Which of the following statements is not true about the terrestrial planets?



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Terms in this set (50)

What objects do we think originate in the Oort cloud?

Long period comets.

Which of the following planets entered Stage 3 of planetary formation? Select all that apply.

- Jupiter
- Neptune

What happens in Stage 1 of planetary formation?

Clumps of material start to accrete creating planetesimals.

How are dwarf planets different than regular planets?

They do not clear their own orbit.

Which of the following statements is true regarding exoplanets? Select all that apply.

- Some are discovered by observing "wobbles" in their parent star's position.
- Some are discovered by observing transits in front of their parent star.

Which of the following objects is the largest of the interplanetary matter.


Which of the following statements describes the orbits of the Jovian planets?

They are widely spaced.

Where are asteroids located? Select all that apply.

- The asteroid belt.
- In Jupiter's orbit ahead and behind the planet itself.

Which of the following statements is true of the terrestrial planets?

They are rocky and have a high density.

When a comet is very far from the Sun, which part of the comet can you see?

The nucleus

Which of the following statements is true regarding short period comets.

They orbit along the ecliptic.

What part of the comet extends away from the nucleus, points directly away from the Sun, and is made of ionized gases?

The ion tail.

Which of the following statements best describes the interior of the Earth.

It is differentiated into layers.

Which of the following statements is true of the outer core?

It consists of liquid metal.

What causes water tides on Earth?

The tidal force between the Earth and the Moon.

Which of the following characteristics are true of the mantle? Select all that apply.

- Convection cells in the mantle carry warm, less dense material upward toward the crust.
- If flows very slowly over long periods of time.

Why is the hydrosphere important? Select all that apply.

- It consists of liquid water which is an essential ingredient for life as we know it.
- It consists of liquid water which can absorb and release incredible amounts of energy.
- The oceans regulate the global climate.

What kind of seismic wave can pass through liquid and solid? Select all that apply.

Pressure waves.

Which of the following statements best describes the lunar highlands?

They are brighter and older regions.

Which of the following characteristics are true of tidal bulges? Select all that apply.

- The act to slow the rotation of the object.
- They are caused by tidal forces.
- They can be present even if there is no hydrosphere.

What creates the magnetosphere?

The dynamo effect of the rotating, liquid metal outer core.

Which of the following statements are true of Earth's atmosphere? Select all that apply.

- It acts as an insulating blanket keeping the surface of the Earth warm.
- It is differentiated into layers.
- It is opaque to x-rays and gamma rays.

What is Pangaea?

A supercontinent that existed 200 million years ago.

Which of the following statements is not true of the Moon?

There are a lot of maria on the far side of the Moon.

What is Olympus Mons?

A 15.5 mile high volcano.

Why is there so much volcanic activity on Venus?

The constantly high temperature causes the crust to remain soft

Which of the following statements is true of the terrestrial planets? Select all that apply.

- They are composed primarily of rock.
- They are the densest planets in the Solar System.
- They are the closest planets to the Sun.

What is unique about Venus's rotation?

It is rotating retrograde.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the surface of Mars?

It changes due to winds that blow the surface dust around.

What are scarps?

Large cliffs caused by the rapid cooling and splitting of the crust.

Why is it difficult to collect surface data on Venus?

The extreme surface temperature melts the components of the landers.

Which of the following statements is true of Venus's atmosphere? Select all that apply.

- It is rich with CO2 emitted by volcanos.
- It creates an atmospheric pressure 90 times the Earth's atmospheric pressure at the surface.
- It leads to a runaway greenhouse effect.

What is Valles Marineris?

- A 2500 mile long canyon.

Which of the following planets would float if placed in a body of water large enough to hold it?


What is the Great Red Spot?

A huge storm on Jupiter.

Which of the following statements are true regarding Uranus? Select all that apply.

- It has 2% methane in its atmosphere.
- It is rotating retrograde.
- It has a 98 degree axial tilt.

What causes the gas on Jupiter's surface to darken?

Ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.

How was Neptune discovered?

It was mathematically predicted to exist.

Which planet is the largest planet in the Solar System?


What causes the bluish colors of Uranus and Neptune?


Which planet has the most complex ring system in the Solar System?


Which Jovian planets have magnetic fields that are significantly off center compared to the planets' rotations? Select all that apply.

- Neptune
- Uranus

What is the Roche limit?

The distance at which a large object will be torn apart by extreme tidal forces.

Which of the following moons belong to Jupiter? Select all that apply.

- Europa
- Io

Which moon smells like rotten eggs?


Which of the following characteristics are true of Enceladus? Select all that apply.

- Gysers of icy particles create the E ring of Saturn.
- Gysers of icy particles suggest there may be a liquid water ocean under the south pole.

Why are we interested in exploring Europa?

There may be a liquid water ocean under the surface that is habitable.

What are large Kuiper belt objects called? Select all that apply.

- trans-Neptunian objects
- plutoids

Which planet has the largest and greatest number of moons?


Which moon is the most geologically active object in the Solar System


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Which is true about the terrestrial planets?

Terrestrial planets are Earth-like planets made up of rocks or metals with a hard surface. Terrestrial planets also have a molten heavy-metal core, few moons and topological features such as valleys, volcanoes and craters.

Which of the following is not a terrestrial planet '?

The correct answer is Neptune. The first four planets are called Terrestrial, meaning earth-like planets like Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

What are 5 facts about terrestrial planets?

The surfaces of terrestrial planets have mountains, craters, canyons, and volcanoes. About 75% of Earth's surface is covered in water. Both Mars and Earth have permanent polar ice caps. None of the terrestrial planets in our solar system have ring systems.

Which is not a terrestrial planets characteristics?

Terrestrial planets have solid surfaces, while the Jovian planets do not. Jovian planets are also significantly larger in size and mass. For these reasons, the Jovian planets are often called "gas giants." The gas giant planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.


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