Where to put dream catcher in bedroom

 Are you wondering where you can hang your new dreamcatcher? Or are you looking for places that you can hang a dreamcatcher that you've been waiting to hang up? Have you ever thought about where exactly you can hang a dreamcatcher? You can hang your dreamcatcher in a variety of different places. Some places that you probably haven't even thought of. Watch this video to find out the top 10 places to hang your dreamcatcher.

You might be having a hard time deciding on which kind of dreamcatcher you should make or buy, or you're looking for help on where you should hang the dreamcatcher that you already have. If you're not sure where exactly you should hang your dreamcatcher, by the end of this video, you will know 10 new places that you can hang your new or old dreamcatchers.

Your Bedroom Window 

This is generally the most common place for dreamcatchers to be hung with the traditional dreamcatcher teaching. To learn the dreamcatcher teaching and understand why the bedroom window would be the most common place to hang it, watch this video right here on the meaning of the dreamcatcher.

The Rear View Mirror of Your Vehicle

This is also a very common spot to see a dreamcatcher. The next time you're out and about, see how many dreamcatchers that you can spot in people's cars. This is a great place to hang a dreamcatcher that is much smaller so that it doesn't obstruct your view as you're driving.

As Artwork

Large dream catchers make for beautiful pieces of art when you hang them on a blank wall in your house. Not to mention, if you already have other wall art, a dreamcatcher is three-dimensional and the contrast can add a lot of character to a space.

Above the Headboard of Your Bed

If you're wanting to hang a dreamcatcher in your bedroom to catch bad dreams, but you don't want to hang it on your bedroom window, then the headboard is a great alternative. Not to mention, it looks really cool there, similar to Bella's in the Twilight movie.

On Your Handbag, Purse, or on Your Backpack

This is the perfect place for smaller accessory-sized dream catchers that either attach with a key chain ring, clip, or a clasp. We've seen tons of smaller sized dream catchers that are clipped onto bags and purses that look so good and add lots of personality

Above a Doorway in Your House

This could be in the front entrance of your house or an interior doorway. Many people hang dreamcatchers made with sacred medicines such as cedar to heal or bring positive energy to all those who enter the room or the house that they're walking into.

Where to put dream catcher in bedroom

Jewelry Around Your Neck or On Your Ears

Dream catchers are so popular because of their cultural symbolism and also because they are beautiful pieces of art, so it's no surprise that they’re commonly worn on necklaces and on earrings. If you want to bring the positive vibes with you wherever you go, then what better way to do that then to wear them by accessorizing your face.

A Large Window

A large window with lots of natural sunlight coming in is a great location to hang a dreamcatcher that has lots of sparkly or crystal beads that are woven into the web. It is so beautiful to see crystal beads catching the light from the sun as it's coming through the window. 

Outside on Your Deck or On Your Front Porch

This is a great spot for a dreamcatcher of any size. Similar to a wind chime or plants that people hang outside, dreamcatchers look so beautiful when they're out in nature, just like other outdoor decor.

Your Attic

If you hear some spooky noises coming from up in your attic, one way to combat those energies is with a dreamcatcher. Hang the dreamcatcher either in the middle of the room or on the window, if the attic has one, to capture any of the lingering spiritual energies that might be up there.

Hopefully this has given you some ideas of where you could hang your dreamcatcher in a variety of different locations. If you're wanting to learn more about the various sacred medicines in the indigenous culture or the smudging process, then download our free guide:

With this post “where to hang your Dream Catcher” I will answer the question that a client asked me after receiving his dream catcher (in USA)



Since I have been researching the origin and meaning of the dream catcher for years, I have many ideas with which to answer this question and I am sure that these 5 ideas of where to hang a dream catcher will serve a lot of people, in addition to my client, who was happy with the answer, by the way😉

In this post I will develop the answer to this so much but so common question that we all ask ourselves when we already have our precious catcher in our hands.

First of all, I want to clarify that for me The Dream Catcher is a sacred object, which I greatly appreciate because it connects me directly with the great wisdom that Native American cultures have kept for centuries, and that by researching and meditating I have concluded that its meaning is very broad and important to the new humanity. That’s what caught me from this ornament and to that end I use it in my life and share it with everyone.

Where did the Native American people hang the dreamcatchers?

The most suitable place for a Dream Catch par excellence is the room where you sleep, since according to the legend, the dream catcher will take care of filtering our dreams so that we can take advantage of them at dawn, you can interpret this as the dream catcher will function as a net that will catch the dreams so that when we wake up we can interpret them and not forget them , some also believe that dream-catching would be helpful by filtering out positive and happy dreams protecting us from nightmares.

How do I use dreamcatchers?

For my part, I like to believe that in addition to all those beautiful functions, the dream catcher also carries a great deep meaning in the Mandala 🕸 bean is formed in its network and also because it is a very beautiful artistic object also helps us to inspire and brings us happiness.

As we have seen in other post each element of the Dream Catcher is important and has its deep meaning so it seems to me that inside the room where you fall asleep is a good place to put it, because it would be where we can see it when we wake up to fill ourselves with art, inspiration and beauty and start the day in a positive way.

I also consider that the Dream Catcher is a mobile and as such, it fulfills the function of moving with the breeze and it could be very useful to place it anywhere in the house that we feel that it needs to reinforce the movement of vital energy, because we know that sometimes vital energy stagnates and generates negativity and disarmonization in that area where it is stagnant, and as we also develop more widely in other posts, according to feng shui it is very important that vital energy is in continuous circulation and mobiles that move in the breeze play a very important function in this regard.

That’s why I step list:

5 places where it could be very beneficial to hang your dream catcher

1- The children’s room: 

children have very deep connections with the Dream Catcher, colors and art. And if we explain that the dream catcher will help them sleep better and avoid nightmares, they will feel safer and more protected. For this purpose many place it in the window, as children tend to think that negative things can enter at night. Then you’ll see it as a barrier that will keep you protected even if Mom and Dad aren’t here.

Where to put dream catcher in bedroom

Photograph provided in our

product reviews by Iliana

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2- Your room: 

If you like working with the dream world, the interpretation of dreams and the astral world, the best place will be the room where you sleep, and it is advisable to also have a notebook on the light table where you can write down your dreams. The more attention you pay to this topic, the more frequent your dreams will become and their meanings will be deeper. In other posts we talk about the different types of interpretations and tips for interpreting dreams according to theories of Carl jung and other authors.

Where to put dream catcher in bedroom

Photograph provided in reviews

of our products by Amber

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3- The living room or area where you receive visitors:

 if you combine the dream catcher with protective stones and cleanliness this will become a powerful discharge amulet that will help you to keep the energy of the environment clean, will promote harmony and connection between people It is advisable for this purpose the use of light harmonizing colors and not very strident, the appropriate stones would be tourmaline and quartz crystal among many others that we expand in other post. This is why everyone our dream catchers put semi-precious stones on them, we really believe they are essential to enhance their power.


Where to put dream catcher in bedroom

Photograph provided in our

product reviews by M.Elizabeth

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4- Your work area: 

whether it’s your workshop or your office inside or outside your home, a dream catcher in your workspace will make you focus, get inspired and relax. The most important thing in your work time is that you manage to maintain the connection with your Higher Self and a well-designed dreamcatcher with very spiritual colors and stones, it could be a small moving altar that reminds you at every moment your real and true being, that will make you work with more happiness, faster and in an inspired and positive way. The colors suitable for this purpose should be the ranges of green, white, turquoise and blue, but it depends a lot on what your work is, so I recommend you read the posts where we share the information of the psychological effect of each of the colors.

Where to put dream catcher in bedroom

5- Your meditation area:

 the meditation space should not be missing in your home and like a sacred image, a candle, an incense and energy stones, a dream catcher it would be an excellent connector with your receiving antenna, use the power of the feathers to connect with the energies and your Superior Self🙏. This is the highest utility given by Native Americans to dreamcatchers.

Where to put dream catcher in bedroom

Therefore, wherever you feel that a touch of harmony, inspiration or protection is necessary your dream catcher should go.

👉 If you have questions about the topics covered in this post leave them below in the comment box and they will be answered in the following posts, so as not to miss any of our articles I recommend you subscribe to our blog. Thanks for reading me! A big hug and many blessings for your dreams!

Does it matter where you hang a dream catcher?

According to ancient beliefs, Dreamcatchers were employed to overcome nightmares. Dreamcatcher should always be placed in the southwest direction. This not only brings positive energy to the house and it also removes nightmares.

Which color dream catcher is best for bedroom?

Many opt for white to balance the energies and have a peaceful sleep, while many go for red or pink for passion and success. However, often we notice mothers hanging dream catchers in their children's room for a good night's sleep and for beautiful dreams.

Can you hang a dream catcher on the wall?

So, they may be hung on various spots and interior walls as an inviting charm. Some of the best places to hang them will be bedroom walls, doorways, and several other areas. Whether you want to improve the look of your house or wish good night to those who sleep, a dreamcatcher is perfect for both.