Who gives this bride away wording

There is a wide array of wedding traditions that a couple can choose to incorporate into their ceremony. These traditions can be religious, cultural, or rooted in a shared history. One of these traditions is “giving away the bride.”

Below are several examples of “giving away the bride” scripts, followed by a brief explanation of the meaning and history of the tradition. Afterward, things to remember regarding the tradition are also enumerated. This includes other “giving away the bride” wording and some frequently asked questions. 

Giving Away the Bride Scripts

Who gives this bride away wording

Giving Away the Bride – Script 1

Officiant: There are not enough words to describe the significance and meaningfulness of the relationship between a child and their parents. As such, it must be so difficult yet heartwarming for any parent to watch their child get married.

With that said, I kindly ask the father of the bride to please rise. Do you give your permission for (name of the bride) to be married to (name of the partner)?

Father of the bride: I do.

Giving Away the Bride – Script 2

Officiant: The love of a parent knows no conditions or boundaries. Therefore, I have never met a father who was willing to “give away” his daughter. Instead, I want to ask, do you give your blessing for the union of (name of the bride) and (name of the partner)?

Father of the bride: Her mother and I do.

Who gives this bride away wording

Giving Away the Bride – Script 3

Officiant: I kindly call on the father of the bride to rise.

Weddings are usually exclusively seen as a celebration of love and commitment. While that is true, we tend to forget that weddings are also a recognition of the importance of family. Today, we will witness the coming together of not only (name of the bride) and (name of the partner) but also their families.

To honor the impact their families have had on their lives, the couple wishes to ask for their parents’ blessing.

(Name of the bride’s father), do you provide your support for the union of this couple and, subsequently, the union of your families?

Father of the bride: We do.

Giving Away the Bride – Script 4

Officiant: Who gives this woman to be married to this man?

Father of the bride: I do.

Who gives this bride away wording

Giving Away the Bride – Script 5

Officiant: Before we start, I want to share a special reading from the book of Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, “Two is better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.” We are here today to celebrate and solemnize the relationship of (name of the bride) and (name of the partner). Who supports the marriage of this woman and this man?

Father of the bride: We do.

Giving Away the Bride – Script 6

Officiant: Parenting is a lifelong responsibility that is full of hardships; there might have been times when you were low on strength and confidence. However, there are also a lot of fulfilling moments, such as seeing your children mature into God-fearing, kind, respectful people.

I humbly ask the parents of the couple to please rise.

(Name of the parents), you have done a spectacular job raising (name of the bride and the partner). They stand here in front of everyone, and they affirm that you have been amazing, loving parents. With that said, they would like to ask you for your support and blessing.

(Name of the bride’s parents), do you support (name of the bride)’s decision to give her hand in marriage to (name of the partner)?

Father of the bride: Her mother and I do.

Why Is It Called Giving Away the Bride?

Who gives this bride away wording

The “giving away the bride” tradition has been a marriage custom for centuries, thus giving it antiquated roots and meanings. Historically, women have been viewed as the property of their families. Unmarried women, in particular, “belonged to” their fathers. For a prospective groom to be allowed to marry the woman, he has to pay a certain bride price, dowry, or amount of labor to the family.

The “giving away the bride” tradition occurs after the processional. Specifically, it happens after the bride finishes walking down the aisle. The officiant can wait until everyone is seated, or they can proceed with the tradition immediately. The father, or whoever escorted the bride, would provide a verbal or non-verbal blessing to the union.

Nowadays, the notion of “giving away the bride” might make some couples uncomfortable; if improperly executed, this tradition can imply that women are dispensable property. To remove this implication, officiants are more careful and inclusive with how they word the tradition. There are also many modern alternatives that are more in line with current beliefs.

Things to Remember for the Giving Away the Bride Tradition

Who gives this bride away wording

Other Giving Away the Bride Wording

There are plenty of ways your officiant can word the “giving away the bride” tradition. Besides those already listed above, here are more phrases they can incorporate into your ceremony:

  • Do you give your daughter’s hand in marriage to this man?
  • Who gives this man and this woman to be married to one another?
  • Do you give your consent for the marriage of this man and this woman?
  • Who presents (name of the bride) to be married to (name of the partner)?
  • Do you wholeheartedly entrust (name of the bride) to (name of the partner) as they get married?
  • Do you support the union of (name of the bride) and (name of the partner)?
  • Who stands with this woman and gives their blessing to this marriage?
  • Parents of (name of the bride), do you welcome (name of the partner) into your loving family?
  • Who supports this woman’s decision to marry this man?
  • Who presents (name of the bride) to be married to (name of the partner)?
  • Who blesses the union of this couple?

Is It Only the Father Who Can Give the Bride Away?

Who gives this bride away wording

Traditionally, it is the father who expresses his consent to the union. However, nowadays, both sets of parents are encouraged to show their support. In place of parents, here is a list of other people who can “give away” the bride:

  • Godparents
  • Uncle and aunt
  • Siblings
  • Godly mentor
  • Children of the couple
  • Close friend
  • A member of their found family

They can do this through verbal and non-verbal ways; the officiant and coordinators will guide them through the process.

You Are Not Required to Do This Tradition

As with any wedding tradition, you are not required to incorporate it into your timeline. As illustrated above, the “giving away the bride” tradition is not for everyone; whereas some couples want to have it in their ceremony, others might be uncomfortable with it. Ultimately, do what feels right to you and your partner.

Final Thoughts

Marriage is not only a union of two people but of two families. Couples can dedicate a small but meaningful part of their wedding ceremony to honor their parents. After all, they would not be where they are without the love and support of their parents. The tradition of “giving away the bride” is only one option in the hundreds of ways you can celebrate your parents.

How do you say who gives the bride away?

More specifically, it would be the man whose “property” she was. And so, when Bride and – say, her dad – got to the front, the person presiding over the wedding would ask, “Who gives this woman (the bride) to this man (the groom) today?” Or something to that effect. And Dad would answer. “I do.”

What does the officiant say at a wedding?

Do you [Name], take this [woman/man/person] to be your lawfully wedded [husband/wife], to live together in matrimony, to love [her/him/them], comfort [her/him/them], honor and keep [her/him/them], in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live ...

How do you announce the arrival of the bride?

Announcements could be: “For the first time as husband and wife, John and Jane!” or for gender-neutral versions: “For the first time as a married couple, John and Joe!” or even “Now introducing the newlyweds, Jane and Joan!”

Who gives this woman away saying?

When asked “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”, he commonly will answer, “I do.” The more modern way of answering is to say, “Her mother and I do.”