and counter it if they are fighting in the open, much like fighting Michael Myers, a cage match would be more favorable for Leatherface.

6 years ago

Who would win, Jason or Leatherface

Who is stronger Michael Myers or Leatherface?

And The Winner Is... Ultimately, the victor would be Leatherface. Since Leatherface kills out of self-defense and for self-preservation, he would throw his all behind a fight with Myers and physically is more powerful.

Is Jason a Leatherface?

Kane Hodder who played Jason Voorhees four times doubled as Leatherface in the 3rd Texas Chainsaw Massacre film.

Who is stronger Jason or Freddy Krueger?

Freddy appears to have the advantage over Jason, though he is the harder of the two to kill. Eventually, the villains knocked over to the docks by a mining cart and Jason hacks away at Freddy with his machete until Freddy cuts off Jason's fingers and takes his machete.

Who would win Jason or jeepers creepers?

Conclusion: Creeper should probably be about 2-3x stronger than Jason. Meaning he has a solid advantage in a heavy grapple. Conclusion: Jason consistently hits much harder than the Creeper.