Which of the following is required on all new recovery equipment

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  • EPA Certification Exam "Type 1"
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  • EPA Exam TYPE 1

Epa Exam Type 1

by Sarahsedated, Sep. 2016

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Which of the following is required on all new recovery equipment

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Which of the following is required on all new recovery equipment

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Which of the following is required on all new recovery equipment



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Which of the following is required on all new recovery equipment
Which of the following is required on all new recovery equipment

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When installing any type of access fitting onto a sealed system;

the fitting should be leak tested before proceeding with recovery.

Any person who opens an appliance for maintenance service or repair must have at least one self-contained recovery machine available at their place of business. The exceptions to this rule are persons working on;

small appliances.

Which of the following is NOT a Type 1 appliance?

A. An MVAC-like system that holds three pounds of R-12.

B. A water cooler that holds 13 ounces of R-12.

C. A food freezer that holds 22 ounces of R-22.

D. A dehumidifier with seven ounces of R-500.

A. An MVAC-like system that holds three POUNDS of R-12.

The sale of CFC and HCFC refrigerants is;

restricted to technicians who are EPA certified in refrigerant recovery.

EPA regulations include which of the following in the definition of a "small appliance"?

A. Products manufactured, charged and hermetically sealed in a factory.

B. Products having 5 pounds or less of refrigerant.

C. Products with compressors under 1/2 horsepower.

D. Both "A" and "B".

The system-dependent (passive) recovery process for small appliances;

captures refrigerant in a non-pressurized container.

A storage cylinder of recovered R-12 at normal room temperature (about 75 degrees F), in the absence of non-condensables, will be pressurized to:

75 psig.

All recovery devices manufactured BEFORE November 15, 1993 for use with small appliances must meet which of the following requirements?

Capable of recovering 80% of the refrigerant whether or not the compressor is operating or achieving a 4 inch vacuum under conditions of ARI 740.

Small appliance recovery equipment manufactured AFTER November 15, 1993 must be certified to be capable of;

recovering 90% of the refrigerant when the compressor is operating or achieving a 4 inch vacuum under the conditions of ARI 740.

When servicing a small appliance for leak repair;

It is not mandatory to repair the leak but do so whenever possible.

After recovering refrigerant from a sealed system, if nitrogen is used to pressurize or blow debris out of the system, the nitrogen;

may be vented.

Equipment manufactured AFTER November 15, 1993 which is used to recover refrigerant from small appliances for the purpose of disposal must meet what standard?

A. Recover 95% of the refrigerant whether or not the compressor is operative.

B. Recover 80% of the refrigerant with an inoperative compressor.

C. Recover 90% of the refrigerant with an operative compressor.

D. Both "B" and "C".

When R-500 is recovered from an appliance, it;

must be recovered into its own recovery vessel that is clearly marked to ensure that mixing of refrigerants does not occur.

It is generally recommended that piercing-type valves be used on which of the following tubing materials?

A. Copper.

B. Aluminum.

C. Steel.

D. Both "A" and "B".

Which refrigerants can be mixed?

A. R-11 and R-12.

B. R-12 and R-134a.

C. R-12 and R-22.

D. None of the above.

A storage cylinder of recovered R-22 at normal room temperature (about 75 degrees F), in the absence of non-condensables, will be pressurized to;

130 psig.

Refrigerants (i.e., R-12, R-22, R-500, etc.) in large quantities can cause suffocation because;

they are heavier than air and displace oxygen.

Since small amounts of CFC/HCFC refrigerant have no odor, when a pungent odor is detected during a sealed system recovery and/or repair;

a compressor burn-out has likely occurred.

If a reclamation facility receives a tank of mixed refrigerant, they may;

A. refuse to process the refrigerant and return it at the owner's expense.

B. agree to destroy the refrigerant, but typically a substantial fee is charged.

C. resell the refrigerant for reuse in its current state.

D. Both "A" and "B".

At high temperatures, (i.e., open flames, glowing metal surfaces, etc.) R-12 and R-22 can decompose to form;

Which of the following is a requirement for all CFC HCFC and HFC refrigerant recovery devices?

All CFC, HCFC, HFC, and HFO refrigerant recovery equipment must meet EPA standards. Recovery equipment must be tested according to AHRI Standard 740.

What standards must refrigerant recovery equipment meet?

What standards must refrigerant recovery equipment meet and what component must all Type I and Type II refrigeration systems have? All refrigerant recovery equipment must be certified and labeled as EPA approved. Type I and II refrigeration systems must have a service aperture or a process stub.

Which refrigerants must be recovered before opening?

All CFCs and HCFCs must be recovered before opening a system for service or disposing of appliances. Cylinder & Appliance Disposal: Before disposing of any appliance containing a CFC or HCFC refrigerant, the refrigerant must be recovered.

Who must certify recovery equipment used during maintenance service or repair of small appliances?

(1) Manufacturers and importers of recovery and/or recycling equipment intended for use during the maintenance, service, repair, or disposal of MVAC-like appliances must certify such equipment in accordance with subpart B of this part.