Who is Henry in Once Upon a time?

Upon arrival to Storybrooke, everyone in the diner crashes to the floor from the impact of the building dropping onto the ground, and as they get up, the group realize they are still in Camelot attire, and the last thing anyone recalls is entering King Arthur's castle. Emma, in order to keep Hook's secret under wraps, enters and professes that she will punish them for what they did to her. ("The Dark Swan", "The Price", "Broken Heart")

The next day, at the dock, Henry summons Emma, who swiftly answers his call by magically appearing. Unchanged in her affection for him, she warmly greets him and moves to touch his hand, but he pulls away before she can. Recalling her resentment from last night, Henry apologizes for failing her, but she persuades him that she meant everyone except him. Regina approaches, vehemently telling Emma to get away from her son, while Emma coolly wonders if Regina is afraid Henry will discover the truth about what happened in Camelot. Regina questions her about the memory wipe, and Emma admits she cast the curse, which is unbreakable since there's no savior now. Henry encourages Regina to try, but Emma believes they can't break the curse because she's no longer on their side and because Regina doesn't have it in her to be a savior. Before Regina and Henry leave together, Emma cautions that there is a problem in town that only a savior can solve. This problem turns out to be a fury which kidnaps Robin Hood as Regina's unpaid price of magic from six weeks ago. After Regina and her allies defeat the fury, the townspeople and new Camelot visitors have a quiet evening in the diner, where Henry spots Violet looking at the jukebox. He shows her how it works by putting money in it and choosing the song "Only You". When the song starts playing, Violet somehow senses the song is familiar although neither she nor Henry recalling it's the same song they listened to at the Camelot ball. As it happened six weeks ago, Violet introduces herself to him, and Henry gives her his name before they shake hands. ("The Price")

At the sheriff's station, Henry is present while his family, Arthur and Guinevere are trying to figure out how a prisoner they left in a cell has disappeared without a trace. The boy, having no part in the conversation, distractedly texts Violet on his phone. Prompted by Guinevere's notion that the Camelot folk need their spirits lifted, Henry suggests they have a dance, to which David jokes that it must be an excuse for him to ask his girlfriend out. Regina immediately expresses concern about this "girlfriend" of his and continues to ask him about her later, but Henry insists he and Violet are just friends. Finding Violet in town, Henry learns her horse Nicodemus is missing, and because of this, she is not in the mood to attend the upcoming town party, so he promises to help find him. Henry teams up with Emma in a Operation Cobra mission to track down Nicodemus; giving Regina and her allies time to sneak into Emma's house to search for a missing Mr. Gold. Since Nicodemus's favorite treat is pumpkin, Emma takes Henry to a pumpkin market, Peter Peter's, where they find the horse. With some patience from Henry, Nicodemus calms down, allowing the boy to grab hold of the horse's reins. During the party, Henry surprises a downtrodden Violet with her horse, causing her to brighten up immediately. Violet's father, Sir Hank Morgan, praises his efforts, believing he has the potential to be a knight one day. After Morgan leaves to bring Nicodemus to the stables, Violet thanks Henry and kisses him on the cheek. Once the bash is over for the night, Henry returns home, walking in on Regina and Robin viewing Violet's memories in a dreamcatcher they stole from Emma. In it, all three see Emma take Violet's heart, asking the girl to break Henry's heart, so she can obtain a tear from a broken heart to free Merlin. Later, Emma turns up on Regina's doorstep to see Henry, but Regina refuses to allow her in. After Regina slams the door in her face, Emma walks away, stopping to peer up at the second floor, where Henry looks back at her before he closes the curtains. ("Dreamcatcher")

After Arthur attempts to sabotage the heroes' attempt to communicate with Merlin, Henry is called in as a backup to enact a spell with the Crimson Crown, as only someone chosen by the sorcerer can use it. Regina is concerned he may not be up for the task, but Henry asserts that the person who ripped out Violet's heart is not his mother, though he believes Emma is still somewhere in there and he'll do whatever it takes to get her back. Once Henry tosses the Crimson Crown into the spell brew, a hologram of Merlin appears. Rather than direct communication, it is only a prerecorded message from Merlin, who ominously speaks of things becoming worse, and their only hope of defeating the Dark One is to find Nimue. ("The Bear and the Bow")

When Hook discovers the truth about himself, Emma finally seeks her family and friends' help to stop him from his goal, but she doesn't recall what that is because Hook stole part of her memories. At Regina's house, Henry comes downstairs as Emma is in the midst of trying to convince her allies to take off the cuff that is restricting her from using magic and helping them. None of them trust her enough to remove the cuff, which Henry agrees with, seeing as Emma has already lied to everyone many times and that makes her untrustworthy. Having lost faith in her, he recalls that, while Emma changed into a better person when they first met, she always reverts to dealing with issues herself and shutting people out. Henry feels betrayed because he trusted her and they were once a team, but now, she only cares about regaining her dark magic so she can once again work alone to fix things. Before leaving to go upstairs, Henry coldly remarks that he knows what she's capable of with dark magic. Later, he joins his family at the library to research information about Nimue when Emma comes to him and asks for his help to locate the dreamcatchers Hook took. With the mission dubbed "Operation Cobra Part Two" by Emma, Henry goes to the pawnshop with her, where he uses dreamcatcher-making materials to create a locator spell. While there, he secretly pockets squid ink for deactivating Emma's cuff. They find the dreamcatchers in the clock tower with the locator spell, which are blocked by Hook's protection spell, Henry uses the ink to remove Emma's cuff because she sought his help for the mission instead of doing things alone. Now freed of the cuff, Emma promises to make it up to him, while he cheekily says she can start by saving the day. After obtaining the dreamcatchers, Henry and the others gather in the mayor's office, each holding their dreamcatchers, as Emma restores their lost memories. ("Broken Heart")

Learning Hook has unleashed the previous Dark Ones from the Underworld, Henry goes with Emma to the pawnshop in search of him, while everyone else splits up to cover more ground. Once Emma goes into the shop, Henry is confronted outside by Nimue. Although he calls for Emma's help, she is unable to do anything, as Nimue walks through Henry's body, leaving him shaken but unharmed. After everyone else has had similar experiences with the other Dark Ones, they soon discover their wrists are branded with the mark of Charon, because the Dark Ones can only exist if living souls take their places in the Underworld. With little time until Charon arrives to take them away, Henry joins his grandparents at the diner to spend his last hours surrounded by family. Mary Margaret invites Emma to come too, but instead, Emma sneaks in to leave a farewell note to them, which explains her plans to sacrifice herself to eliminate the Dark Ones for good. Upon finding the note, they prepare to track down Emma, but Nimue takes them to the lake, where Charon is set to appear. In the end, Hook saves everyone by absorbing all the darkness and having Emma kill him. With Mr. Gold's encouragement, Belle plans to leave town to see the world, but when Henry reveals what happened to him and the others earlier, she returns to Mr. Gold, realizing he was selflessly trying to keep her safe from harm. After Emma finds out Mr. Gold used Hook's sacrifice to regain his Dark One powers, she forces him to reopen the portal to the Underworld so Hook can be rescued. As Charon arrives, Henry and everyone present head into the water prepared to go to the Underworld. ("Swan Song")

After coming to the Underworld, Henry splits up from the others, with each person searching different areas of the town to look for Hook. He later stops by the Underworld's inn and enters room eight, Neal's old room in Storybrooke's inn, but he doesn't find his father there. Henry regroups with Emma at the diner, where he gives the room key to her, explaining that he just wanted to let Neal know he's all right. Emma, recalling the dream in which she spoke to Neal, assures him that Neal knows. With magical ale Mr. Gold procured, Emma spills some of it over Hook's grave to make contact with him. When a bloody and beaten Hook materializes in front of Emma, Henry is startled by the gruesome injuries, causing Regina and Robin to shield him from looking any further. The boy keeps his gaze on the ground for the remaining time that Emma tries to talk to Hook, who is unresponsive to her questions. Fearing Cora will follow through with hurting Regina's father, Emma pushes Regina to do as Cora says and leave the Underworld with Henry and Robin. Instead, Regina and Henry find Cora as she is preparing to send her husband into a fiery pit. Cora teleports away after making the fire engulf Regina's father, but then, the flames dissipate and a bridge to Mount Olympus forms. Regina's father, realizing his sacrifice for Regina was his unfinished business, says farewell to his daughter. Henry speaks with his grandfather, who thanks him for being there for Regina when he couldn't. Once Regina's father ascends to Mount Olympus, the pair rejoin the others. In addition to rescuing Hook, the group discusses helping the souls in town move on from their unfinished business, which Henry dubs Operation Firebird. ("Souls of the Departed")

Continuing to look for Hook in the north woods, Henry reminds Emma that they already looked at this area and found nothing, but she insists on trying again until they find something. To get a better picture of the whole town, Regina sends Henry and Robin to the mayor's office to retrieve maps. Discovering the door has a protection spell, Robin pulls aside the hallway sofa and tears off a vent cover, which has a crawl space passageway leading to the office. Henry decides to go in Robin's stead, and when he reaches the office, Cruella is already waiting for him inside. Knowing she is likely destined to go to a worse place rather than a better one, she tells him to bring her back to life with the Author's quill. Henry denies this, recalling the Apprentice said it was impossible, but Cruella confirms that he lied. She reveals one thing Henry doesn't know, that the quill is a magical, living entity, and by breaking it, he sent it to the Underworld because the quill's purpose is left unfulfilled. As such, she wants him to retrieve the quill and give her what she desires. Henry doesn't see what he gets out of it, but Cruella reasons if he brings her back to life, Emma will no longer be a murderer. After returning to Robin, Henry tells him that he didn't find anything in the office. ("Labor of Love")

To find Hook underground, Henry and the heroes plan to enter the cave Megara had escaped from. The plan falls through after Mr. Gold convinces Emma to join him for a better idea, in which he'll use the aura of a deceased person to get both of them into Hades' lair, where Hook is. Sometime later, upon returning to the apartment, Henry and his family find Hook and Emma already waiting for them. The pair report that Hades destroyed their boat, so now everyone has no way of going home. Since Regina's magic is working again, she attempts to do the heart split between Emma and Hook, except a barrier prevents her from taking out Emma's heart. Afterward, Hook shows everyone the three headstones that Hades engraved with Snow, Regina and Emma's names, to make them stay in the Underworld forever, in place of the three people they already helped move on. ("Devil's Due")

Cruella takes Henry to look for the quill, and she encourages him to sense the quill, as he should be able to since he's the Author. Spotting something in the woods, he ends up investigating the area himself and runs into the Apprentice, who tries to talk him out of reviving Cruella. The Apprentice warns him against creating new stories, and that he must only use the quill to record them. Henry denies he wants the quill to help Cruella and actually needs it for his family because he is tired of being unable to help them. The Apprentice then reveals the quill is in the Sorcerer's mansion in Underbrooke, and to gain access, he'll need to steal a key from the sheriff. Before disappearing, the elderly man expresses hopes that Henry will do the right thing and only use the quill for recording stories since his unfinished business depends on it. With his family also looking for the storybook, Henry uses the situation to his advantage, telling them the book is in the mansion, as his ticket to getting in and secretly nabbing the quill. Once Snow retrieves the key and everyone goes into the mansion, both Regina and Emma make Henry stay behind as lookout, while everyone else searches for the book. While no one is looking, he wanders deeper into the mansion, finding the quill and inkpot hidden in the inside of a lamp. After a return to the apartment, Henry disappears upstairs, refusing to talk to anyone, as he contemplates what to do with the quill. Despite not knowing what his grandson is thinking of, David encourages him into remembering that he has a family who cares about him, and they're always there if he needs someone to talk to. Taking David's advice, Henry reveals the quill to his family, admitting that he wanted it to be heroic for the wrong reasons. Now, however, he intends to use the quill for what it was meant for, recording stories, namely Hades' story. ("The Brothers Jones")

Having no recollection of how or when he writes, Henry records his first story that details Snow and David's plans to contact their son Neal in Storybrooke. When his family has a lukewarm reaction to it, as they were hoping to see Hades' story, he becomes upset at their criticism and storms upstairs. After sending a message to Neal, Snow and David are left unsure if he heard them, but then, Henry has another mysterious writing sprint, in which he records a story of baby Neal falling asleep to the sound of his parents singing a lullaby to him. Relieved over the news, David thanks his grandson, giving Henry the satisfaction of knowing his Author powers have come into good use. ("Our Decay")

As Regina works on a spell to open the library elevator, Henry and his grandparents join her there, while Emma and Hook are keeping watch on the roof. Once the spell is complete, Emma and Regina attempt to magick the elevator open, so they can gain access to Hades' lair, but the door reveals a brick wall instead. After Emma decides she wants to try burning the names off the headstones, Henry leaves for the apartment with David. ("Her Handsome Hero")

After Ruby is found in the Underworld, she is brought to the apartment, where she tells her friends about her search for Dorothy, who went missing in Oz after Zelena took her silver slippers. Snow sends David to contact their son again at the haunting booth, and Henry and Hook go with him. They find Cruella in the midst of ordering a henchman, Claude, into destroying the booth. Henry thinks she is doing this because he won't write her back to life, but Cruella reveals that she's just following Hades' orders. She agrees to allow one last phone call to David if Henry revives her, but when David refuses, she urges Claude to finish off the booth, which he does. Henry rejoins Emma, Regina, Ruby, and Snow in the graveyard, where David tells Snow about the booth's demise, and Emma urges her parents to return home to Neal. Later, Henry and the others prepare to send off David with Ruby to Oz, so David can make the trip from there back to Storybrooke. Instead, David forfeits his freedom to allow Snow to go in his stead. Once Snow reunites with her son, Henry records the story in the book with the quill, complete with a drawing of Snow with baby Neal, which he shows to David. ("Ruby Slippers")

Following Snow's departure, Hades ensures none of the other heroes, including Henry, can leave the Underworld, by creating tombstones for them. Once Regina learns of this, she relays the news to her allies. As she tells them about Zelena's romance with Hades, Henry walks into the room to catch up on what's going on. ("Sisters")

Soon after Regina lets Zelena go to Hades, the heroes are approached by the Underworld lord for help, because Mr. Gold and Peter Pan are holding Zelena for ransom. Once Emma saves Zelena, a kiss of true love between Hades and Zelena triggers a portal to Storybrooke that is set to open in a few hours. After Hades removes David, Regina, Emma, Robin and Henry's names from the tombstones, Emma's failed heart split with Hook leads her to search for ambrosia, something that can help Killian escape the Underworld. While Emma and Hook are on this mission, Henry grows restless waiting for them, as he believes Operation Firebird still needs to be fulfilled. Although the Underworld's citizens can move on freely once Hades is gone, he insists on helping those who don't know what their unfinished business is. After Zelena, the baby, and Hades leave to wait by the portal, Henry commences with Operation Firebird, as Regina, Robin and David are with him. Of the many, he helps the eighth dwarf, Stealthy, realize that his deep resentment for Bashful has been holding him back. The Blind Witch, as Cruella's accomplice, traps the foursome in the library, with Regina later realizing Hades' magic is keeping them from escaping. These suspicions about Hades are cemented further when Emma returns without Hook or the ambrosia. With Emma and Regina's combined powers, the heroes break out. Before heading to the portal, Henry leaves behind the Underworld's storybook, which has stories of people's unfinished business that he wrote. ("Firebird")

After returning to Storybrooke, Henry reunites with his grandmother, Snow, at the loft. He, Emma and David bring her up to speed on Hook's fate in the Underworld, and the danger of Hades' presence in Storybrooke. With Robin's baby in Hades' hands, the heroes work to find Hades' weakness and defeat him once and for all. At the library, Henry helps his grandparents and Merida plow through books to look up information on Hades, though nothing is found. With Hook's help from the Underworld, Emma discovers Hades can be killed with the Olympian Crystal, but instead of her finishing him off, Zelena kills Hades after he murders Robin. At Robin's funeral, after David and Snow have had their turn laying rose entwined arrows on the casket, Henry and Emma step forward to do the same. Following the funeral, Snow stays behind with Emma, while Henry and David head off to give them some time alone. ("Last Rites")

During Robin's wake, Violet approaches Henry to give her condolences. She admits her fears about never seeing Henry again after he went to the Underworld, with Henry revealing that he feared the same about her. After a tremor shakes the town and Hook reappears, Henry and the heroes investigate the clock tower, where they discover Mr. Gold has tethered Storybrooke's magic into a piece of the Olympian Crystal. As everyone leaves, Henry overhears Emma telling Regina to take a break. While Emma fears Hook's return will impact her negatively, Regina criticizes her for thinking she'll become the Evil Queen again. Eventually, Regina teleports out to find Mr. Gold herself since Emma doesn't believe in her. Emma instructs Henry to stay at her house, but instead, the boy texts Violet and asks her to meet him at the pawnshop. Upset over Emma not believing in Regina, and that magic is continuing to ruin his family, he tells Violet of his plan to destroy magic for good. After she agrees to go with him on this mission, which he names "Operation Mixtape", Henry uses the quill to steal the crystal. Before leaving town, he sends a text to both his moms about his plans. To throw his moms off, Henry plants his phone on a bus bound for Boston and then rides a bus to New York City with Violet. In New York, Henry reveals his father Neal once told him about his past research on destroying magic. He intends to finish what Neal couldn't, and from reading his father's journal, he and Violet are led to the Midtown Library's rare reading room. Henry finds storybooks that look like the one he owns, except they contain different stories, but none of them reveal how to destroy magic. Violet spots a replica of the Holy Grail, which she deems the source of all magic. Henry places the grail next to the crystal, and when the crystal begins to be absorbed into the grail, it proves magic can be destroyed. As they leave, Mr. Gold magicks them unconscious and steals the crystal. When his moms arrive, Henry convinces Emma that she was wrong for not believing in Regina, and he defends his decision to destroy magic because he doesn't want to lose either of them to magic. Regina uses Henry's blood to locate Mr. Gold, which fails because Mr. Gold has disabled magic. ("Only You")

Despite being told to wait in the library, Henry rushes off to find his moms, who left to confront Mr. Gold. After spotting a magic storm cloud above the Hotel d'Or, he and Violet reach Mr. Gold's hotel room, where Henry absorbs the crystal's magic into the grail. Only then, he learns Emma, Regina, and Mr. Gold all needed the crystal to rescue their families, as they are trapped in another realm. Henry blames Mr. Gold for the mess they are in, and storms off to sulk at a nearby fountain. Violet keeps him company until Emma stops by to talk. Emma gives him a penny to make a wish on the fountain since making wishes used to cheer him up, but Henry reminds her that only worked when he was living in New York with no memory of Storybrooke or magic. He expresses guilt over destroying magic, as he believed it would help their family, but now, he's made things worse. With the Dragon's help, Henry and the others are able to see their families in the other realm, but unable to open a portal. To find more magic, the Dragon advises that they seek magic with the power of belief. Back at the fountain, Henry persuades his family to make wishes on pennies, which creates magic in the crystal, but not enough. In order to acquire more, he rallies a whole crowd of New Yorkers into believing in magic and making wishes, causing a geyser and then a portal to appear in the fountain. When his family returns, the crowd applauds over the display, but a disappointed Henry realizes the people mistook real magic for a street act. Emma assures him that it was still worth it because, for a moment in time, he helped people to believe in magic. On return to Storybrooke, Violet tells Henry about her father's Connecticut origins, and her plans to stay in town. Before she walks off, he shares a kiss with her. After Regina releases the crystal's magic back into Storybrooke, Hyde confronts her and Henry, claiming that the town is his since Mr. Gold gave it to him in a deal. ("An Untold Story")

Later, Henry, his family, and some of the townspeople notice a flying dirigible has made its way into Storybrooke, courtesy of Hyde. He witnesses Emma and Regina combine powers to attack Hyde, but their magic fails to subdue him. Hyde, before leaving, cautions the people of Storybrooke to be wary of the people in the dirigible, whose untold stories will soon play out. After the airship has crashed, Henry, his family, and Jekyll search through the debris for materials needed for making a weapon capable of defeating Hyde. Following Hyde's capture, Henry walks in on Regina trying to use a locator spell to find a feather from Robin's arrow that Zelena lost. He points out that she won't find anything because she's using the spell to search for Robin, who is gone. Regina is miserable over Robin being obliterated, just as Hades put it, however, Henry persuades her that this isn't true because villains will say anything to hurt people. Henry believes that, while Robin's story is over, he is still out there somewhere. ("The Savior")

One morning, Henry walks with Regina to the diner, where she is set to give a speech to welcome the Untold Stories residents. He gives her the storybook and reminds her that this mission is called "Operation Mongoose: Part 2", a story in which she is the hero. After Regina's speech goes well, Henry sees a man walk in and attempts to identify him by looking through the storybook. However, the man disappears soon after, with Henry noticing that he left a note for his grandparents. Henry suggests that the stranger could be the Invisible Man or Dracula, but David and Snow discover it's from the Count of Monte Cristo. They have no idea what the Count wants, that is until Regina reveals she hired the Count to kill David and Snow in the past. Following Regina's meeting with the Count, which ends badly, Henry tries to comfort her about it, but she blames herself for the Count's unwillingness to let her help him. They find the body of Charlotte, whose cloak Regina touches without knowing it has a magic dampening spell. The pair meet the one responsible for this, the Evil Queen, who cheerfully greets Henry. During the face-off, Regina has her son stand behind her as she tries to conjure a fireball, but thanks to the spell, it fizzes out. After finding out the Queen is making the Count kill David and Snow, Regina fights him in a duel, during which she tells Henry to call Emma as backup. Henry is unable to phone Emma, however, because the Queen disabled it with her magic. With no other way to defend her friends, Regina kills the Count, a decision she grieves over as Henry insists that she had no choice. In the aftermath, Henry realizes the Count's story ended badly because they've been using the wrong method to help him. He tells David and Hook that the best way to help the Untold Stories residents is to find out why they don't want their stories told. ("A Bitter Draught")

Henry sets out to gather all the names of the Untold Stories residents as well as those they were traveling with, in order to find anyone who is missing. After writing everything down on a list, he shows the compiled information to Emma and Hook in the diner. Ashley stops by with her husband and daughter, and she tells them about wanting to offer free babysitting to the newcomers who have kids. As Ashley looks at the list, Henry notices someone new enter the diner and walks over to get her name, while Emma goes with him to help. Later in the day, Henry is getting parry lessons from Hook when Emma runs into them as she is looking for Ashley, who has gone after her stepsister Clorinda. The trio continues the search altogether, and they run into Ashley at the harbor. Upon finding out Ashley is trying to help Clorinda instead of hurt her, Henry asks why since her stepsister was wicked to her, but Ashley clarifies that she was the actual wicked one in their story. With Emma unable to recast the locator spell after Ashley escapes, the Queen suddenly shows up to antagonize them. Henry tells the Queen that she is not his mother, while she reminds him of all the times she took care of him and then gives him advice on having good posture. To prove that Ashley's story will end badly once Emma is not there to save her, the Queen teleports Emma, Henry, and Hook to a clearing in the woods. With a pep-talk from Henry and Hook, Emma recalls her knack for finding people by trying to decipher their stories. Henry then realizes the storybook can tell them how Clorinda's story was supposed to end, and this will reveal where Ashley might be. The three later show up to a pumpkin farm, where Ashley has been stabbed by Lady Tremaine while protecting Clorinda and her beau. With reassurance from Henry, Emma manages to heal Ashley. ("The Other Shoe")

In the loft, Henry joins his family to help Jasmine track down another Savior, Aladdin when Emma comes in. The Evil Queen, disguised as Archie, follows Emma in and persuades her to tell her family about her secret. Emma then reveals she's been experiencing a vision of her own death, and that it is the fate of all Saviors to be killed by a villain. As Henry and the others react in dismay and shock over this revelation, "Archie" slips out unnoticed. Jasmine, distraught over the possibility that Aladdin is already dead, seeks refuge on the loft's second floor, where Henry tries to offer support to her. The two talk about their shared experiences, in that Henry says he pushed Emma to become a Savior, while Jasmine admits did the same for Aladdin, which may ultimately lead them to their deaths. With Regina's locator spell, Emma becomes linked to Aladdin, allowing her to track him to the inside of a crypt. Jasmine discovers proof that Aladdin is dead, which dampens Emma's hopes of escaping her impending death. Emma goes off to be alone, but Henry comes to apologize for causing her current dilemma, as he blames himself for bringing her to Storybrooke all those years ago and forcing her to be the Savior. She, however, only sees the good that came out of the past, in that she was able to become his mother and found her family. During the conversation, they are approached by a stranger, who is revealed to be Aladdin. The man admits he did not intend to come out of hiding, but he couldn't keep the shears to himself after overhearing Emma and Henry's conversation. After Aladdin and Jasmine are reunited, Henry returns to the loft, where Emma declares she won't use the shears to escape her death, and she'll find another way or accept that it is her fate to die. ("Street Rats")

One morning, Henry is left with Hook after Emma leaves home to track down a missing Aladdin at Jasmine's bequest. He assures Killian that he doesn't need to keep him company, but Hook wants to spend time with him and asks the boy to show him how his webcam works. Hook then dumps Henry's breakfast, Poptarts, into the trash, and insists he can make him a more healthy meal. A fuming Henry goes to put the trash outside, where the Queen points him into investigating a toolbox inside the shed, as proof Hook does not have Emma's best interests at heart. He finds the shears inside the box and later disappears to the docks to dispose of them like Emma wanted, but Hook finds him and tries to explain why he kept the shears. Henry cuts him off and instead berates him for trying to make decisions for his mom without consulting her. The two try to run after spotting a submarine coming to the harbor, however, they are captured by some of the captain's men and forced into the vehicle. Henry blames Hook for their current situation, which wouldn't have happened if he had gotten rid of the shears when Emma asked him to. While Hook claims he kept the shears to protect Emma, Henry accuses him of trying to remove what makes her special. Realizing his actions might ruin the relationship between Emma and Henry, Hook tells him about a time he ruined a family apart, in which he killed his own father and made his younger half-brother, Liam, an orphan. Henry then realizes Hook is trying to make up for what he did to Liam by doing things differently with him. With the shears, they find a way to escape, but Hook makes him take the only diving suit left. The boy returns to beg for Hook's life as Liam is trying to kill Killian, and when Liam hesitates, Hook knocks him unconscious. When asked why he came back, Henry admits he didn't want to ruin another family, hinting at his acceptance of Hook into his and Emma's family. Deciding to believe there is another way to save Emma besides using the shears, Hook helps Henry place them in a chest before sinking it into the sea. After Liam and Nemo's reunion, Emma wants an explanation from Hook and Henry about what happened, to which Killian allows Henry leave while he tells Emma the whole truth. ("Dark Waters")

When Henry and his family find out about the Queen's intentions of destroying the town unless Snow and David forfeit their hearts to her, Mother Superior helps them track down a sapling that can defeat the Queen. However, after the sapling is destroyed by the Queen, Snow and David decide to do the inevitable to save Storybrooke. Henry witnesses the Queen rip out his grandparents' hearts, but instead of killing them as she desires, the Queen casts a sleeping curse on both heart halves. After Snow falls asleep and is hidden away by the Queen, Henry goes with his family to search for her in the woods. They witness David uncurse Snow with true love's kiss, but as she awakens, David falls under the curse's effects, making it impossible for the couple to ever truly be together again. ("Heartless")

As Henry introduces Violet to modern movies, this causes her to doubt her identity as a teenager and subsequently have trouble adjusting to school. Violet becomes distant from him, and even stands him up twice when he wants to watch John Hughes' movies with her. Although he and Violet planned to go to the fall formal dance together, Henry begins to suspect she no longer likes him and attempts to distract himself by offering to help Emma and Regina lure out the Queen. He succeeds in getting the Queen to come to the beach, where Regina teleports him away soon after so she and Emma can entrap the Queen within a mirror. Instead, the Queen imprisons the women within the mirror and disguises herself as Regina before reporting to Henry and the others that the mission was a success. After "Regina" helps her son pick out a tie for his suit, Henry meets Violet at the diner. Before he can leave for the dance, he hears something in the hallway mirror, not knowing Emma and Regina are calling him from their side of the mirror, but "Regina" draws his attention away from it. When Henry tells his mother about his problems with Violet, she encourages him to let his character shine by exuding confidence and poise. However, when she suggests that he should work on his posture, Henry realizes she is not Regina. He confides in Violet about the Regina impostor, but since the Queen is watching them nearby, Violet makes up an excuse so they can leave. Upon sending Violet to a safe location, Henry goes to the vault to attempt to communication with his moms. The Queen, with the Dragon's heart, forces the man to turn into a dragon, causing danger to Emma and Regina in the mirror world. She then gives Henry the hammer of Hephaestus, telling him to smash the Dragon's heart, if he wishes to save his family. While the Queen hopes to force her son into making a hard choice to toughen him up, Henry shatters the mirror instead as the Dragon's fire breath hits the other side of the mirror, which allows Emma and Regina to return home. The Queen accuses Regina of making her son soft, but Henry affirms he is strong because of his family, and it's something she'll never have. After missing the dance, Henry decorates the diner for Violet. The girl reveals why she's been so distant lately, and Henry persuades her into believing she doesn't need a label to define herself. They then happily waltz together in the diner as Emma and Regina watch from outside. ("I'll Be Your Mirror")

Along with Snow and Aladdin, Henry is present as Jasmine summons the genie out from the lamp, but only the genie bracelets fall out, so Aladdin willingly becomes the next genie in order to aid Jasmine with finding Agrabah. ("Changelings")

After Emma finds a sword capable of harming the Queen, she makes plans to finish her off in battle. Henry objects, out of fear she will die like in her vision, especially since the sword is the same one that eventually kills her. Emma insists she can't back down even if there's the possibility this fight may be her last, and that she needs to be the Savior. Henry, upset at her decision, retorts that she is also his mom. When David goes to face the Queen alone without telling Hook and Belle, Henry joins them to track him down. They arrive at the mayor's office, in time to stop the Queen from strangling David, with Hook forcing the Queen to retreat. Once Aladdin and Jasmine decide to use the lamp to find Agrabah, Henry bids them farewell by telling them that they will be missed, but Aladdin maintains that they will be back. He then hands Henry a scarab to give to Emma, stating that the item is a gift from one Savior to another. ("Wish You Were Here")

While Emma is fighting against Gideon in the town square, Henry runs up to see the commotion, as do David and Hook. The group is subsequently frozen by Gideon, who moves to kill Emma, but she manages to stun Gideon with a burst of magic. After Gideon escapes, Henry and the others are unfrozen, allowing them to reunite with Emma. ("Tougher Than the Rest")

That same night, Henry joins Hook, Regina, David and Emma as they have a toast in honor of Emma defeating Gideon and to celebrate their unity as a family. The next day, Henry and Emma decide to go on a canoeing trip together. Henry is in charge of bringing their life jackets, however, when he forgets them in the house shed, Emma returns home to pick them up. ("Murder Most Foul")

At the loft, Henry learns from Emma that she is now engaged since Hook proposed to her. He asks for details about how Hook did it, although Emma admits he didn't have the time to surprise her since she already said yes after finding the ring. After learning from Regina that the Queen has escaped, Henry goes to fetch the Author's quill from his room but finds the box is already empty. The Queen reveals she took it to prevent him from writing her out of existence, something Henry denies he was going to do and instead believes there is good in her just like there is bad in Regina. He notices she isn't even satisfied after getting revenge on Snow, but the Queen implies she will be once she's finished with Regina. She asks Henry to give Regina a folded up paper, actually the storybook picture of Regina and the original Robin and insists that no matter what anyone tries to tell him, she loves him. After the Queen is reformed by gaining some of Regina's lightness, Henry reconciles with her when she expresses true remorse for hurting her loved ones. He helps to write her happy ending by sending her to a place where she can have a fresh start in life. ("Page 23")

Over at Emma's house, Henry is listening to music through earbuds on his phone as Emma sits beside him packing up some of Hook's things into a chest because she believes Killian has left her for good. He notices her studying one of Hook's rings and pulls out an earbud to ask if she is all right. Regaining her composure, Emma states she is fine before answering her ringing phone. She gets up to leave, and on her way out, she asks Henry to take the chest out to the shed later. Although Henry agrees, he is too distracted by his phone to do so before Emma returns, so she does it herself. ("A Wondrous Place")

In the vault, Henry sees Regina having trouble making a concoction to break Snow and David's sleeping curse. He offers to help her with anything she needs, so she asks him to fetch some ingredients from Emma's shed. Henry grabs some paper and a pen to write down the ingredient names, starting with a tongue of newt, but then, his Author powers take over, causing his eyes to turn white as he begins scribbling out a series of strange symbols before passing out. Upon waking up, Henry expresses no knowledge of what the symbols mean and is surprised about his Author powers being triggered when he wasn't even writing with the Author's quill. He and his mother go to the psychiatric ward to get answers from Isaac, who only tells them that the trances will get worse with time and refuses to say anything else unless Regina fulfills his desire for a sports car so he can leave town. Regina manages to placate Isaac with an old truck, and as the man departs, he directs Henry to look in the storybook. Henry opens the book to the blank final chapters, which Isaac reveals is the end of the story that will occur when the Savior has her final battle. ("Mother's Little Helper")

As David provides information about the final battle that Rumplestiltskin prophecized about, Emma suggests to Henry that they go to the library to research the book of symbols. As Emma passes the book to him, her hand tremor returns, which momentarily scares her, but she reins in a semblance of calm after Henry tries to assure her that everything will be all right. Following David and Snow's failed attempt to uncurse their hearts by using Regina's antidote, Henry gathers with Emma, David, Regina, and Zelena at Emma's house. David notices pixie flower petals in the background of Snow's latest video message to him, which he believes is the key to breaking the sleeping curse. Henry and his family try to locate the flowers in Storybrooke, but it is ultimately Snow's tracking skills that reveal where the petals are blowing from. Later that night, Henry is present in the loft as Emma and Snow return with one of the flowers, but before it can be used, Hook's shadow flies in to deliver a broken wand to Emma and implies to her that Hook is in danger. With Snow's blessing, Emma uses the flower to rescue Hook from Neverland, with Henry and Regina helping both of them up from the floor after they've returned to the loft through a portal. When Hook begins proposing to Emma a second time, Regina pulls Henry away in order to give the couple some privacy. Henry later participates in Regina's plan to weaken the sleeping curse by drinking a liquid form of the curse. Once everyone has had a sip to help dilute the curse, they all temporarily fall asleep, only to awaken moments after Snow and David have already woken up. ("Awake")

Sometime later, Henry attempts to change Emma's destiny by using the Author pen to write that she wins the final battle, however, it doesn't work. He goes to his grandparents' loft to try to translate the symbols with his pen but is so focused on it that he doesn't hear David come in. David becomes concerned about Henry using the pen to change things, but the teenager demonstrates by writing "Emma wins the final battle" to prove that he couldn't even if he wanted to. Henry explains he was actually trying to use the pen to decipher the symbols because he theorized, from what Isaac told him about his Author powers trying to tell him something, that the symbols came out the way they did because he was writing with using a regular pen then. Instead, he's frustrated that even the Author pen is not revealing anything to him about the symbols and wonders what's the use of these powers if he can't help anyone. Believing his grandson needs a much-needed break, David gets him involved with planning Emma and Hook's wedding. Henry accompanies his grandparents, Emma and Hook to the diner, where Snow tries to convince them that this is the perfect place to have the ceremony. Hook suggests using the Jolly Roger as a scenic area to get married, but he promptly retracts the idea when Henry notes that it probably won't be much fun with half the guests getting seasick. David objects to using the diner because it's not big enough, so Snow shows them to the town hall as a possible venue, but when David is nitpicky about this location as well, Snow takes her husband outside to find out what is going on. After David admits he doesn't want Emma getting married with the possibility that she may die in the final battle, Henry comes out with Emma and Hook as Emma convinces her parents that she wants to wait for the right time to walk down the aisle. Later at the sheriff's office, Henry hears from Regina about Zelena's botched attempt at killing the Black Fairy. ("Where Bluebirds Fly")

After Mr. Gold defeats the Black Fairy, Henry returns to Emma's house, where Hook asks him to be his best man during the wedding and entrusts him with holding onto the rings until the ceremony tomorrow. When Emma comes downstairs, he quickly tucks the ring box into his jacket and tells Hook that he can count on him. ("The Black Fairy")

When the Black Fairy is proven to be still alive, Henry finds Emma in her sheriff's office looking over old family photos as a reminder of who she is fighting for. He notices an old tape recorder and presses it, which plays the sound of young Emma humming a melody. Emma hastily turns it off without giving her son an explanation, but she later opens up to him about the recording being a painful reminder of a time she was so alone that no one even cared enough to hear her sing. She describes how it was never about the little things she had to do by herself, but when she faced bigger things alone, she always ran away. Emma also regrets not being brave enough to keep Henry after he was born, while Henry emphasizes that she's changed since then and encourages her to believe she can still defeat the Black Fairy because she is the Savior. Emma then decides to forfeit her heart to the Black Fairy so at least if she dies, Henry will still have the rest of his family to look after him. Once Emma has left, Henry becomes frustrated when the book refuses to show him a different ending to his mother's story, causing him to fling it off the table. Only then, he sees a new page which reveals that even before Emma was born, she was never alone because her heart was imbued with her loved ones' songs. Henry rushes to the mayor's office in time to help Emma realize this in order to enable her to unlock her own song and free her family and friends. After Emma succeeds in this, Henry picks up her heart from the floor and puts it back in her chest. At the wedding, he heads up to the altar where Hook is waiting for Emma and hands the ring box to Archie before taking a seat beside Regina. Henry joins Regina and Zelena in walking down the aisle later as they sing along with Emma and Hook about a happy beginning before the celebrations are cut short by the Dark Curse bursting out of the clock tower. ("The Song in Your Heart")

Who is Henry supposed to be in Once Upon a Time?

He is the biological son of Emma Swan and Neal Cassidy and the adoptive son of Regina Mills, as well as being the current Author. He is the father of Lucy Mills, and the husband of Ella. Henry is portrayed by Andrew J. West in season 7, in the other six seasons, he's played by Jared S.
Henry is the biological son of Emma Swan and Neal Cassidy, half-brother of Hope Jones, the stepson of Killian Jones, the adopted son of Regina Mills, nephew of Neal Nolan and grandson of Rumplestiltskin, Prince Charming/David Nolan, and Snow White, husband of Ella Mills, and biological father of Lucy.

Is Henry Regina father?

Prince Henry is the father of Regina Mills stthe husband of Cora, Through Cora, he is the son-in-law of the Miller and the father of Regina Mills, Through Regina, he is the father-in-law of King Leopold, the step grandfather of Snow White, and through Snow and Charming, the step-great-grandfather of Emma Swan.
Regina is Henry's Mom... And His Step-Great-Grandmother. In the Enchanted Forest, Regina used to be married to Snow's dad, Henry's great-grandfather. Little did she know that she would be adopting Snow's grandson one day in a magical twist of fate.