Where do I go after ringing bell towers Tunic?

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  2. Dark Souls
  3. Where shall I go after ringing the bell tower?

AtIantis 10 years ago#1



AtIantis (Topic Creator)10 years ago#2

I'm currently fighting the drakes in the forest area yet I feel my character seems to weak for this area..


smothermunch 10 years ago#3

Lower Undead Berg -> The Depths.

AtIantis (Topic Creator)10 years ago#4

From: smothermunch | #003
Lower Undead Berg -> The Depths.

So I'm assuming I'm in the wrong area then?


heavyacademic 10 years ago#5

AtIantis posted...
I'm currently fighting the drakes in the forest area yet I feel my character seems to weak for this area..

And you are correct! Go to the Depths through the Lower Undead Burg. The door is at one end of the bridge with the big fire breathing dragon.

3DS Friend Code: 0705-2636-2833 Switch SW-2235-1275-9133 PSN exunilibrarian

AtIantis (Topic Creator)10 years ago#6

From: heavyacademic | #005
AtIantis posted...
I'm currently fighting the drakes in the forest area yet I feel my character seems to weak for this area..

And you are correct! Go to the Depths through the Lower Undead Burg. The door is at one end of the bridge with the big fire breathing dragon.

Thank you both for the quick responses, much appreciated!


AtIantis (Topic Creator)10 years ago#7

From: heavyacademic | #005
AtIantis posted...
I'm currently fighting the drakes in the forest area yet I feel my character seems to weak for this area..

And you are correct! Go to the Depths through the Lower Undead Burg. The door is at one end of the bridge with the big fire breathing dragon.

Kinda confused now as I'm at the bridge where the dragon was but can't find the lower undead burg?


Kaldrenthebold 10 years ago#8

Did you get the key? Go to the first bonfire in Undead Burg, the very first one, by the shop and the walkway with the fire-bomb throwing guys up top. There is a door in the back of the room after the bridge, and you can unlock that to the Lower Undead Burg.

Then, move about there and fight the Capra Demon to get the key to the Depths. Good luck GP Atlantis!

EDIT: Actually, that might be the short cut I'm thinking of. Huh. I think the second tower before the bridge with the dragon can be opened? I don't remember, it's been a while since I dealt with lower undead burg.

http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u223/chocolateFRESH/arts/kraid.png - Thanks GP cosmonaut!

Renegade_Zero 10 years ago#9

Go to where you first met Solaire. The door is near his end of the bridge.

"Beyond the beaten path lies the absolute end. It matters not who you are, Death awaits you."

AtIantis (Topic Creator)10 years ago#10

From: Kaldrenthebold | #008
Did you get the key? Go to the first bonfire in Undead Burg, the very first one, by the shop and the walkway with the fire-bomb throwing guys up top. There is a door in the back of the room after the bridge, and you can unlock that to the Lower Undead Burg.

Then, move about there and fight the Capra Demon to get the key to the Depths. Good luck GP Atlantis!

EDIT: Actually, that might be the short cut I'm thinking of. Huh. I think the second tower before the bridge with the dragon can be opened? I don't remember, it's been a while since I dealt with lower undead burg.

Got it. Thanks gp, always nice to see a friendly NGG user elsewhere.


  1. Boards
  2. Dark Souls
  3. Where shall I go after ringing the bell tower?

Where do I go after ringing the East Bell tunic?

Go back into Guardhouse 1, climb the stone ladder and head up the steps into the available doorway where you'll find the first boss of the game, the Guard Captain.

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After defeating the Garden Knight and ringing the bell in the West Belltower, you can make your way back to the Sealed Temple. Interact with the doors again to enter the Temple, and then make your way through to find a large contraption in the centre. There are three slots here, each requiring a key.

How do you ring the West Bell in tunic?

After defeating the Garden Knight, follow the path East all the way to the end to find the West Belltower. Climb the ladders and activate the bell by striking it with your sword, and then use the nearby raised bridge to create a shortcut that leads back to the windmill in the Overworld.