Who has won the most comps on Big Brother?

There are countless factors that go into winning the game of Big Brother. A player has to have an adept social game, a lot of cunning, and truthfully just a little bit of luck. Yet, possibly even more important than any of those things is the ability to win in the competitions that occur over the season.

Winning the Head of House of Household (HOH) competition allows a houseguest to control nominations for the week, and winning the Golden Power of Veto will ensure a houseguest (and maybe another's) safety for the week. Winning these competitions doesn't always guarantee a contestant will go far, but it's no coincidence that some of the show's most successful players were competition beasts during their seasons.

Note: To draw a fair comparison between players, only HOH and Veto competitions will be included in the totals, as they are the only two competitions that have featured in nearly every season. In the event of ties, a houseguest's final placement, as well as number of houseguests they competed with during their season, will be considered in the ranking.

10/10 Rachel Reilly - Big Brother 13 - 6 Wins

Rachel smiles before a blue wall on Big Brother

Rachel Reilly's first stint on Big Brother was memorable though certainly not too successful. While she did have two HOH reigns to her name and met her future husband, Brendon Villegas, she ultimately was evicted fifth and became the first member of the jury.

When she came back to the Big Brother house the very next season, she returned with a vengeance, winning six competitions. Her resume of four HOH reigns and two Veto victories impressed the jury enough for her to edge out Porsche Briggs as the season's winner by a 4-3 vote.

9/10 Xavier Prather - Big Brother 23 - 6 Wins

Xavier Prather smiling for the cameras in Big Brother 23 wearing a bucket hat

Xavier Prather made history during his season of Big Brother as a member of The Cookout, an all-Black alliance with the goal of creating the first-ever Black winner of the mainline American Big Brother series. The group achieved their goal with dominance, having all six members make the final six and ending with Xavier taking home $750,000 as the season's winner. Part of the group's success can certainly be attributed to their feats in competitions, Xavier himself totaling six wins during the history-making season.

8/10 Steve Moses - Big Brother 17 - 6 wins

Steve Moses smiling for a portrait for Big Brother

Steve played one of the most under-the radar games from a winner in Big Brother history. He largely floated for a majority of the game, only coming into the power of Head of Household once in the first ten weeks of the season. Near the end, Steve shifted his game into overdrive and won three of the last four HOH competitions, including the very last HOH competition of the summer, which allowed him to evict the season's most dominant player, Vanessa Rousso, in one of Big Brother's most iconic moments.

7/10 Vanessa Rousso - Big Brother 17 - 7 wins

Vanessa from Big Brother sitting down with a
toque, smiling and looking at someone to the left.

As previously mentioned, Vanessa Rousso played one of the most cutthroat games in Big Brother history when she walked into the house for season 17. From nearly start to finish, she manipulated the entire house into doing her dirty work. Her impeccable mental strategy ensured she would always be in control of the season's happenings, but she certainly helped herself by being such a competition beast.  Four HOH reigns and three Veto wins helped secure her safety all the way up to the final three when she was cut loose by eventual winner Steve Moses.

6/10 Daniele Donato - Big Brother 8 - 7 Wins

Daniele Donato looking up in Big Brother.

Danielle faced one of the wildest twists in Big Brother history when she entered into the house, having to play the game with her estranged father, the infamous Evel Dick. Surprisingly, the pair would actually work quite well together and became the first (and only) father-daughter duo to make the finals in Big Brother history.

Daniele ultimately walked away as only the runner-up, but she still placed herself in the Big Brother record books by tying the record for most Power of Veto wins in a season with five.

5/10 Kaycee Clark - Big Brother 20 - 7 Wins

Kaycee flexing her muscles at the Big Brother finale with a screen behind her showing "Big Brother Finale" and thew logo. She is wearing white pants and a pink button-up short sleeved shirt.

Unlike Steve Moses, when Kaycee Clark won the final HOH competition, she decided to bring the house's master manipulator with her to the final two when she chose to evict JC Moundoix over Tyler Crispen. Many viewers worried this might have resulted in one of the funniest mistakes in Big Brother history that would almost certainly result in a win for Tyler. However, the jury was impressed by Kaycee's quiet dominance in the season which saw her seven competition wins begin in Week 9 and never slow down after. In the end, they awarded Kaycee the $500,00 by a 5-4 vote.

4/10 Paul Abrahamian - Big Brother 19 - 8 Wins

Paul Abrahamian smiling for a promo photo for Big Brother.

While Paul may have somewhat of a bad reputation with Big Brother fans, there's no denying that they left their mark on Big Brother as a controlling force within the house, both of the times they entered it. They joined a select few competitors in the show's history to reach the final two twice, and while they didn't win either of those times, they still played two immensely strong games that at the very least made them a total of $100,000 richer. Paul's first go-round in BB 18 netted them 6 competition wins, and they came back even stronger in BB 19 with a staggering 8 competition wins.

3/10 Jackson Michie - Big Brother 21 - 8 Wins

Jackson Michie smiling while in a pool in Big Brother

Season 21's Jackson Michie has the dubious distinction of being one of the few Big Brother winners less remembered for winning their season and more remembered for the controversies that occurred during their season. Because of this, many tend to forget just how unstoppable Michie was when it came to competitions during Big Brother 21. He would win four Head of Household competitions and Golden Power of Veto competitions a piece en route to securing a spot in the final two, where he would it all by a 6-3 jury vote.

2/10 Cody Calafiore - Big Brother 22 (All-Stars 2) - 8 Wins

Calafiore Smiling on Big Brother.

Cody Calafiore shares several similarities with the aforementioned Paul Abrahamian. Both had six competition wins in their initial season where they were the runner-up, and both had eight competition wins when they returned to the house to make the final two once again.

The biggest difference between the two lays in the fact that Cody was able to earn Big Brother redemption in his second season, his impressive competition resume leading him to take home first place in a loaded field during Big Brother's second-ever All-Stars season.

1/10 Janelle Pierzina - Big Brother 7 (All-Stars) - 9 Wins

Janelle Pierzina smiling for a promo image for Big Brother

There's a reason that Janelle Pierzina is considered one of the greatest players in Big Brother history despite having never won the show in four attempts, and it's because of her unmatched ability in competitions. When she came back for her second season as part of the cast of Big Brother: All-Stars, Janelle went on one of the most impressive runs in the show's history, setting a record that hasn't been beaten since with nine total competitions wins. She again finished in third like she had the previous season, but fans were so impressed with her that they voted her to receive $25,000 as America's Favorite Juror.

Next: The 10 Most Memorable Big Brother First Evictees

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