Who is the audience of How It Feels to Be Colored Me

African American writer, Zora Neale Hurston was born into a Negro community of Eatonville, Florida and wrote "How it Feels to Be Colored Me" in 1928. Hurston wasn’t aware of the significance of her racial identity until she was sent to school in Jacksonville at the age of thirteen. In a primarily white community, she soon realized that she was distinguished only by her physical characteristics and not “Zora of Orange County”. Colloquial and sincere, Zora Neale Hurston in "How It Feels to Be Colored Me" exposes racism and the issue of racial identity among colored people. The author 's confident standpoint is depicted through the use of strong-willed tone, assured diction, and vivid metaphors which augments the difference between her racial …show more content…
The author presents this when she states, "I am too busy sharpening my oyster knife." This metaphor makes an allusion to the proverb, “The world is my oyster.” This is significant because Hurston asserts that she will not feel ashamed of her racial identity and this metaphor shows her confidence in herself. In like manner, the author compares listening to jazz orchestra music to living in the jungle in the following statement, "I am in the jungle and living in the jungle way.” This vivid metaphor shows Hurston’s emotions at the times she feels colored in which she felt distant from the lives of others. Another key point would be when the author concludes the essay with, "Perhaps that is how the Great Stuffer of Bags filled them in the first place? Who knows?” This metaphor first begins comparing different colored bags propped against a wall to the races in the world; in this statement the “Great Stuffer of Bags” refers to God, the creator of the world, who purposely made each person unique. Hurston reveals to the audience that we are not different from each other, despite our races, and what matters the most is what’s inside. Moreover, the vivid metaphors used throughout the text exposes her standpoint as a

Zora Neale Hurston starts off by introducing how she a colored women in the article, How it Feels To be Colored Me. The article shows how Zora goes throughout her life as she grows up as a young colored women. Zora explains how she was born and raised in the town of Eatonville, Florida. She brings upon the point on how she belongs to the people of the town and that these people need Zora and her great self personality. This shows how this little town and how it is connected to each person. Zora explains the purpose of her life events of being a young colored girl in a town full of white people and the affects they have on her which introduces the audience to her main point of equality. One of the ways to categorize your arguments is the stasis theory. This approaches the kinds of issues that they address. The issue Zora is trying to address is equality between blacks whites. Zora is disappointed about the difference from her hometown to her new town. She quickly sees how colored people are treated in a town of all white. She refers to herself as a “bag” because all her good necessities are within the bag, just never opened up and used. This type of argument…show more content…
This certain type of appeal generates emotions that the author hopes to trigger to persuade the readers into their issue. Emotional appeal creates a bond between the reader and the author and even to the overall message. By bringing up racial tensions Zora sparks some feelings in the audience. Zora describes her feelings well in her writing that it makes the readers actually feel pity for her. She says “How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It is beyond me,” this quote directly makes the readers feel bad for her as she talks about how she can not get passed the idea that someone does not like her simple presence. It makes the audience feel the harsh environments she has to endure just because of her physical

In the essay How It Feels to Be Colored Me, Zora Hurston demonstrates the love, compassion, and self-confidence that serves as her moral compass. These intrinsic values guide her in a direction that leaves the audience with the unspoken reality what the African American culture has been forced to confront. During her journey, Hurston depicts a strong creation of sense of self and brings awareness to the subject of race and its function in place. Nevertheless, Hurston demonstrates such unique composure and reminds her readers as to what it means to be a human being.

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We are all intrinsically valuable, and social categorization is simply a social construct of society.

Throughout, Hurston tackles the topic of racial progression and favors an opinion that wouldn’t be supported by her fellow African American’s during this period. She begins to express her love for her race, yet like Booker T. Washington, she doesn’t force blame on the white community for the struggles of slavery.

Who is the audience of How It Feels to Be Colored Me

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What has happened in the past, is behind society. Yet, since its impossible to forget, why is it so hard for our communities to forgive? Still, Hurston depicts her gratitude for the voyage that she is so willing to embark upon. As she searches for her identity, I as the reader became susceptible to her logic, and understood it clearly. We begin to see some what of a revolutionary view from Hurston, in her idea that we as communities are the ones who separate and discriminate amongst ourselves.

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She continues by attributing these racial differences to our lack of open mindedness and the failure of society to learn from our history. Rather than embracing our differences we reject them, which leads to potentially lost individuals such as Hurston searching for their individuality.

Growing up in Eatonville, Zora never encountered the issue of wondering who she was, or what it felt like to be unalike. During her essay, she illustrates the occasional interactions that she’d have with the white community, and then the moment that she “became colored.” Originally her only interaction with those of another race was merely entertainment based. She describes how the passerby’s “liked to hear me ‘speak pieces’ and sing and wanted to see me dance the parse-me-la.” Nevertheless, Hurston didn’t feel as though she was putting on a show. She was merely being, Zora. This comfortability that she possessed shows how she didn’t identify her self as a colored girl. Still, is noticeable to her that there are differences, yet she has the tendency to overlook them.

It wasn’t until she moved, at the age of 13, that Hurston finally felt the heaviness that her skin tone burdened her with. But she wasn’t going to let this futile outside influence hinder the drive and determination that she had. Her adventurous personality left her looking forward, and never looking to the past. Hurston conveys how she doesn’t, “belong to the sobbing school of Negrohood who hold that nature somehow has given them a lowdown dirty deal.” This largescale view on society shows how she isn’t running away from her African American distinctiveness, yet she’s hurrying towards it. This difference in opinion is somewhat intriguing for me to believe, primarily for the fact that she doesn’t feel victimized by her past. The horrid stories and memories that continuously fight to remain relevant seems to catalyze the resilience that she is so willing to portray. Hurston brings awareness to the subject that she mustn’t let the past dictate who she will become, rather use it to determine who she is.

Near the end of her essay, Hurston plays with an interesting image of equality that we haven’t really seen before in our previous writings. She uses a unique metaphor and describes herself as a colored bag mixed in with other bags, each of a different color. The bags that she is describing are serving as symbols for individuals of different races. She continues by expressing that if we dump these bags, they can be “refilled without altering the content of any greatly.” These contents that Hurston is describing are the memories, values, and characteristics that make us who we are. She distinctively plays with the idea that we are all created equally by the “Great Stuffer of Bags”, and it is time our communities accept this.

The use of such metaphors gives an attractive appeal to the audience by making them contemplate the reality of the subject. Rather than simply expressing her concern with the discrimination that surrounded her, Hurston gives a heartfelt story of her life. Where she succeeded to enforce the realization that she was not born black, yet it is who she became. The point that I feel is important to observe is how she didn’t view herself as colored until she was labeled that way. Throughout numerous generations, we have been forced to face the harsh reality that hate is undoubtedly present. Nevertheless as the years continue to pass, it is the duty of our civilization to crusade down the path of equality in hopes of discovering a universal solution.

I found it quite interesting the way that Hurston expressed her feelings throughout her essay. She is continuously exposing us to the strength of character that she possessed. IN addition, the way that she separates herself from the average African American during this time is astonishing. Hurston is undeniably showing the audience her willingness to blend humanity. Though she realizes discrimination exists, she refuses to comprehend why. Why is it that something so far in the past, is still so relevant in the present? This is the barrier that Hurston is chipping away at. Also, another topic I found attractive was the separation she establishes between other African Americans. Hurston believes that when it comes to something so recognizable yet minor as race, we must distinguish our character based on our own actions rather than those around us.

While reading Hurston’s concepts, I couldn’t help but notice how they relate to the content that we have discussed throughout this semester. We can take her essay and recognize the implication of equality, and everlasting battle that she fights to represent herself rather than the entire African American community. I also interpreted a tremendous amount of metaphors that was widely used in literature during this era. In addition, Hurston believed that black progress was inevitable. Therefore, the undemanding composure that she portrayed in her writing helped soften the tone of her essay rather than aggressively attack the issues that lie within society. Nevertheless, Hurston used an undemanding and tolerant tone that foreshadows the idea that society will eventually find their own identity. In her eyes our self-identification is inevitable, however we must resist the urge to bath in self-pity to find this independence.

Throughout this semester we have read and analyzed numerous literature works and have continuously seen a pattern. We have individuals who don’t let the idea of race dictate their lives, and those who revolve around the topic. However, I don’t feel as though we have seen anything such as Hurston’s work. I read her essay, I was inspired. Not specifically because of her philosophy, but how it still plays a role in our modern-day culture. To this day, race and its relevancy has still managed to stay alive. Nevertheless, could this be an antidote to our differences? With bringing away awareness and implementing the ideas discussed in this essay I believe we can accelerate the destruction of racial disparity. Hurston’s logic should be expressed on a wider scale in hopes of cleaning up the societal toxin that we call racism.

What was the purpose of writing How It Feels to Be Colored Me?

How It Feels to be Colored Me is an essay by Zora Neale Hurston published in the World Tomorrow on May 1928. In the essay she describes her first experience with racism. The purpose of the piece is to show self-confidents and pride in her identity.

What is the context of How It Feels to Be Colored Me?

"How It Feels To Be Colored Me" (1928) is an essay by Zora Neale Hurston published in World Tomorrow as a "white journal sympathetic to Harlem Renaissance writers", illustrating her circumstance as an African-American woman in the early 20th century in America.

When did Zora Neale Hurston write How It Feels to Be Colored Me?

Zora Neale Hurston describes her sense of identity and experience being a black woman in this 1928 essay.

What is the tone of How It Feels to Be Colored Me essay?

“How it Feels to be Colored Me” by Zora Hurston has a very hopeful and cheerful tone to it. In one part of the essay, Hurston claims that she is not “tragically colored”. Showing that just because she was born with a certain skin tone does not mean she cannot amount to what she believes in.