Which mobility scooter has the longest battery life?

NOTE: This article was created in 2015 and is likely out of date, you should visit our web store and use filters to sort by travel range (aka distance) to see which products currently have the longest travel range. We strongly recommend looking at the Afikim Scooters which can be found for sale on our website. They have some of the best traveling distance ratings on the market and the quality you would expect from an Afikim-made product. Thank you for stopping by, enjoy reading! 

Do you ever wonder which mobility scooters are capable of traveling or better yet what models travel the longest when fully charged? There’s such a large selection of reliable long-lasting mobility scooters available, that it can be quite difficult finding out what reliable long-lasting mobility scooters come with the longest travel range. With this article, we wanted to point out some of the longest-lasting models available online and show readers just how reliable these handicap mobility scooters are in detail.

The 3 Best Mobility Scooters For Traveling Long Distances

Listed below are the 3 most reliable mobility scooters with the longest travel range presented from the lowest to top drive range.

Which mobility scooter has the longest battery life?

The EW-54 also known as The Buggie, is a very unique styled full-size mobility scooter made by Ewheels. With its golf cart style look, The EW-54 is great for outdoor use, providing shade to users it can be used pretty much anywhere outdoors. Holding a maximum weight capacity of 500 lbs The EW-54 Buggie by Ewheels is designed with a large executive seat weighing around 200 lbs there is plenty of power-packed behind this gold cart style mobility scooter. The EW-54 comes with a stereo system and was built with a 700-watt motor and 60V 20AH batteries allowing this powerful mobility scooter to go 15 mph and last as long as 40 miles before a full charge is once again needed. If you’re looking for something outside of normal handicap mobility scooters the EW-54 Buggie by Wheels is a reliable scooter you don’t want to miss out on!

Which mobility scooter has the longest battery life?

The EW-72 is a powerful 4-wheel heavy duty mobility scooter that ranks as the second longest-lasting mobility scooter available online. Made by E-wheels, The EW72 can hang with the best heavy-duty models out there while still looking stylish. This big boy style mobility scooter can sustain a maximum weight capacity of 500 lbs in a 19″ wide seat with plenty of comfort and space to accommodate users on those longer than normal distance rides. Weighing about 221 lbs The EW-72 by Ewheels is preferred for outdoor use as it is powered by four 12V 20Ah batteries to combine 48 volts of powerful performance. Running on 14″ and 16″ pneumatic tires The EW-72 goes a maximum speed of 15 mph and can last as long as 43 miles so it definitely a great choice if you’re going to be traveling on your scooter constantly. One of the best 4 wheels in its class The EW 72 is a handicapped mobility scooter you will definitely be satisfied with.

Which mobility scooter has the longest battery life?

The EW-36 is a 3-wheel heavy duty mobility scooter created by Ewheels. The longest-lasting of all mobility scooters offered by Mobility Scooters Direct. The EW-36 is capable of quite a bit. Going up to 18 mph this scooter is capable of holding a maximum weight capacity of 350 lbs in an 18″ foldable seat, the EW-36 weighs just about 200 lbs and comes with 16″ pneumatic tires with rear shock absorbers allowing for great durability on rough rides. The EW-36 by Ewheels is the longest-lasting mobility scooter we know of and is powered by four 12v 20ah batteries combining 48 volts making it an excellent choice if you’re looking for reassurance that your scooter won’t die the same day it has been fully charged. Going a total of 45 miles when fully charged you cannot go wrong with the purchase of a long-lasting heavy-duty scooter such as the EW-36.

What About Lightweight Folding Mobility Scooters Made For Long Distance Travel?

Some of the travel mobility scooters with the longest travel range are found right here on our website for sale at the lowest prices possible. One of the most noteworthy models is the Triaxe Folding Mobility Scooter which is capable of traveling up to 35 miles. The Triaxe folding scooter is one of the few models that are designed for travel and that can go up to 35 miles on a full charge. Below is a video of this model in action.

Which mobility scooter has the longest battery life?

Which Sounds Like the Best Choice for Your Long Distance Travel?

Now that you know more about what mobility scooters come with the longest travel range do you have a favorite model in mind? All the long-lasting handicap mobility scooters provided are made by Ewheels which is top of line manufacturer offered by Mobility Scooters Direct, In case you do not like these particular models, we offer all of Ewheels mobility scooters, which offer long-lasting performances not too far off from what has been mentioned about the durable mobility scooters in today’s article. I hope that you find this article helpful in you finding the right high-performance mobility scooter, with a performance such as the ones provided above I’m sure you’ll be satisfied! Thank you for reading!

Andrew Fatalo is the owner of Statewide Mobility Inc & Mobility Scooters Direct. He has been in the mobility product industry since 2005 and knows a ton about e-commerce marketing. He gives back to the handicap community by hosting mobility scooter and electric wheelchair give-aways which you can learn more about by following his companies on Facebook.

How long do batteries last in a mobility scooter?

Although most manufacturers generally offer a 12-month warranty on batteries, mobility scooter batteries should deliver an average lifespan of up to 18 months depending on usage. In a 'light' mobility application, such as using your scooter once or twice a week, the battery can deliver up to three years lifespan.

How long does a mobility scooter last on a full charge?

A good quality mobility scooter battery will typically last around 45 minutes to 1 hour on a single charge. However, the average time it takes for batteries to run down can vary depending on several factors.

How long does a lithium battery last on a mobility scooter?

If you used and charged your mobility scooter or powerchair fitted with lithium batteries once a day, it would offer more than 13 years of life, while the standard AGM and Gel mobility batteries last less than two years.

What is the number 1 mobility scooter?

Best Mobility Scooter Companies.