Where is Level 8 in the original Zelda?

Getting to the Dungeon

Items Enemies
  • Book of Magic
  • Special Key
  • Pol's Voice
  • Bubble
  • Red Darknut
  • Blue Darknut
  • Gibdo
  • Manhandla
  • Blue Gohma
  • Gleeok


It's a bit of a short jaunt to the final Triforce piece. Head back toward the Old Woman's medicine shop (the one above the Third Dungeon's entrance). Feel free to stop by and buy some potions if needed. From there, continue heading east across until the seventh screen, where you meet Moblins and Blue Octoroks. Skip the futile battle with these guys and turn north. East looks enticing here, and of the two paths leading east take the one on top. Immediately turn south to this screen and notice the lone, conspicuous shrub sitting in the middle of the path. Bust out the Red Candle and burn it away to enter the Eighth Dungeon.

Obtain the Book of Magic

The level starts out innocuously enough, beginning the way every dungeon thus far has begun. This time you have three choices to make, but we'll make the choices easier for you. The room on the right takes you to a room with Zols, Keese and Bubbles. Contend with them for the Key in the room.

Now, head to the left room in the entrance to fight against a Manhandla. The easy, though drawn-out, strategy involves standing in the doorway and firing beams from the Magical Rod at it to take off its limbs. Other methods include bombing or hacking them off; just be careful about avoiding the fireballs flying all over the place. Defeating it grants you access to the next room that is occupied by Darknuts of both colored varieties, Gibdos and Bubbles. Clear all but the Bubbles to push the block on the left and head down the stairs. Traverse this same subterranean area to gain ownership of the Book of Magic. This neat item spices up the projectile beams of the Magical Rod by imbuing them with a fiery element. Basically, the beam bursts into flames when it hits something, causing extra damage.

Obtain Special Key

Back at the entrance, head north this time to meet another Manhandla, but it can be ignored as you plant a Bomb by the north wall to create a shortcut. Through the hole, you encounter Blue Darknuts in a room rigged with fireball-spitting statues. Stand in the doorway for safe cover and emerge to slash at approaching Darknuts. Head through the opened door and head for the locked door above. If you're low on Keys, there are a few places you can get them in the dungeon.


The next room is teeming with Blue Darknuts and a blocked door. First bomb a hole in the north wall and slip through. Another Manhandla! Kill it for the Map; continue on through the locked door to fight a Gohma that will take more than one hit with the Bow to down. After killing it, head through the opened door and dispatch the Pol's Voice and Darknuts before you attempt to push the left block. The subterranean passage this time leads to a Special Key. Now you don't need to search for those individual Keys any longer, as every locked door will now be accessible.

Defeat Gleeok

Return to the room where you now have to deal with the Blue Darknuts. Kill them all to open the door on the right. Dodge all the other enemies to reach the staircases and crawl through the underground passageway to a gang of Pol's Voice.

The final dungeon's foe should be no stranger to you: a four-headed Gleeok—just takes more time to kill that's all. Have a potion ready if you find yourself taking extra damage from the extra appendages.

Trouncing this Triforce guardian gives you access to the game's final Heart Container and Triforce!


Up Next: Dungeon Nine

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In This Wiki Guide

  1. 8.0: Heading to the Labyrinth
  2. 8.1: The Magic Book
  3. 8.2: The Compass
  4. 8.3: The Map
  5. 8.4: The Magical Key
  6. 8.5: Boss: Gleeok (again)

8.0 Heading to the Labyrinth

Use your candle to burn down the lone bush on this screen to reveal the entrance to the next labyrinth.

This is the hardest dungeon to actually find, because it is extremely well hidden. From the start screen, head right four screens, up two screens, right one screen, down one screen, and right one screen to find a pathway blocked by a lone bush. That lone bush is the entrance to the dungeon. Use the candle to get rid of it to reveal the entrance to the next Labyrinth: The Lion (#Roar).

8.1 The Magic Book

From the boring entrance hall, head through the western door to find Manhalda and two fireball-throwing Stone Statues. Kill Manhalda to unlock the door on the opposite side of the room and head through it.

The next room contains a pair of Red Darknuts, one Blue Darknut, a trio of Gibdo, and a pair of Bubbles. Kill all the enemies here (or at least the ones you can kill), then push the far left block to access the stairwell in the center of the room leading to a secret passage containing the Magic Book, which makes the candles essentially useless (yay!).

8.2 The Compass

Backtrack all the way to the entrance hall and head through the northern door to find another Manhalda. You don’t need to kill this done, so just blow up the northern wall and head through it to find the most annoying room in the game: five Blue Darknuts and four fireball-throwing Stone Statues.

Kill all the Darknuts, grab the key they leave behind, and head through the eastern door to find eight Pols Voices. You don’t need to kill them unless you want to, so just grab the Compass that’s lying in the middle of the floor and leave the room.

8.3 The Map

Back in the Statue room, head through the western door to enter a room with a pair of Pols Voices, Gibdos, and Keese. Ignore or kill all of them, grab the key in the middle of the room, and head through the western door to find a trio of Red Darknuts and four fireball-throwing Stone Statues. Kill all the Darknuts, grab the key they drop, and then backtrack to the other Statue room.

Head through the northern door to find a pair of Blue Darknuts, a pair of Bubbles, a trio of Gibdo, and one Red Darknut. You don’t need to kill them unless you want money, so just ignore them and unlock the northern door and head through it.

The next room is full of Blue Darknuts. You’re gonna want to kill these guys now so you don’t have to do it later. Kill them, then bomb the northern wall and head through it to fight Manhalda again (three encounters in this one dungeon already…wow). Kill it to grab the map.

8.4 The Magical Key

Unlock the northern door and head through it to find a Blue Ghoma, whose only difference is that she takes three hits to kill. Do so to unlock the northern and eastern doors, and head through the eastern door.

This room contains a pair of Blue Darknuts, a pair of Red Darknuts, and a pair of Pols Voices. Kill all of them carefully, and then push the far left block to access the secret passage leading to the Magical Key, which replaces all the keys you have so you don’t have to pick up any more.

Backtrack to the room with the two fireball-throwing Stone Statues and kill all of them if you haven’t already to unlock to eastern door. Head through it to come across a pair of Red Darknuts, a pair of Bubbles, a trio of Gibdo, and one Blue Darknut. You don’t need to kill them, so just avoid them and head through the stairwell into the secret passage and climb up the stairs to the next room.

Here you’ll find a pair of Blue Wizzrobes and a trio of Orange Wizzrobes that you don’t need to kill, so ignore them if you want and bomb the northern wall to face off agaist….wait for it…Gleeok (again)!

8.5 Boss- Gleeok (again)

Same strategy as last time. Go at him.

This time around, Gleeok has four heads, so avoid them and use the same strategy to take him down. Pick up the Heart Container he leaves behind and head through the door he was blocking to complete the Triforce of Wisdom! Next stop: Ganon’s doorstep.

What is in Level 8 in Legend of Zelda?

Level 8: The Lion is the eighth and penultimate Dungeon in The Legend of Zelda. This dungeon hides the final Triforce Shard, which when collected and combined with the rest of the shards creates the full Triforce of Wisdom. Link comes here in search of that final shard after he has collected the first seven.

Where is Level 9 in the original Zelda?

Level 9 is found on Death Mountain, inside Spectacle Rock. Link must bomb the wall on the left rock to reveal the entrance.

How many levels are in the original Zelda?

There are nine Levels in total, respectively named Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and Level F. The first three Levels are unlocked from the start of the game, but every other Level must be unlocked by obtaining at least a Bronze Medal on the previous Level.

Where is magical key Level 8?

Grab the map and head up through the locked door. Use your Arrow to defeat the Gohma that is in the room and then head right a screen. Defeat all of the enemies that are in this room and then push the block that is on the left to reach the staircase. Climb over and grab the Magical Key.


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