Which is greater 2 3 or 3 4

3/4 is bigger and the explanation is down below.

If we want to compare two fraction, we need the denominator to be the same. So we need the LCM (Lowest Common Multiple) of #4# and #3# which is #12#. So we need to multiply 4 to #3# and 3 to #4#

Remember, whatever you do to the bottom has to be done to the top.

For #3/4#, we are multiplying 3 to the bottom (denominator) so we have to multiply #3# to the top (numerator).
For #2/3# we are multiplying #4# to the bottom so we have to multiply #4# to the top.

#(3xx3)/(4xx3)=9/12# and #(2xx4)/(3xx4)=8/12#

Now look just at the numerators of the two answers. #9# is greater than #8# so #9/12# is greater! #9/12# was originally #3/4#.

So #3/4# is greater than #2/3#.

I hope you understood this and my source is my knowledge!


To check which of the two factors is bigger,

we should make the denominator of two factors same by finding GCD and then making each of the denominator equal to their GCD.

Here in #3/4# and #2/3# denominators are #4# and #3# and their GCD is #12#. Now let us make each denominator equal to #12#.

#3/4=(3xx3)/(3xx4)=9/12# and


Now as #9/12>8/12#, we have #3/4>2/3#

hence #3/4# is bigger.

Which is greater 2 3 or 3 4

Is 2/3 greater than 3/4? Is 2/3 bigger than 3/4? Is 2/3 larger than 3/4? These are all the same questions with one answer.

To get the answer, we first convert each fraction into decimal numbers. We do this by dividing the numerator by the denominator for each fraction as illustrated below:

2/3 = 0.667
3/4 = 0.75

Then, we compare the two decimal numbers to get the answer.
0.667 is not greater than 0.75.

Therefore, 2/3 is not greater than 3/4 and the answer to the question "Is 2/3 greater than 3/4?" is no.

Which means that this equation is also true: 2/3 < 3/4

Note: When comparing fractions such as 2/3 and 3/4, you could also convert the fractions (if necessary) so they have the same denominator and then compare which numerator is larger.

Compare Fractions
Compare another set of fractions here.

Is 2/3 greater than 3/5?
Here is the next set of fractions we compared.

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Which is greater 2 3 or 3 4

Is 3/4 greater than 2/3? Is 3/4 bigger than 2/3? Is 3/4 larger than 2/3? These are all the same questions with one answer.

To get the answer, we first convert each fraction into decimal numbers. We do this by dividing the numerator by the denominator for each fraction as illustrated below:

3/4 = 0.75
2/3 = 0.667

Then, we compare the two decimal numbers to get the answer.
0.75 is greater than 0.667.

Therefore, 3/4 is greater than 2/3 and the answer to the question "Is 3/4 greater than 2/3?" is yes.

Which means that this equation is also true: 3/4 > 2/3

Note: When comparing fractions such as 3/4 and 2/3, you could also convert the fractions (if necessary) so they have the same denominator and then compare which numerator is larger.

Compare Fractions
Compare another set of fractions here.

Is 3/4 greater than 2/4?
Here is the next set of fractions we compared.

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2/3 is smaller than 3/4

Steps for comparing fractions

  1. Find the least common denominator or LCM of the two denominators:
    LCM of 3 and 4 is 12

    Next, find the equivalent fraction of both fractional numbers with denominator 12

  2. For the 1st fraction, since 3 × 4 = 12,
    2/3 = 2 × 4/3 × 4 = 8/12
  3. Likewise, for the 2nd fraction, since 4 × 3 = 12,
    3/4 = 3 × 3/4 × 3 = 9/12
  4. Since the denominators are now the same, the fraction with the bigger numerator is the greater fraction
  5. 8/12 < 9/12 or 2/3 < 3/4

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Which is greater 2 3 or 3 4
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Related: 4/3 and 3/4 2/3 and 6/4 2/6 and 3/4 2/3 and 3/8 6/3 and 3/4 2/3 and 9/4 2/9 and 3/4 2/3 and 3/12 10/3 and 3/4 2/3 and 15/4 2/15 and 3/4 2/3 and 3/20 14/3 and 3/4 2/3 and 21/4 2/21 and 3/4 2/3 and 3/28

Which is the bigger fraction?

As you saw, if two or more fractions have the same denominator, you can compare them by looking at their numerators. As you can see below, 3/4 is larger than 1/4. The larger the numerator, the larger the fraction.

Which is the greater 2/3 or 3 2?

2/3 is not greater than 3/2 and the answer to the question "Is 2/3 greater than 3/2?" is no. Note: When comparing fractions such as 2/3 and 3/2, you could also convert the fractions (if necessary) so they have the same denominator and then compare which numerator is larger.

Is 2/3rds more than half?

On a measuring cup, the line for two-thirds is above the one-half line,” Ramon said. “It's like halfway to a whole cup after half a cup.”

Which fraction is greater than 2 3?

The fraction 3/4 which is equal to 9/12 is larger than 2/3 which is equal to 8/12. The fraction with the larger numerator is the larger fraction if the denominators are the same.