Who are My State and local Representatives

Australians are represented by three levels of government: Federal, State and Local Governments. They all have different responsibilities so you will need to direct your advocacy at the right level. For more information on this see our help sheet: Government relations - local, state and federal.

Below we have provided a state-by-state break down of links to your representatives at the Federal, State and Local levels so that you can be more effective in your campaigning.

  • Useful Sites
  • Commonwealth
  • ACT
  • NSW
  • NT
  • QLD
  • SA
  • TAS
  • VIC
  • WA

Useful Sites

  • Open Australia
    • Find out more about your representative.
    • Read and comment on senate and house debates.
    • Sign up to receive notifications when something relevant happens to you in Parliament.

  • Australian Electoral Commission
    • Discover everything you need to know about voting, electorates, parties and representatives, and elections.


Members of Federal Parliament:

  • House of Representatives (Lower House)
  • Senators (Upper House)


Members of Federal Parliament:

  • House of Representatives (Lower House)
  • Senators (Upper House)

Members of State Parliament:

  • Legislative Assembly


Members of Federal Parliament:

  • House of Representatives (Lower House)
  • Senators (Upper House)

Members of State Parliament:

  • Legislative Assembly (Lower House)
  • Legislative Council (Upper House)

Local Government Contacts:

  • NSW Council Websites


Members of Federal Parliament:

  • House of Representatives (Lower House)
  • Senators (Upper House)

Members of State Parliament:

  • Legislative Assembly

Local Government Contacts:

  • NT Local Councils

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Members of Federal Parliament:

  • House of Representatives (Lower House)
  • Senators (Upper House)

Members of State Parliament:

  • Legislative Assembly

Local Government Contacts:

  • QLD Local Councils


Members of Federal Parliament:

  • House of Representatives (Lower House)
  • Senators (Upper House)

Members of State Parliament:

  • House of Assembly (Lower House)
  • Legislative Council (Upper House)

Local Government Contacts:

  • SA Local Government Contacts


Members of Federal Parliament:

  • House of Representatives (Lower House)
  • Senators (Upper House)

Members of State Parliament:

  • House of Assembly (Lower House)
  • Legislative Council (Upper House)

Local Government Contacts:

  • Tasmanian Local Government Contacts


Members of Federal Parliament:

  • House of Representatives (Lower House)
  • Senators (Upper House)

Members of State Parliament:

  • Legislative Assembly (Lower House)
  • Legislative Council (Upper House)

Local Government Contacts:

  • Victorian Local Government Contacts


Members of Federal Parliament:

  • House of Representatives (Lower House)
  • Senators (Upper House)

Members of State Parliament:

  • Legislative Assembly
  • Legislative Council

Local Government Contacts:

  • WA Local Government Contacts

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Our Community Pty Ltd
ABN 24 094 608 705

National Headquarters:
Our Community House
552 Victoria Street
North Melbourne, Victoria, 3051

Postal Address:
PO BOX 354, North Melbourne
Victoria 3051 Australia

(03) 9320 6800


Not sure of your congressional district or who your member is? This service will assist you by matching your ZIP code to your congressional district, with links to your member's website and contact page.

Please review the frequently asked questions if you have problems using this service.

The Find Your Representative feature provides Congressional District information for the current Congress, and the Representative currently serving that Congressional District for the duration of the current Congress, which ends on January 2, 2023.

Many Congressional District boundaries were re-drawn based on the results of the 2020 Census to accommodate population changes. Updates to these district boundaries may have changed what district you vote(d) in during 2022 primary and general elections, but will not change your present Congressional district until these changes go into effect at the start of the new Congress in January 2023.

The Find Your Representative feature provides Congressional District information for the current Congress, and the Representative currently serving that Congressional District for the duration of the current Congress, which ends on January 2, 2023.

The winner of a Congressional election does not represent the constituency to which they were elected until officially recognized by the House of Representatives as an active Member of Congress, with the exception of Special Elections held to replace vacancies. Winners of November general elections for a Congressional seat will not become official Members until they are sworn in at the start of the new Congress in January.

There is no central listing of member office public e-mail addresses. Each member of Congress establishes their office's policy related to the processing and management of e-mail. Generally, if a member has a public e-mail address, it can be found on the member's website. The office may list a public e-mail address or provide a form directly on the member's website. The U.S. House of Representatives does not provide a listing of public e-mail addresses for the elected Representatives.

The Find Your Representative service matches the ZIP code information you provide with a list of congressional districts. If you receive an error due to a missing ZIP code or incorrect member information, please use the Contact Webmaster form to report the problem. Select the appropriate error category (Report an error in the Find Your Representative service.) and provide as much information as possible to assist us in researching the problem. Please be sure to include: Your Street Address, City, State and ZIP code, the member or congressional district information you are trying to reach and the member or congressional district the service is reporting that you feel is in error.

No. The webmaster will not forward messages to congressional offices. If you are having problems contacting your representative, you can report the problem using the Contact Webmaster form, write or call your elected representative, or visit the member's website for alternate contact information.

If you know who your representative is but you are unable to contact them using their contact form, the Clerk of the House maintains addresses and phone numbers of all House members and Committees, or you may call (202) 224-3121 for the U.S. House switchboard operator. In addition, you may choose to visit your member's website directly for further information.

There are several correct forms of address for a member of Congress including "The Honorable" and "Representative".

The Find Your Representative service is provided as a public resource for identifying and contacting a constituent's elected representative. There is currently no restriction on a link being posted to the Find Your Representative page at http://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative to facilitate constituents in expressing their concerns and issues to their representative in Congress.

What is a local rep?

Related Definitions Local Representative means a local person or persons, or designee of such person or persons, authorized by a registrant to accept service and to make decisions for that registrant regarding all matters within the scope of this chapter.

What do local state representatives do?

SUMMARY: The District Representative acts as a liaison between the Senator and constituents, district organizations, local governments, and state agencies. As such, he or she must monitor any pertinent district or local issues, especially those involving state agencies, and keep the Senator and Chief of Staff updated.

Who is the state government representative?

Government Representative means any officer or employee of the state or a political subdivision thereof, or a person under contract with a state agency or political subdivision thereof.

How do I contact my congressman?

If you know who your representative is but you are unable to contact them using their contact form, the Clerk of the House maintains addresses and phone numbers of all House members and Committees, or you may call (202) 224-3121 for the U.S. House switchboard operator.