Who is the blonde boy in Outer Banks?

Summary: you’re new to the obx and run into the blonde boy at a shop and he tries to flirt w/y. You two instantly don’t like e/o and then on top of that you’re staying at John b’s for a while bc your parents are out of town and you know John b from your past.

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx

GIF by kaisbanks

Your name is Y/N. You are new in town. In the Outer Banks.

Your mother and father are separated because your father left when you were only 3 years old. You have two brothers and sisters. Your little brother, Chris, is 5 years old and your little sister, Lara, is 3.5 years old.

You live with your mother and stepfather, Dan. He is definitely not the best stepfather you could wish for. But oh well. You moved to the Outer Banks yesterday. And you have no idea how good this town is gonna be for you.

You've been clearing out your stuff all day and you want to unwind a little. You go downtown, to the newsstand, and get some cigarettes. You don't really smoke because you've had bad experiences with drugs, but right now you need it badly, especially because your stepfather and your mother are fighting all day again.

"A pack of cigarettes, please," you say to the man at the counter and give him the 8 dollars.

You walk out of the shop and in all the stress you run into a guy.

"Whoa a little fast on the road today?" the guy says and looks at you.

"If you weren't standing in the way I wouldn't have run into you man" you say annoyed and want to keep going

"You must be having a stressful day, huh? I know that... It's always good to cool off with a cigarette" he says laughing. What a player, you think to yourself and go on.

"Wait, wait, can't I even know your name?" he asks.

"Nope" you say and give him the middle finger as you walk away.

A stressful day, and then on top of that some weird guy comes and flirts with you. Great city.

But you can't really get him out of your head, this boy. He has blond hair, was wearing a grey tank top and shorts. He smelled like grass, but that doesn't bother you. Whatever. Just a typical wannabe fuck boy, you think to yourself.

Later in the day you want to look around a bit. You decide to go to the beach. It's actually really nice here, you think to yourself. You walk along the beach and see quite a few people. It looks like a party or something. It looks fun, but it's not really something you want to do right now. You are about to turn back and someone is coming towards you.

"Hey, we've met before, right?" someone says. It's the blond boy. He looks a bit drunk and has a red cup in his hand. It's probably beer.

You give him a questioning look and turn around again. But he is walking with you.

"The kiosk? Today at noon. Don't you remember?" he asks.

"Oh yeah, sure. How could I forget the blond boy from the kiosk who talked to me so nicely?" you say ironically.

"Wowowow you were the one who was so rude to me" he says

"Yeah I was. Entitled" you say and stop.

"Oh my god okay then. Never seen you here before." he says

"moved here yesterday. Moved so many times in my life that I don't really care anymore." you admit

"I can tell you're gonna love the Outer Banks. I'm Jj. May I know your name now?" he asks.

"Yeah I don't mind. I am Y/N. Nice to meet you Jj." you say

Then there is a group of people walking towards you.

There are four people.

"Hey Jay. Who's this here? New hookup?" A brunette girl asks while rolling his eyes.

"Ugh definitely not" you say, disgusted, because Jj already looked like he was a player and it looks like he actually is.

"Wait.... Y/N?" Asks a brown haired boy.

"JohnB? No way" you say.

"Wait... you know each other?" Asks a blonde girl while you hug JB.

"Yeah babe we always played together when we were children and our parents are friends." Says JohnB

"This is my girlfriend, Sarah. This right here is Kiara aka Ki and the boy with the cap here is Pope." Says JohnB

They all look very nice actually and they all greet you very nicely.

"So how do you two know each other?" asks JohnB.

"He tried to flirt with me at the kiosk today," you say with a smile.

"Yeah, the way you're going I shouldn't have done that. But you liked it anyway" he says.

"you're not as great as you think you are man" you say back and look at him.

The others laugh.

"Oh remember you're a tough woman then. Might be the perfect match for you Jj, right?" says JohnB laughing.

"No way" you say and leave.

"Wait... if you're leaving so early, do you want to go boating with us tomorrow? We'll pick you up" JB says as he follows you.

"No... I would rather go to the beach" you say

"Then we'll do that" JohnB says

"JohnB? I have a question and its totally fine if you say no but my mother is away for a few weeks and I really don't want to live with my stepfather the next weeks... Can I live at yours just for like 3 weeks?" You ask

"Of course you can. But Jj kinda lives there too... Just so that you know" says Johnb

"Ugh great... No but really thank you so much!" You say, hug him and go home.


Hey guys, so thank you for reading... next parts are up on my channel so I’d be so happy for a share or a like :)
Also requests are always open!!

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Who plays the boy in Outer Banks?

Charles Esten as Ward Cameron Since then, he's appeared in several movies and television shows, including Star Trek: Voyager, Nashville and The Office. Outer Banks seasons 1 and 2 are available to stream on Netflix.

Who is the mystery guy in Outer Banks?

Ward Cameron is one of the main characters and the main antagonist in Outer Banks. He is portrayed by Charles Esten.

Are JJ and Sarah half siblings?

"The whole thing behind it is that JJ and Sarah's mom was having an affair with Ward or Luke, and either because Ward was greedy or Luke has addiction issues, she just left," Cline told Fallon. Yep, that means JJ and Sarah would technically be half-siblings.

Who is Jayjay from Outer Banks?

Rudy Pankow (/ˈpɑːnkoʊ/) is an American actor. He stars as JJ Maybank on the Netflix teen drama series Outer Banks.


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