Who was nominated on big brother last night

Who was nominated on big brother last night

Big Brother spoilers are back again this season. Each week I’ll be updating this page here with the latest Big Brother 24 spoilers and status updates for the season with competition and ceremony results. If you want to know what’s going on inside the house with one quick glance then this will be the page to check so bookmark it now!

To keep you up to date on the latest BB24 spoilers in the game we’ll be posting the current status of the game here. Check back often for new results and links to Big Brother spoilers details on the season.

Big Brother 24 Week 10:
HOH: Monte
Nominated: Alyssa & Brittany
Power of Veto: Brittany
Veto Ceremony: …
Evicted: …

Big Brother 24 Week 9.5:
HOH: Turner
Nominated: Alyssa & Brittany
Power of Veto: Monte
Veto Ceremony: Alyssa saved, Michael renom’d
Evicted: Michael, 3-0

Big Brother 24 Week 9:
HOH: Michael
Nominated: Alyssa & Terrance
Power of Veto: Michael
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Terrance, 4-0

Big Brother 24 Week 8:
HOH: Turner
Nominated: Brittany & Taylor
Power of Veto: Michael
Veto Ceremony: Brittany saved, Kyle renom’d
Evicted: Kyle, 5-0

Big Brother 24 Week 7:
HOH – BroChella: Michael
Nominated – BroChella: Jasmine & Monte
Power of Veto – BroChella: Brittany
Veto Ceremony – BroChella: Veto not used
Evicted – BroChella: Jasmine, 2-0

HOH – Dyre Fest: Terrance
Nominated – Dyre Fest: Joseph & Turner
Power of Veto – Dyre Fest: Terrance
Veto Ceremony – Dyre Fest: Turner saved, Kyle renom’d
Evicted – Dyre Fest: Joseph, 2-0

Big Brother 24 Week 6:
HOH: Taylor
HNs: none this week
Nominated: Indy & Terrance
Power of Veto: Kyle
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Indy, 7-1

Big Brother 24 Week 5:
HOH: Michael
HNs: none this week
Nominated: Joseph, Monte, & Terrance
Power of Veto: Michael
Veto Ceremony: Veto used, Daniel & Kyle renom’d
Evicted: Daniel, 8-1

Big Brother 24 Week 4:
HOH: Monte
HNs: Jasmine & Turner
Nominated: Alyssa & Indy
Power of Veto: Daniel & Kyle
Veto Ceremony: Alyssa & Indy saved, Nicole & Taylor renom’d
Evicted: Nicole, 9-1

Big Brother 24 Week 3:
HOH: Turner
HNs: Alyssa & Indy
Nominated: Brittany & Michael
Power of Veto: Brittany & Michael
Veto Ceremony: Veto used, Ameerah & Terrance renom’d
Evicted: Ameerah, 7-4

Big Brother 24 Week 2:
HOH: Jasmine
HNs: Pooch, Nicole, Terrance, & Daniel
Nominated: Pooch & Taylor
Power of Veto: Michael
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Pooch, 12-0

Big Brother 24 Week 1:
HoH: Daniel
Backstage Boss: Joe Pooch
Pooch’s Picks: Alyssa, Brittany, & Paloma
HNs: Joseph, Michael, Monte, & Kyle
Nominated: Michael & Terrance
Power of Veto: Michael
Veto Ceremony: Michael saved, Taylor renom’d
Drop-out: Paloma
Evicted: No eviction this week!

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Who was nominated on big brother last night

Check out all of these archived results from past Big Brother seasons.

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Latest Big Brother Spoilers News & Updates:

The latest Power of Veto spoilers for Big Brother 24 are in from the Live Feeds and here are your results. Read on for the spoilers on who won the Veto this week! Well that [...]

Big Brother Spoilers are in for nominations with two more HGs on the Block for Week 10 of Big Brother 24. A new Head of Household was crowned after last night’s Double Eviction and late-night [...]

This week’s Double Eviction show delivered the latest evictions for Big Brother 24 and another two Jurors, but what about that new Head of Household? Read on to find out who won HOH last night [...]

The results are in for the latest Big Brother Veto Meeting as Michael had a decision to make on which way he’d try and go in these last few weeks of Big Brother 24. Read [...]

There are more Big Brother spoilers for you since Thursday’s episode with HOH, Nominations, and even the Veto competition all rolling through the Big Brother 24 house since the last show. Catch up on all [...]

The latest Power of Veto spoilers for Big Brother 24 are in from the Live Feeds and here are your results. Read on for the spoilers on who won the Veto this week! Everyone but [...]

Read more Big Brother spoilers…

Who did Monte nominate on Big Brother?

New Head of Household Monte has nominated Brittany and Alyssa for eviction. Monte began his individual HoH meetings being mostly open and honest about who is putting up and why. He began with Alyssa.

Who won the power of Veto on Big Brother?

It was revealed on the live feeds that Brittany won the Power of Veto and because she did, that guarantees her a spot in the final four.

Did Michael use the Veto on Big Brother?

So once he — somewhat shockingly — did not win the Veto on Thursday's live double eviction episode, Veto victor Monte Taylor and HOH Matt Turner took their shot (after urging from Taylor Hale), and Michael was eliminated in a unanimous 3-0 vote.

Who did Michael put on the block?

So, this is a pretty straightforward nomination ceremony, as Michael puts Alyssa and Terrance on the block. The only perhaps unexpected thing is Terrance being vocally livid during the nomination ceremony, laughing at Michael and his "flimsy excuse" for putting him on the block.