Which country has the coldest capital city in the world

Which country has the coldest capital city in the world
A winter scene in Ulaanbaatar, The Coldest Capital City In The World.

Capital cities are usually the most important cities in their respective countries. These cities act as the political, economic, educational, and cultural centers of their countries. Capital cities are most often located strategically to allow the government proper control over other parts of the country. Capital cities are also popular centers of tourism and attract a large number of tourists from across the world. Here, we discuss some of the coldest capital cities in the world.

Ulaanbaatar, The Coldest Capital City In The World

When speaking of the coldest capital cities in the world, we usually think of the capital cities of Canada, Russia, Iceland or the Scandinavian countries. However, it is Mongolia’s capital, Ulaanbaatar that is the coldest capital city in the world. The city experiences an annual average temperature of -1.3°C. The city has short, warm summers while winters are bitterly cold and dry. Temperatures in January are as low as −36 to −40 °C.

Astana, The Second Coldest Capital City In The World

Astana, Kazakhstan's capital city, is the world’s second coldest capital city. The city has an extreme continental type of climate. Summers are short and warm in Astana while winters are severely cold and dry. Winter temperatures are as low as −30 to −35 °C. The Ishim River of the city remains frozen from mid-November to April beginning.

Moscow, The World’s Third Coldest Capital City

Russia’s capital city is the third coldest capital city in the world. Moscow has a continental climate characterized by long, cold winters and warm summers. Winter temperatures in Moscow range from −25 °C in the city proper to −30 °C in the suburbs.

Helsinki, Finland

Helsinki is the capital city of Finland that experiences a humid continental climate. Though it experiences a cold winter, temperatures here are relatively higher than in many other locations along the same latitude in other parts of the world. This is due to the moderating influence of the North Atlantic Current and the Baltic Sea. Winter temperatures in Helsinki fall as low as −20 °C. The lowest temperature recorded in Helsinki was −34.3 °C on January 10, 1987.

Reykjavik, Iceland

The capital city of Iceland, Reykjavik, ranks fifth among the coldest capital cities in the world. The city has a sub-polar oceanic climate, and despite its northern latitude, temperatures rarely fall below −15 °C. The lowest temperature of −19.7 °C was recorded in this city on January 30, 1971.

Tallin, Estonia

Tallin in Estonia is one of the coldest capital cities of the world. It has a humid continental climate with mild, warm summers and winters that are cold and snowy. However, due to the coastal location of the city, winters are relatively milder than that of other places located on the same latitude. The average temperature in the coldest month here, February, is −4.3 °C.

Ottawa, Canada

Ottawa, Canada’s capital city, is the seventh coldest capital city in the world. The city experiences a humid continental climate. The average minimum temperature in January is −14.8 °C. Snow and ice are dominant during the winter season. Summers are humid and warm.

The Coldest Capital Cities In The World

RankCapital CityAverage Annual Temperature
1 Ulaan-Baatar (Mongolia) -1.3°C
2 Astana (Kazakhstan) 3.5 °C
3 Moscow (Russia) 4.1°C
4 Helsinki (Finland) 4.5°C
5 Reykjavik (Iceland) 4.6°C
6 Tallin (Estonia) 4.8°C
7 Ottawa (Canada) 5.5°C

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The coldest capital city in the world is not in Canada or in Northern Europe but in Mongolia; it's Ulaanbaatar, with a chilly average annual temperature of 29.7°F (-1.3°C).

How to Determine the Coldest Cities

Southern capital cities just don't reach far enough south to get very cold. For instance, if you think about the southernmost capital in the world -- Wellington, New Zealand - images of ice and snow are probably far from your mind. Thus, the answer had to lie in the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere.

Searching WorldClimate.com for the annual mean of the daily (24-hour) temperature for each capital city in that area, one can find which cities are, in general, the coldest.

A List of the Coldest Cities

Interestingly, Ottawa, considered an extremely cold city in North America, had an average of "only" 41.9°F/5.5°C—meaning it wasn't even in the top five! It's number seven.

Also interesting is that the northernmost capital city in the world—Reykjavik, Iceland—is not number one; it falls in the list at number five.

Good data for the capital of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan, just doesn't exist, but it would appear from nearby climate data and other sources of information that Nur-Sultan falls between number one (Ulaanbaatar) and number three (Moscow). Here's the list, starting with the coldest.

Ulaan-Baatar (Mongolia) 29.7°F/-1.3°C

Ulaanbaatar is the largest city of Mongolia as well as its capital and is a destination for both business and pleasure trips. It is below zero for five months of the year. January and February are the coldest months with the temperature ranging between -15°C and -40°C. The average annual temperature is -1.3°C.

Nur-Sultan (Kazakhstan) (Data Unavailable)

Situated on the flat steppe landscape along the banks of Ishim River, Nur-Sultan is the second-largest city in Kazakhstan. Formerly known as Astana, Nur-Sultan got its name in 2019, when the Kazakh parliament voted unanimously to rename the capital for former President Nursultan Nazarbayev. The climate of Nur-Sultan is extreme. Summers can be very warm, with temperatures occasionally reaching +35°C (95°F) while winter temperatures can fall to -35°C (-22 to-31°F) between mid-December and early March.

Moscow (Russia) 39.4°F/4.1°C

Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city on the European continent. It is situated on the Moskva River. It has the largest forest area within its borders of any other major city and is well-known for its many parks and distinctive architecture. The winters in Moscow are long and cold, lasting from the middle of November until the end of March, with winter temperatures varying widely from -25°C (-13°F) in the city, and even colder in the suburbs, to above 5°C (41°F). In the summer the temperature ranges from 10 to 35°C (50 to 95°F).

Helsinki (Finland) 40.1°F/4.5°C

Helsinki is both the capital and largest city of Finland, situated on the shore of the Gulf of Finland on the tip of a peninsula and on 315 islands. The average winter temperature in January and February is -5°C (23°F). Given Helsinki's northern latitude one would normally expect colder winter temperatures, but the Baltic Sea and North Atlantic Current have a mitigating effect on the temperatures, keeping them somewhat warmer in the winter, and cooler during the day in the summer.

Reykjavik (Iceland) 40.3°F/4.6°C

Reykjavik is Iceland's capital and largest city. It is located in southwestern Iceland on the shore of Faxa Bay and is the world's northernmost capital of a sovereign state. Like Helsinki, temperatures in Reykjavik are affected by the North Atlantic Current, an extension of the Gulf Stream. The temperatures are warmer in the winter than would be expected by the latitude, rarely falling below -15°C (5°F), and the summers are cooler, with temperatures generally ranging between 10 and 15°C (50 and 59°F).

Tallinn (Estonia) 40.6°F/4.8°C

Tallinn is the capital and largest city of Estonia. It is located at the northernmost part of Estonia on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. It was first established in medieval times but is now a mix of ancient and modern. It has the distinction of being dubbed the "Silicon Valley of Europe" and has the highest number of startups per person in Europe. Skype, for example, got its start there. Due to its location on the coast and mitigating effect of the sea, the winters are cold but warmer than one would expect for the latitude. February is the coldest month, with the average temperature being -4.3°C (24.3°F). Throughout the winter, temperatures are close to freezing. Summers are comfortable with temperatures during the day between 19 and 21°C (66 to 70°F).

Ottawa (Canada) 41.9°F/5.5°C

In addition to being its capital, Ottawa is the fourth largest city in Canada, most educated, and has the highest standard of living in Canada. It is in southern Ontario on the Ottawa River. Winters are snowy and cold, with an average January minimum temperature of -14.4°C (6.1°F), while summers are warm and humid, with an average July maximum temperature of 26.6°C (80°F).

What is the 2 coldest city in the world?

Where is the coldest place on Earth?.
1) Eastern Antarctic Plateau, Antarctica (-94°C) ... .
2) Vostok Station Antarctica (-89.2°C) ... .
3) Amundsen-Scott Station, Antarctica (-82.8°C) ... .
4) Denali, Alaska, United States of America (-73°C) ... .
5) Klinck station, Greenland (-69.6°C) ... .
6) Oymyakon, Siberia, Russia (-67.7°C).

What are the 2 coldest cities?

Dudinka, a city located in Russia's Siberian territory above the Arctic Circle, has an average daily minimum temperature of minus 28 degrees (minus 33.3 Celsius) in January, according to AccuWeather. Oymyakon, Russia is widely believed to be the coldest inhabited place on the planet.

Is Ulaanbaatar the coldest capital in the world?

With average year-round temperatures of 31.3 degrees Fahrenheit, and with lows of minus 40 during winter, Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia is the coldest capital city in the world.

Which World capital has the coldest average temperature?

The coldest capital city in the world is not in Canada or in Northern Europe but in Mongolia; it's Ulaanbaatar, with a chilly average annual temperature of 29.7°F (-1.3°C).