Which of the following is something an advocate for arousal theory might observe

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Which of the following is something an advocate for arousal theory might observe

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Which of the following is something an advocate for arousal theory might observe

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Which of the following is something an advocate for arousal theory might observe

Social Psychology

10th EditionElliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson

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Which of the following is something an advocate for arousal theory might observe


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Robert M.


9 months, 1 week ago

Video Answer:

Which of the following is something an advocate for arousal theory might observe

Which of the following is something an advocate for arousal theory might observe

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Which theory explains that physiological needs create an aroused state that motivates an organism to reduce the need? a. Instinct theory b. Drive-reduction theory c. Achievement motivation d. Arousal theory e. Hierarchy of needs

Which of the following is something an advocate for arousal theory might observe


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Video Transcript

The right answer to this question is optionally, and that is drive reduction theory. The theory states that our organisms are driven to reach formal stasis. That is a balanced state. Our needs create drives, and we are motivated. Two satisfy those needs in order to maintain moment of stasis. I hope this is helpful to you. Thank you.


Kristi entered seventh grade with the mentality that she is not good at math, and never will be. She preferred simple problems and was discouraged when she got problems wrong. Kristi has a ________.


Which of the following is something an advocate for arousal theory might observe?

When we are bored we look for excitement; when we are overexcited we wish for more peace.


________ is wants or needs that direct behavior toward some goal.


Self-worth, accomplishment, and confidence represent the ________ level of needs in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.


Areas of the ________ and hindbrain have an important role to play in regulating eating and hunger.


A person’s ________ is the amount of energy that is expended in a given period of time


Which of the following is a way that anorexia nervosa is different from bulimia nervosa?

Anorexia is associated with starvation, and bulimia is associated with binge eating.


Jude is a man who is emotionally and sexually attracted to both men and women. Jude is ________.


The ________ response cycle includes four phases including excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.


The structural parts of the body that are most responsible for sexual arousal are the ________.

the hypothalamus and limbic system


Smaller structures and reduced volume in the ________ is linked with PTSD.


What are cultural display rules?

culturally specific standards that govern the types and frequencies of displays of emotions that are acceptable


According to the Schachter-Singer two-factor theory of emotion, emotions consist of two factors: ________.

physiological and cognitive


Is it possible for a human to multitask, or cognitively focus on two things at the same time?

What is arousal theory quizlet?

Arousal theory. suggests that humans are motivated to maintain a comfortable level of arousal. Optimal arousal theory helps explain the Yerkes-Dodson law, which states that performance is best when arousal or stimulation is not too high, and not too low.

What are the main principles of arousal approaches to motivation?

People are motivated by arousal: You are motivated by experiences and actions that lead to mental stimulation. People have an optimal arousal level: Each and every individual has a unique level of arousal that leads to maximum personal motivation.

How does arousal affect performance quizlet?

How does arousal affect performance? Arousal increases muscle tension and affects co-ordination. Too much tension can create difficulties. As well, it affects attention.

What is the main idea of drive theory?

Drive theory is based on the principle that organisms are born with certain psychological needs and that a negative state of tension is created when these needs are not satisfied. When a need is satisfied, drive is reduced and the organism returns to a state of homeostasis and relaxation.