Which element is the most reactive metal

Lavinia Mara Ketewai Best Answer!

Sodium (Na) is the most reactive element since it’s valence electrons are not tightly held together in the atom. It’s atomic number is 11, therefore when writing the electron configuration (2,8,1), the last electron which is 1 is the valence electron which is easily lost to other ions for stability.

Chelsey Duffin Best Answer!

Flourine is the most react element in the period table, this is due to it having an almost full outer electron shell of 7 electrons, its outer most shell being closer to the nucleus than other elements in Group 7. It is also the most electronegative element in the table, meaning it will react violently with elements in Group 1 & 2, as they are electropositive.

Verified Sherpa Tutor

Francium is the most reactive element, it is at the bottom of group 1 in the periodic table. Because it is in group 1 this means it has 1 electron in its outer shell so to become stable it wants to lose that electron, it is in period (row) 7 it has 7 shells of electrons so that 1 electron that it wants to lose is very far away from the positive nucleus.

Anna Boden Best Answer!

A chemical reaction always includes a reshuffle of electrons (which are found in orbiting the positive protons and neutrons in the nucleus). Ionic reactions tend to be more vigorous than covalent. It is easiest for an atom to lose an electron (therefore easier for it to react/be more reactive) if there is only one electron in the outer shell and there is a big distance from the nucleus. Therefore, all group 1 elements are the very reactive (they all have 1 electron in their outer shell) but Francium is the most reactive (it has the most number of electron shells therefore there is a greater distance between the outer electron and the nucleus). Similarly, the elements that find it easiest to gain an electron are those with 7 electrons in their outer shell (all elements in group 7 as they really want to have 8 electrons in their outer shell). However, in this 'gaining electron' scenario, the most reactive element in group 7 is the one with the fewest electron shells. This is because the electron is attracted by the positive nucleus so the shorter the distance to the nucleus, the better. The most reactive group 7 element is Fluorine.

Zabreen Iqbal Best Answer!

fluorine is the most reactive element

Safaa Kadiri Best Answer!

fluorine is the most reactive.

Jas Sull Best Answer!

Francium is most reactive element in periodic table.

Laura Alfs Best Answer!

Caesium (Cs) - a group 1 alkalki metal. All alkali metals are reactive, increasing as you go down the periodic table.

Pooja Pithadia Best Answer!

potassium is the most reactive element

S Best Answer!

Verified Sherpa Tutor

The group 1 elements are the most reactive going in down the column from least to most

Michelle Best Answer!

Flourine- fluorine is the most reactive non metal

Mariam Chaudry Best Answer!

Fluorine is the most reactive element in the periodic tbale

Rabiah Bhutta Best Answer!

The most reactive element is Caesium. This is because it has many electron shells and only one electron in its outer shell, meaning the electrostatic forces of attraction between positively charged protons and the negatively charged electron is weak, so the electron is given up the easiest, meaning it is the most reactive.

Verified Sherpa Tutor

Top of group 7 (The halogens) are very reactive (e.g Fluorine). If you are looking at metals, the Group 1 Alkali metals are very reactive. As you move down the group them react more violently with water for example. (e.g. Rubidium, Caesium, Francium).

Verified Sherpa Tutor

The periodic table has two groups; metal and non-metal elements and so to answer your question I will focus on each group and identify the most reactive element out of each group. The most reactive element is Fluorine in the non-metals group and Caesium in the metals group. Due to both these elements being different 'types' of elements it is difficult to make a comparison of reactiveness and state which one is more reactive. Thus, each one must be seen as being the most reactive in their own group. I hope that helps!

What element is most reactive to metal?

Francium is most reactive element in periodic table. However, francium is artificial or only few quantities have produced right now, so after the francium, cesium is most reactive metal.

Which element is most reactive?

Fluorine: The Most Reactive And Indispensable Chemical Element In Our Daily Lives. Fluorine is a remarkable chemical element - not only because of its unique reactivity.

What are the 4 most reactive metals?

Explanation: Alkali metals are lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potassium (K), rubidium (Rb), cesium (Cs), and francium (Fr). As you move down the column, the metals become more reactive because the nucleus gains more electrons and protons (more electron levels), weakening their electrostatic force.

What are the top 3 most reactive metals?

The elements toward the bottom left corner of the periodic table are the metals that are the most active in the sense of being the most reactive. Lithium, sodium, and potassium all react with water, for example.


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