Which of the following statements regarding carrying capacity is true?

Which of the following is an example of exponential growth?

a. 2,000→2,000→2,000
b. 1,500→1,600→1,700
c. 1,500→1,550→2,010
d. 1,000→1,500→2,000
e. 2,000→1,500→1,000

Based upon the features listed, which of the following species is the most likely to go extinct?

a. Species A has a small population, has a narrow habitat tolerance, and lives on an island.
b. Species B has a large population, can withstand a large spectrum of environmental conditions, and lives all over the United States.
c. Species C has a small population, can withstand a large spectrum of environmental conditions, and lives within a small section of the forest.
d. Species D has a moderate population, can withstand a moderate spectrum of environmental conditions, and lives on an island.
e. Species E has a large local population, broad tolerance to environmental change, and a large geographic range.


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Consider the following statements regarding the functions of the environment

1.Carrying Capacity is the maximum population size that an ecosystem can sustainably support without degrading the ecosystem.

2.Absorptive capacity means the ability of the environment to absorb degradation.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

  1. Only 1
  2. Only 2
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Carrying capacity can be defined as a species’ average population size in a particular habitat. The species population size is limited by environmental factors like adequate food, shelter, water, and mates. If these needs are not met, the population will decrease until the resource rebounds.

Explore carrying capacity with these curated classroom resources.


Biology, Ecology, Geography, Physical Geography

Which is true about carrying capacity?

The correct answer is (c) It may change as environmental conditions change. The carrying capacity of a population of organisms is the maximum number of organisms of that species that can sustainably live in the environment.

Which of the following statements best describes carrying capacity?

So the correct option is option A That is a carrying capacity is determined by a variety of environmental factors and represents an approximate maximum population size in an environment.

When a population reaches its carrying capacity quizlet?

Describe what happens when a population reaches is carrying capacity in a particular environment. The birth rate may decrease or the death rate may increase, until they are about equal when carrying capacity is reached.

Which of the following would not be a factor in determining a habitat's carrying capacity?

Factors that determine the per capita rate of increase of a population include the age of breeding and the number of offspring produced each year. Which factor does not affect a habitat's carrying capacity? Availability of food.


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