Which of the following is true of vitamins in general?

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Which of the following is true of vitamins in general?

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Which of the following is true of vitamins in general?

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Which of the following is true of vitamins in general?

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Which of the following is a property of the B vitamins?

a. they are stored in the body

b. they require fat for absorption

c. they function as coenzymes

d. they are needed in large amounts

c. they function as coenzymes

correct; water-soluble vitamins are necessary for energy metabolism.

Food folate is equivalent to _____ Dietary Folate Equivalents.

a. 11 mcg = 1 mcg DFE

b. 2 mcg = 1 mcg DFE

c. 1.5 mcg DFE = 1 mcg

d. 1 mcg = 1 mcg DF

d. 1 mcg = 1 mcg DF

correct; 50 percent of food folate is absorbed.

Which of the following increases the risk of a vitamin deficiency?

a. high levels of physical activity

b. exposure to sunlight

c. Mediterranean diet

d. low-calorie diet

d. low-calorie diet

correct; low-calorie diets are often low in vitamin content.

Which property is true of (and unique to) vitamin B12?

a. vitamin B12 can be destroyed by UV light

b. vitamin B12 is the only water-soluble vitamin

c. there is no known deficiency of vitamin B12

d. vitamin B12 requires intrinsic factor to be absorbed in the body

d. vitamin B12 requires intrinsic factor to be absorbed in the body

correct; intrinsic factor is a protein needed for vitamin B12 absorption

From what source can we synthesize niacin in our body?

a. cholesterol

b. vitamins cannot be synthesized in the body

c. an amino acid

d. glucose

c. an amino acid

correct; tryptophan is an amino acid.

Which statement about vitamin B12 is true?

a. vitamin B12 is the smallest of the vitamins

b. enzymes are required to release it from dietary proteins

c. vitamin B12 contains the mineral cobalt

d. vitamin B12 is absorbed only when bound to protein

c. vitamin B12 contains the mineral cobalt

correct; vitamin B12 has a complex structure

Thiamin deficiency results in the reduced production of _____, which may lead to apathy, irritability, and confusion.

a. water

b. carbon dioxide

c. glucose

d. several neurotransmitters

d. several neurotransmitters

correct; neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that send signals to nerve cells

_____ anemia is a condition that develops as a result of folate deficiency

a. plastic

b. sickle cell

c. pernicious

d. megaloblastic

d. megaloblastic

correct; megaloblastic anemia disrupts DNA synthesis.

Which practice would likely reduce the vitamin content in foods?

a. storing vegetables in the refrigerator

b. storing frozen vegetables for years

c. cooking vegetables over low heat for a short time

d. leaving the skins on fruits such as apples

b. storing frozen vegetables for years

correct; prolonged freezing can destroy some nutrients

Which water-soluble vitamin participates in energy metabolism?

a. vitamin A

b. choline

c. vitamin C

d. riboflavin

d. riboflavin

correct; riboflavin is a coenzyme.

The leading cause of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is:

a. a vegan diet

b. low intake of dairy products

c. lack of whole grains consumption

d. chronic alcohol abuse

d. chronic alcohol abuse

correct; alcohol abuse will interfere with nutrient absorption

Folate deficiency can cause:

a. pain and numbness in the extremities

b. heart defects

c. neural tube defects

d. cracks on the lips and mouth

c. neural tube defects

correct; folate functions in DNA and RNA synthesis

An individual develops a vitamin deficiency while recovering from severe leg injuries. What is the most probable cause of the deficiency?

a. decreased utilization in cells

b. increased breakdown

c. decreased absorption

d. increased requirements

d. increased requirements

correct; injury and illness will increase vitamin needs.

Which statement is true concerning cell function with megaloblastic anemia?

a. precursor red blood cells divide and mature normally

b. blood cells no longer contain their nuclei

c. impaired DNA synthesis blocks the full maturation of red blood cells

d. cells divide normally

c. impaired DNA synthesis blocks the full maturation of red blood cells

correct; this results in development of macrocytic cells

Which statement about water-soluble vitamins is true?

a. water-soluble vitamins are much more difficult to absorb than fat-soluble vitamins

b. cooking foods in water can increase their vitamin content

c. toxicity is rare from food sources

d. excessive intake increases their storage

c. toxicity is rare from food sources

correct; toxicity of water-soluble vitamins generally occurs only with the use of supplements

Thiamin, niacin, and folate work together to regulate which body process?

a. blood health

b. nerve and muscle function

c. DNA and RNA synthesis

d. energy metabolism

c. DNA and RNA synthesis

correct; these nutrients are involved in cell development and division

Which process is a function of the B vitamins?

a. fluid balance

b. control hunger

c. protection against free radicals

d. DNA synthesis

d. DNA synthesis

correct; B vitamins are responsible for the synthesis of compounds necessary to support life

Thiamin is required to:

a. maintain normal cholesterol levels

b. regulate blood pressure

c. provide energy through breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins

d. produce glucose

c. provide energy through breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins

correct; thiamin functions as a coenzyme for energy metabolism

Pregnancy is an example of which cause of vitamin deficiencies?

a. increased requirements

b. decreased utilization in cells

c. increased breakdown

d. inadequate intake

a. increased requirements

correct; pregnancy increases nutrient requirements

Which statement is true regarding the function of thiamin in the body?

a. it participates in metabolic reactions that produce water

b. it produces sugars for DNA and RNA synthesis

c. it participates in the conversion of tryptophan to niacin

d. it requires intrinsic factor for absorption

b. it produces sugars for DNA and RNA synthesis

correct; thiamin is involved in many important reactions in the body

Which food preparation technique will help to preserve vitamins in foods?

a. peeling the skins of fruits

b. freezing fresh fruits and vegetables

c. cooking fruits and vegetables at high temperatures

d. submerging fruits and vegetables in water

b. freezing fresh fruits and vegetables

correct; freezing fresh fruits and vegetables will preserve vitamins

A deficiency of vitamin B6 may slightly increase the need for _____ from one's diet.

a. biotin

b. folate

c. thiamin

d. niacin

d. niacin

correct; vitamin B6 is needed to convert the amino acid tryptophan into niacin

How many milligrams of niacin are produced from 180 mg of tryptophan?

a. 1 mg

b. 180 mg

c. 3 mg

d. 60 mg

c. 3 mg

correct; it takes about 60 mg of tryptophan to make 1 mg of niacin

Which statement is true regarding water-soluble vitamins?

a. these vitamins are easily destroyed during food storage and preparation

b. toxicity is common with these vitamins

c. the body requires large amounts of these nutrients

d. our bodies are capable of storing these nutrients

a. these vitamins are easily destroyed during food storage and preparation

correct; water-soluble vitamins are easily destroyed

Which of the following is true for ALL B vitamins?

a. they all function as coenzymes

b. they all play critical roles in energy metabolism

c. they are readily destroyed during food storage and cooking

d. they cannot be synthesized in the human body

a. they all function as coenzymes

All of the following are recommended practices to preserve vitamins in food EXCEPT:

a. remove the peel from fruits and vegetables

b. use minimal water and time to cook vegetables

c. purchase milk in opaque containers to prevent light from destroying riboflavin

d. refrigerate fruits and vegetables to slow the breakdown of some vitamins

a. remove the peel from fruits and vegetables

Which choice only includes vitamins that can have toxic effects if consumed in excess?

a. folate, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12

b. vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folate

c. niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin C

d. riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6

c. niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin C

Which of the following is NOT a typical cause of a vitamin deficiency?

a. increased vitamin requirements

b. decreased vitamin synthesis

c. increased vitamin losses

d. decreased vitamin absorption

b. decreased vitamin synthesis

Which statement about coenzymes is FALSE?

a. coenzymes are a part of the enzyme structure

b. a coenzyme attaches to the enzyme to form an active complex

c. some enzymes require a coenzyme to carry out their function or activity

d. all B vitamins function as coenzymes

a. coenzymes are a part of the enzyme structure

All of the following correctly match the vitamin with one of its highest natural food sources EXCEPT:

a. niacin—poultry

b. folate—beans

c. thiamin—fish

d. riboflavin—dairy products

All but one of the following statements are true:

a. megaloblastic anemia is characterized by abnormally large immature red blood cells with no nuclei

b. megaloblastic anemia occurs with either a folate or a B12 deficiency, disrupting DNA synthesis

c. impaired DNA synthesis arrests cell division, blocking the full maturation of red blood cells

d. symptoms of megaloblastic anemia include fatigue, pale skin, and muscle weakness

a. megaloblastic anemia is characterized by abnormally large immature red blood cells with no nuclei

Excess intake of what vitamin can mask the early signs of a vitamin B12 deficiency and lead to cognitive impairment?

a. niacin

b. folate

c. thiamin

d. vitamin B6

All of the following vitamins play a critical role in DNA synthesis EXCEPT:

a. vitamin B6.

b. folate.

c. thiamin.

d. vitamin B12.

A deficiency of what vitamin will NOT cause anemia?

a. vitamin B12

b. pantothenic acid

c. folate

d. vitamin B6

Which of the following INCORRECTLY matches the vitamin with a consequence or concern related to a deficiency of that vitamin?

a. thiamin—Those who abuse alcohol are at particularly high risk of a deficiency

b. folate—A deficiency during pregnancy increases the risk of neural tube defects in the infant

c. vitamin B12—The risk of deficiency is increased in the elderly

d. folate—A deficiency impairs hemoglobin synthesis

d. folate—A deficiency impairs hemoglobin synthesis

The bioavailability of which two vitamins is significantly higher in supplemental form as compared to what is naturally occurring in foods?

a. biotin and pantothenic acid

b. thiamin and vitamin B6

c. folate and vitamin B12

d. niacin and riboflavin

c. folate and vitamin B12

What vitamin occurs naturally only in animal products?

a. vitamin B12

b. thiamin

c. niacin

d. vitamin B6

Which of the following nutrients does NOT play a direct role in the production of neurotransmitters?

a. pantothenic acid

b. choline

c. vitamin B6

d. vitamin B12

All of the following nutrients are correctly matched with one of their primary functions EXCEPT:

a. vitamin B6—amino acid metabolism

b. pantothenic acid—antioxidant

c. niacin—DNA repair

d. choline—incorporation into cell membranes

b. pantothenic acid—antioxidant

Which choice INCORRECTLY pairs the vitamin with the name of its deficiency disease?

a. niacin—pellagra

b. vitamin C—scurvy

c. riboflavin—ariboflavinosis

d. vitamin B6—beriberi

Which choice INCORRECTLY pairs the common name of the vitamin with its chemical name?

a. vitamin B12—cobalamin

b. vitamin C—citric acid

c. vitamin B6—pyridoxine

d. all of these are incorrectly paired

Which of the following is a true statement regarding nutrient bioavailability?

a. vitamin C improves the bioavailability of iron

b. folate must be bound to intrinsic factor to be absorbed

c. niacin equivalents adjust for differences in bioavailability between forms of niacin

d. low levels of gastric acid production will reduce the absorption of vitamin B6

a. vitamin C improves the bioavailability of iron

Which of the following is NOT true of vitamin C?

a. it functions as an antioxidant

b. a deficiency can cause blood vessels to leak

c. chili peppers are an outstanding source of the vitamin

d. regular supplements do not alter the duration of a cold

d. regular supplements do not alter the duration of a cold

The following choices pair a vitamin with one of its highest natural food sources. Which choice is incorrect?

a. vitamin B6—chicken breast

b. vitamin C—kiwi

c. thiamin—pork

d. folate—fish

Which of the following about vitamins is true?

The correct answer is a) vitamins are essential nutrients. The true statement about vitamins among the given choices is that vitamins are essential...

What are the general characteristics of vitamins?

Vitamins and minerals are micronutrients required by the body to carry out a range of normal functions. However, these micronutrients are not produced in our bodies and must be derived from the food we eat. Vitamins are organic substances that are generally classified as either fat soluble or water soluble.

What is the general function of vitamins?

Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients—because acting in concert, they perform hundreds of roles in the body. They help shore up bones, heal wounds, and bolster your immune system. They also convert food into energy, and repair cellular damage.

Which of the following are vitamins?

Vitamins are substances that our bodies need to develop and function normally. They include vitamins A, C, D, E, and K, choline, and the B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folate/folic acid).