Which is more reactive oxygen or fluorine

Fluorine has the electronic configuration of 2,7. It requires only one electron to complete octet. Fluorine is more reactive than any other halogens because of the size of its atom. As the size of atom of flourine is smaller, outer shell is closer to the nucleus and for this reason if a new electron come near to this atom nucleus will attract very fast.

There are three things to consider every single time relative reactivity is unknown; atomic radius, shielding, and number of electrons. The reactivity is the halogens ability to gain an electron, so number of electrons already in the atom plays a vital role. Chlorine has more electrons so repels a reacting electron with greater force than fluorine, making it less likely to react. 

Fluorine also has fewer electron shells than chlorine, so there are fewer electrons between the positive nucleus and the reacting electron to essentiallly block, or weaken, the electromagnetic attraction. This is shielding. 

Lastly, fluorine is much smaller molecule than chlorine, and the shorter distance, or radius, between the nucleus and the electron again makes it more likely to attract the electron and react to gain a noble gas configuration. 

Fluorine is identified as the most reactive nonmetal and the most electronegative element in the periodic table, making it the strongest oxidizing agent. Caesium is the most reactive metal in the periodic table, so much that working with this metal often ends in explosions!

What did one chemist say to another when he found him aggrieved? “Why are you sodium distressed? I think you’re over-reacting!” See what I did there? Sometimes I wonder why – despite my hilarity – I find it really hard to make friends…

Anyway, other than my poor grades, the first thing that comes to mind when I think of chemistry is lab coats, oddly shaped vessels, as if reflections from carnival mirrors, and blazing explosions. Every now and then, somebody mumbles “reaction” or “reactivity”, terms so ubiquitous that you’ll find them infiltrating chemistry books to their very last page. This is exactly what we’re concerned with right now.

Devoid of any technical jargon, a “reaction” is exactly what it means, a response. Reactivity, on the other hand, can be defined as the measure of how readily a chemical species will participate in a reaction and form chemical bonds. So, the question becomes – which element is the easiest to incite? But first…

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What determines reactivity of an element?

In simple terms, a chemical reaction is the perfect opportunity for buyers and sellers to buy and sell goods. The buyers and sellers are chemical elements. The goods are electrons and the currency being exchanged is energy.

The purpose of this trade is to attain stability, an optimal configuration of electrons, which is achieved when either an element’s valence (outermost) shell is completely filled or emptied. Basically, an element can buy more electrons to fill its penultimate shell or sell them to empty it.

The fewer the electrons involved, the lesser the energy expense. Anyone who’s familiar with nature’s parsimonious way of functioning will guess that trades requiring the least amount of energy are the ones that are most likely to occur. This makes sense, as an element would prefer to lose electrons and render itself empty if its outermost shell is less than half-filled, or gain some to fill itself, if it is more than half-filled. Buying six when you can simply lose two would be outright foolish, but more importantly, expensive!

Thus, reactivity is a function of how easily an element loses or gains electrons.

How do we estimate an element’s incentives?

The periodic table and its “trends”

How do we find out whether an element is a buyer or seller? We refer to the periodic table.

The periodic table is a reminder that scientists are borderline OCD and cannot help but organize everything in an extremely neat and ordered way. The periodic table organizes every element we know of in a collocated manner.

The table arranges elements according to their atomic number, which is same as the number of protons or electrons they encompass. (Isn’t it weird that they tend to be exactly the same?)

Trend 1

The number of electrons in the valence shell increases by one as we parse through every element in a row, although the number of shells does remain the same. The number of shells can be deduced from the row number. For instance, every element in the second row will contain only two shells and so on.

A consequence of this trend is that atomic radius decreases as we move towards a row’s last resident. The reason being, the increase in electrons is being mirrored by the increase in protons in the center, whereas the former must cram into the same shell. In the tug-o’-war between the pulling protons and the incrementing electrons, the former wins, resulting in a greater nuclear attraction, pulling all its shells closer to it.

Therefore, due to a strong pull of attraction, an element is more likely to buy or gain electrons as we move along a row. The measure of an element’s ability to pull electrons towards it is known as electronegativity. The most electro-negative element is the likeliest to steal electrons and react the quickest.

Trend 2

Another trend is the increase in the radius of elements as we move down a column, while the number of valence electrons remains the same, even though the atomic number keeps increasing. This is because the increase in electrons is paralleled by an increase in shells. Heavy metals have an increased radius, especially those on the utmost bottom. They illustrate the poorest nuclear attraction and consequently have a poor hold on their outermost electrons.

The measure of an element’s ability to lose electrons is known as electro-positivity, and it increases as we move down a column. Again, the most electropositive element is the one most likely to give up its electrons and react the quickest.

Now that we know the rules, let’s reveal the winners.

Most reactive non-metal – Fluorine

Fluorine is the first element in the halogen group. It’s a pale yellow, diatomic, highly corrosive, flammable gas with a pungent odor. Its atomic number is 9, and has a jam-packed 7 electrons in its valence shell. Moreover, it resides in the second row, which implies that all its 9 electrons are somehow crammed into only 2 shells.

A 7-electron valence shell requires it to gain only a single electron to complete its final shell and achieve stability, which isn’t a big feat when you consider its small size and vigorous nuclear pull. Fluorine is identified as the most electronegative element in the periodic table, making it the strongest oxidizing agent. It is the most reactive non-metal.

Fluorine is so reactive that it can burn substances that one would generally think of as non-flammable! It can burn glass, water and even sand! Its promiscuity makes it impossible to store or isolate it in its purest form. Due to its feral reactivity, its early history of isolation and experimentation is filled with fatal accidents. Yes… fatal.

Most reactive metal – Caesium

Caesium is a gold-colored metal that reacts explosively with air and water. Its atomic number is 55. Caesium resides in the first column and the second to last row. As we’ve discussed, the radius of an element so low in the column is pretty large compared to the elements above.

(Photo Credit : Dnn87 / Wikimedia Commons)

The large radius renders its nuclear pull ineffective and makes it awfully clumsy. Its large size makes it highly susceptible to ionization. It is highly acquiescent and readily gives up the single electron in its valence shell to attain stability, making it highly reactive. Caesium is the most reactive metal in the periodic table, so much that working with this metal often ends in explosions!


Francium is the last element in the first column, sitting just beneath Caesium, making it the largest atom in the column. Logically, one would deduce that Francium must possess a superior reactivity compared to Caesium, but this isn’t the case.

It is estimated that there is no more than one ounce of it in Earth’s crust at a time. Since it is so scarce naturally, scientists must produce it in order to study it.

(Photo Credit : MarlonMarin1 / Wikimedia Commons)

However, even when it is somehow isolated, it doesn’t last very long. Francium is radioactive in nature, having a half-life of only 22 minutes, so it decays before its gets a chance to react! Moreover, the presence of so many protons causes its electrons to move around at incredibly high speeds. As Einstein realized, at scales so small and speeds so high, strange things begin to occur — the electrons snuggle a little closer to the nucleus than one would logically expect, making them slightly harder to get rid of.

So, it seems that Francium is the most reactive element, alas theoretically.

Spoiler alert!

You might have noticed that the two elements deemed to be the most reactive are winners only in their specific categories — metals and non-metals. Sorry to be a buzzkill, but there is no definitive answer to who-is-the-most-reactive-element-amongst-all, because it takes two to tango.

One could ask which element is the most reactive with Sodium? The answer then is Fluorine, not Caesium. Or, perhaps you want to know which element is the most reactive with Nitrogen. Its Lithium! Shocker!

The term reactivity is often notoriously misinterpreted. The question is ambiguous, and somewhat incomplete, as this article hopefully shows.

How much do you know about the most reactive metal?

Can you answer three questions based on the article you just read?

Elements of Chemistry (Dover Books on Chemistry)

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  • Elements: A Visual Exploration of Every Known Atom in the Universe (RP Minis)

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  • Chemistry of the Elements

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  • References

    1. Sonoma State University
    2. University of Michigan
    3. Sonoma State University Research 2
    4. Oakland University
    5. The Royal Society of Chemistry

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    Scientific discovery can be unexpected and full of chance surprises. Take your own here and learn something new and perhaps surprising!

    Which is the most reactive element oxygen and fluorine?

    Complete answer: Out of these four elements, fluorine is the most reactive element. Because fluorine is one of the halogens in the periodic table. Fluorine reactivity is due to the electron affinity. The electron affinity of fluorine is high.

    What is more reactive oxygen or chlorine?

    Note oxygen is more electronegative than chlorine, Hence, O is stronger oxidising agent than Cl.

    Is oxygen the most reactive element?

    8 on the Periodic Table of the Elements is a colorless gas that makes up 21 percent of Earth's atmosphere. Because it's all around, oxygen is easy to dismiss as dull and inert; in fact, it's the most reactive of the non-metallic elements.

    Is fluorine is highly reactive?

    Fluorine is the lightest halogen element and the most reactive chemical element. Because of its great propensity to attract electrons and the small size of its atoms, it has high chemical activity.


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