Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022


The Crime Port is a location that was added to Jailbreak on the Ocean/Ships Update. Prior to the update, this location was occupied by a small hill and a beach. This location houses the spawn of the Ray. There is a drop-off area where Criminals can hand in the Cargo Crate from the Cargo Plane for cash as well as the Container (Crate and Container are used interchangeably) from the Cargo Ship for cash. A Ramp and a Customization Dock are located here as well.


The Crime Port after the 5 Year Anniversary Live Update.

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

A wide view of the Crime Port.

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

The Crime Port at night time.

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

The gentry crane and stacked shipping containers.

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

The second group of stacked shipping containers.

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

The container crane.

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

The Ray's spawn by the container crane.

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

The customization dock.


The Crime Port prior to the 5 Year Anniversary Live Update.

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

A distinct view of the Crime Port.

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

A view of the Crime Port from the City Criminal Base.

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

A view of the Crime Port from the back (Credit: Twitter @PhotosJailbreak).

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

The Crime Port at night.

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

The Cargo Plane crates drop-off.

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

A ramp at the Crime Port.

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

The Crime Port's crane (Credit: Twitter @PhotosJailbreak).

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

A view some of the many containers (Credit: Twitter @PhotosJailbreak).

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

The gantry crane and the many containers (Credit: Twitter @PhotosJailbreak).

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

The Cruiser seen from the Crime Port.

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

The Warehouse located next to the entrance of the Crime Port.

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

The Crime Port during a rainstorm.

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

The Ray's spawnpoint at the Crime Port.


  • Before the Crime Port was added, there was an island with a small beach area at its destination.
    • Even before that, before the Map Expansion Update, this area was just a big hill.
  • Before it was added, players would deliver Cargo Plane crates to the Rising City Criminal Base instead.
  • Before the Crime Port was added, the Customization Dock along with the Robotic Arm was located at one of the Beach Houses.
  • Before the Cargo Ship Update, there was no warehouse at the Crime Port.
  • Land vehicles can also be customized on the Customization Dock.
    • Water vehicles cannot be spawned here, but a player could spawn a land vehicle here.
  • The Crane is called a container crane.
    • In real life, this is mostly sending containers off or on to the Cargo Ship.
    • In real life, the Jailbreak Crime Port's crane is mostly used in small ports.
  • The Machine on the Containers is called a gantry crane.
    • In real life, this carries containers on a rail.


The Warehouse is a building near the Crime Port with a large roof hatch and a door facing the road. From the inside, the warehouse has a ledge surrounding a large pit. Entering this pit will deal damage at the same rate as leaving the map, but much quicker.

The Warehouse is the location where criminals can drop off containers from the Cargo Ship robbery to obtain cash. To do this, the player must position her/his helicopter above the warehouse. Upon entering a certain range, the roof hatch will open aim the container directly into the pit, and press "G" to drop the container. Players will then receive their cash from the robbery.


Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

The Container Drop Off with the roof closed.

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

The Container Drop Off with the roof opened.

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

The grass inside the Container drop off (removed).

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

The interior of the Warehouse.


  • Before the Warehouse was added, it used to be an empty space area.
  • You can enter the Warehouse in person, by entering the door by the right side of the building.
  • This is the only place in which the robbery collection point makes you die when entering.
  • In a reply from a random tweet on Twitter, Badimo said that in case you wanted to turn in your money, you need to practice your aim in order for your Cargo Ship crate to fall in the robbery collection point and get your Cash.
  • In the Power Plant Revamp Update, the container drop was filled with grass.
    • It's unknown what causes this, but it was removed soon after.
    • This also appeared in the basement of the Jewelry Store.

The Customization Dock was added in a Miscellaneous Update on June 9th, 2019. It is located in the Crime Port, near the Rising City Criminal Base. This dock is specifically made to customize water vehicles. It features one customization slot and a mechanical arm.

As of the April 2020 Update, it has been moved to the Crime Port.


Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

The Customization Dock prior to the Oceans/Ships Live Update. This was originally located at one of the beach houses.


  • This is the only customization point on the water so far.
  • Before June 9th, 2019; players with the Jet Ski were required to move on land in order to customize it if they don't have the Mobile Garage Gamepass.
  • Despite being meant for water vehicles, players can spawn and customize land vehicles here.
  • This houses one of the two Jetski spawns.
  • In the Oceans/Ships update on April 4, 2020, the customization dock was moved to the Crime Port, but the houses are still there.
  • Despite being called the Crime Port on the Map, the game tells the player to drop off their Cargo Plane crate at the "cargo port".

Where is Cargo Port in Jailbreak 2022

Where is the cargo place in Jailbreak?

The Cargo Plane is one of the moving heists in Jailbreak released in the 2019 Winter Update, alongside the Roadster, a winter map, and skydiving. The Cargo Plane can be found landing at the Airport after the police have called one in or spawning by itself every 7 minutes.

Where is the new Criminal base in Jailbreak 2022?

The Volcano Criminal Base is one of the Criminal Bases and Criminal spawns in Jailbreak. It is located near the Town. Power Plant Uranium, Passenger Train, Museum, Casino, and optionally, the Jewelry Store cash are turned in to the collector in the base.

Where are the docks in Jailbreak?

Customization Dock It is located in the Crime Port, near the Rising City Criminal Base. This dock is specifically made to customize water vehicles. It features one customization slot and a mechanical arm. As of the April 2020 Update, it has been moved to the Crime Port.