Who killed sara season 2 episode 2


Season 2, episode 2 of Who Killed Sara? drops more shocking truths for the audience. By now this story should be absurd, but it remains addictive as ever.

This recap of Netflix’s Who Killed Sara? season 2, episode 2, “Blood on Their Hands,” contains spoilers. 

After that dramatic opening, episode 2 brings new and challenging events to season 2. But it doesn’t start with the aftermath of the explosion; it begins with Alex finding the corpse in his yard and worrying about going back to jail. Elisa reassures him and explains they will get him a good lawyer — she recommends Lorenzo — the lawyer is not happy with this because he’s on a break with Chema but reluctantly does it anyway. Elisa tells Chema that Sara is more dangerous than they thought. Lorenzo reassures Alex that if prosecution cannot prove his guilt, they cannot imprison him; these are not the best words, considering Alex was set up for murder 18 years ago.

Planning the amusement park attack

Episode 2 brings us back to the ending of episode 1, with Alex planning his attack on Cesar at the amusement park. However, before the events occur, Elisa gets into a taxi. It then shows Alex liaising with his acquaintance in prison and setting up bombs from home. While on the way to the amusement park, the examiners tell Alex the corpse belongs to a man between 40 and 45. Alex does not realize Elisa is following him in a taxi.

It reruns the amusement park events, but this time, from Elisa’s perspective; she believes Alex is in grave danger, not knowing that this was all part of Alex’s plan. Sergio finds Elisa, and she asks why her father has a gun.

Elisa runs towards where the bomb is, but Alex manages to save her. They both fall to the floor; Elisa tells Alex to run because if her father finds him, he will kill him. Elisa is wounded, but Alex has no choice but to run. Cesar takes Elisa to the hospital.

“Letting go of” Elroy

The evil of Mariana shines through in Who Killed Sara? season 2, episode 2 — she’s certainly just as evil as Cesar.

Mariana visits Elroy in prison and prays for him — she tells him it is time to say goodbye for “his sake and mine.” She tells him that he should have killed Sara — she injects him with a drug and calls him a “monster” but that God will take his embrace. Elroy flatlines very quickly and dies. Outside of the hospital, Mariana bumps into Rodolfo, who wants to visit Elroy — his mother tells him she once saw Sara kiss Nicandro once.

Clara’s true intentions

Well, well, well… Clara is not the innocent surrogate mother that we believed she was at first; her intentions run deep, and it’s all to do with her feelings.

Clara tells Chema not to be down about Lorenzo, and the pair randomly kiss — she reminds him that when he was younger, he claimed he was bisexual and states she has feelings for him. Chema tells her he is not bisexual. However, Chema withdraws from the conversation. Later on, Chema is broken up about Lorenzo, but Clara tells him that Lorenzo left them, and they are alone with this. Clara gives him a b*****b.

Sergio’s warnings to Cesar 

When Alex drives away from the amusement park, Alex remembers Cesar’s words — “I saved your sister’s life.” He’s frustrated. The need for the truth is now intoxicating his mind. It’s frustrating him. What does Cesar mean? It’s equally torturing for the audience. Meanwhile, Elisa is fine, but she does have burns. Cesar is furious at Sergio and wonders why Elisa was at the amusement park. Sergio warns him that The Ministry is at the casino — they are being audited and states that Alex is publishing all their information. Sergio also drops that Elroy is dead, which shocks Cesar.

Cesar is frustrated with the situation and has a tussle with Sergio — Sergio reminds him that no body was found at the explosion at the amusement park, so his worst enemy is still out there before walking off. Meanwhile, Rodolfo argues with his mother — he’s dismayed that she doesn’t care that her husband was sleeping with his partner.

The ending

Alex sneaks into the hospital and checks up on Elisa. In flashbacks, Marifer tells Sara that her mother loves her. However, moments later, Sara sees her mother outside a psychiatric facility — she believes she’s getting committed, and slaps Marifer in the face, and claims she isn’t crazy. Marifer spies on Lucia and learns she is visiting a patient named Abel Martinez Osorio — in the present day, Marifer is researching Abel.

Season 2, episode 2 of Who Killed Sara? drops more shocking truths for the audience. By now this story should be absurd, but it remains addictive as ever.

Additional points 
  • Episode 2 flits to Nicandro; in flashbacks, he had a keen interest in Sara — there was definitely tension between them both. At a party, Nicandro tells others about the effects of dopamine. Sara cannot keep her eyes off him.

Do we find out who killed Sarah in season 2?

The major reveal that came from season 2's finale is the reveal that it was Marifer, Sara's best friend and Alex's ex-girlfriend, who was behind Sara's death.

How many episodes in season 2 of Who killed Sarah?

Veteran fans of the mystery thriller will be quick to note that this makes season 3 the shortest instalment of the show as seasons 1 and 2 had 10 and eight episodes respectively.

Who is the burn victim in Who Killed Sara?

In the meantime, Reinaldo helped to concoct the story that Marifer was the one who killed Sara from the parachuting accident, something she carries with her to her death.

Why did Marifer cut the ropes?

As it turns out, Marifer cut Sara's parachute strings so that she could die, but she didn't. Instead, Reno's character Reinaldo faked her death and made her patient zero in some sort of bizarre medical experiment he was conducting. The conspiracy behind the experiment was so twisty that Sara's psychiatrist Dr.


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