Which state of matter is the least compressible


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Which state of matter is the least compressible

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Which state of matter is the least compressible


The most compressible state of matter are gases while the least compressible is solid. Liquids are also considered incompressible. Compressibility is determined by the distance or the amount of space between particles in each state. Gas particles are very far from each other, while the particles of solids are tightly packed.

Which state of matter is the least compressible


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the only state of matter that is compressible is a gas. Liquids and solids are not compressible. So what put in solid? Not compressible. Um, and this is because they're particles are too close to go. So any gas We have a lot of space between our particles. Right? So that space, the space between our particles, right, all the space can be shrunk. We can squeeze that container together, displease the size. We can reduce our volume, and we can still have our four particles floating around and still with quite a bit of space, we could continue to compress that. Liquids and gases are sorry. Liquids and solids, it's just are already right. If this is my solid, where well, my patterns not as regular has had originally intended. So it's a little bit more of a liquid. Right? Um, that's already close together. Yes, I could change technically, the size of my container, I could squeeze down. But my even with that sleaze down like that, my particles air Still, we're gonna have the same amount of space between them. This is the same for liquid or solid. And no, I'm not counting. My particles were trying to look the same. So, um yes, a gas is compressible because of the sheer amount of volume, the amount of space between empty space between particles, liquids and solids just don't have that much space, so they can't be compressed.

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Compressibility is the measure of how much a given volume changes instantaneously when placed under pressure. The least compressible state of matter is solid because-Solids have definite shape and definite volume as the particles are densely packed due to the intermolecular spaces between them.As there is little space between the molecules or atoms they are not easily compressed.Hence, solids are rigid and cannot be shaped and cannot be compressed they are incompressibleOn the other hand, the liquid is compressible a bit due to its loosely packed structure while gases are highly compressible due to their loosely packed structure.



Question Papers

What state is the least compressible?

1) Solids – have definite shapes and definite volumes and are not compressible to any extent.

Which state of matter is the most incompressible?

Therefore, the solid-state of the matter is incompressible.

Are gases the least compressible state of matter?

The three common phases (or states) of matter are gases, liquids, and solids. Gases have the lowest density of the three, are highly compressible, and completely fill any container in which they are placed.

Why is solid the least compressible?

Solids are a type of matter with tightly bonded atoms due to strong intermolecular forces of attraction. They retain a fixed volume and shape. They are not easily compressible as there is little space between particles. They are rigid and cannot be shaped and cannot be compressed.