Which of the following statements regarding pascals triangle are correct

Which of the following statements regarding Pascal's triangle are correct? A. The nth row gives the coefficients in the expansion of x+yn B. The nth row gives the coefficients in the expansion of x+yn-1 C. The first and last numbers of a row are always 1. D. Each number not at the end of a row, is the sum of the numbers that are directly to its right and left, in the row below.



Grade 9 · 2021-06-07

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Which of the following statements regarding Pascal's triangle are correct?
A. The nth row gives the coefficients in the expansion of Which of the following statements regarding Pascal - Gauthmath
B. The nth row gives the coefficients in the expansion of (x+y)^{n-1}
C. The first and last numbers of a row are always 1.
D. Each number not at the end of a row, is the sum of the numbers that are directly to its right and left, in the row below.


Grade 9 · 2021-06-07



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What are 5 interesting things about Pascal's triangle?

7 Amazing Facts About Pascal's Triangle.
The numbers on each row are binomial coefficients..
The numbers on the second diagonal form counting numbers..
The numbers on the third diagonal are triangular numbers..
The sum of the numbers on each row are powers of 2..
A series of diagonals form the Fibonacci Sequence..

What are 3 patterns in Pascal's triangle?

Pattern. The diagonal pattern within Pascal's triangle is made of one's, counting, triangular, and tetrahedral numbers.

What does Pascal's triangle tell us?

Pascal's Triangle shows us how many ways heads and tails can combine. This can then show us the probability of any combination.

What is an example of Pascal's triangle?

For example, finding the sum of square row 4 and column 2 is the sum of the square of row 3 column 1 and row 3 column 2. So the square of row 4 column 2 has a value 1 + 2 = 3. Each number in Pascal's Triangle is the sum of two numbers above it. Numbers in a row are symmetric in nature.


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