Who made MX vs ATV Legends?

For over a decade and a half, the MX vs. ATV franchise brought the two-wheeled acrobatics of motocross bikes and four-wheeled fun of all-terrain vehicles together firing on all cylinders. Unfortunately, MX vs. ATV Legends has come rolling in to the series with flat tires and an empty tank of gas. On the upside, the game's playable and there's some fun to be had when racing against friends in online or split-screen matchups. On the downside, just about everything else never even gets off the starting line.

Visually, the game's a mixed bag. While the tracks and environments have some good detail, the same can't be said about the people and vehicles. Worse still, the visuals stutter and break apart when doing something as simple as changing your look at the Locker. From an audio standpoint, the game's licensed soundtrack is wasted since you can barely hear it over the engine and other vehicle sounds. What you're left with instead is an endless stream of white noise. Basic controls like throttle, braking, and steering are easy enough, but using any of the other more advanced moves is a frustrating mess. This is made even worse if you decide to enable the custom camera, which inexplicably uses some of the same buttons as operating your vehicle. As it stands, MX vs. ATV Legends is a mess of a game that either needs more tune-up time in the garage or a trip to the virtual junkyard.

Who made MX vs ATV Legends?

The fifteenth time may be the charm for Rainbow Studios' next MX vs ATV title.

The folks over at THQ Nordic took an opportunity to share what they’ve been cooking up with the world during their 10th Anniversary Showcase stream today. Among the various new game reveals and trailers came news of the next off-road-centric action title from the veterans at Rainbow Studios. MX vs ATV Legends will mark the series debut on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S while also making an appearance on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

The announcement came by way of a new teaser trailer that shows off an ATV, dirt bike, and UTV racing each other towards the stationary camera. As the trio soars by the camera, lots of mud and debris is shown along with some quick cuts teasing massive supercross arenas and lush, open landscapes that will serve as extreme motorsports playgrounds.

Rainbow Studios released their last MX vs ATV game, MX vs ATV All Out, back in 2018. They followed that release up with a pair of monster truck games that used the Monster Jam license. The studio first gained fame on the back of the Motocross Madness series for PCs that was published by Microsoft. Their fan base grew even further when they released ATV Offroad Fury for the PlayStation 2 in 2001, establishing their personal motorcraft action formula as a winner.

While THQ Nordic did not offer a firm release date or release window for MX vs ATV Legends, we will make sure to have that news posted here at Shacknews the moment it is made available. You can follow the rest of our coverage from the THQ Nordic 10th Anniversary Showcase here.

Who made MX vs ATV Legends?

Chris Jarrard likes playing games, crankin' tunes, and looking for fights on obscure online message boards. He understands that breakfast food is the only true food. Don't @ him.

Who made MX vs ATV Legends?

Who made MX vs ATV Legends?

Release Date

June 28, 2022

The MX vs ATV series has had its fair share of duds, and even now, with MX vs ATV Legends, it’s far from perfect. However, there’re plenty of opportunities to get familiar with the handling of all three vehicles, and a bulky career mode to keep fans of the dirt racing genre firmly planted in the muddy tracks. Playing on PlayStation 5, there’s a noticeable difference in the quality of the visuals, but Rainbow Studios still has a way to go in making this the ultimate off road racer.

The majority of your time will be spent in the Career Mode. Starting off with the dirt bike, it won’t be long until your taking part in championships featuring the ATVs and UTVs. Before you dive into competitions, the tutorial gives you a good idea of how the new physics work for the vehicles. The most noticeable change is how going into jumps and successfully landing them feels. You can take them cautiously without leaving the ground too high, or gain plenty of air in an attempt to cover more distance.

Who made MX vs ATV Legends?

MX vs ATV Legends: Perfect the landings

There’s a great sense of risk and reward depending on how you decide to attack a jump, and if the landing doesn’t connect and you go flying off your vehicle, it’s more down to how you handle in the air. Some tracks are filled with jumps and straights, others are filled with tighter corners. Regardless of the circuit, there’s often a lot of variety, but I found that some are more punishing than others. Sometimes, it isn’t even down to how you control the vehicle, as the AI is either punishing and unrealistic, or slow and unintelligent. It doesn’t even matter on whether you’re racing on two wheels or four, the AI doesn’t feel balanced.

Handling of all three vehicles feels good for the most part. Bikes zip around faster and are much easier to go around corners with, but they feel more vulnerable, with a much larger room for error. The ATVs walk the line between light and heavy, whereas the UTVs are beasts and take patience to control. You’ll need to master all three classes as the Career takes you through plenty of weeks where all three will be available to choose. I seldom enjoyed the UTVs as they felt incredibly clunky and trickier to manage, whereas the other two gave me enough room to improve and feel my progress present itself as I moved through the weeks.

Who made MX vs ATV Legends?

Erase and rewind

With most racers, you aren’t punished by your failings as there’s a rewind feature that allows you to skip back a few seconds. Unfortunately, MX vs ATV Legends gives you a reset that doesn’t flow with the races. It almost drops you back randomly without a smooth transition. Granted, making mistakes can be seldom made thanks to the tight handling of the dirt bikes and ATVs, however, even with those rough landings or overshoots of a corner, rewinding would make races feel much smoother given the chance.

The more successful you are, the more upgrades for your vehicles become available, and later down the line new vehicles will open up. It feels bare bones compared to other racers as there’s a lack of detail in the different parts and vehicles, leaving the player to only assume new ones are better than the last. It’s also more of a collection of events with no story to tether everything together, making the only motivation you have to simply get the highest position in each event. This might be more than enough for most players, but I personally like careers in any racer have something more than this.

Who made MX vs ATV Legends?

MX vs ATV Legends: Looking good

While MX vs ATV Legends isn’t the prettiest racer I’ve seen on PS5, the various locations look great, and despite the rare glitch (racers arms moving awkwardly when revving, for example), it’s a good looking game. The DualSense reacts differently depending on the type of terrain you’re going over, but it doesn’t feel like a huge difference whether you’re on mud or concrete. That being said, it’s a good starting point for the future of the series. While the career offers a lot of opportunities to race, there’s little outside of that bar time trials, quick events, and the option to race others online.

MX vs ATV Legends feels as though the series is back on the right track. Despite some blips in handling and AI that rarely feels balanced, all three vehicles provide a challenge when mastering them. The career mode is little more than a chain of events and championships, but if you’re a fan of the controls and how it plays, it’s going to be something you’ll likely enjoy. Other than a few separate modes, there’s little else to get stuck into, but as for the racing itself, I had a fun time trying out new vehicles and the wide variety of courses.

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Who made MX vs ATV Legends?


A robust career mode
Handling often feels good


AI is unbalanced
UTVs feel awkward to control
Not a lot to do outside of career

MX vs ATV Legends plays well for the most part, and despite some issues with the AI and a streamlined career, there's still a lot to like.

Who makes MX vs ATV Legends?

From longtime developer Rainbow Studios and publisher THQ Nordic, comes the latest iteration in the venerable MX vs ATV series that we first encountered back in the Xbox 360 days.

When did MX vs ATV Legends come out?

June 28, 2022MX vs ATV Legends / Initial release datenull

Is MX vs ATV Legends worth it?

MX vs ATV Legends is definitely an awesome dirt-racing game that is worth playing! However, if you aren't willing to put in the time to build up your skills and learn how it is best to play this game, it might not be for you.

Who owns MX vs ATV?

ATV is an American racing video game franchise developed by Rainbow Studios and published by THQ Nordic that focuses on off-road racing, as a crossover between THQ's MX trilogy and Sony's ATV Offroad Fury series.