Where can i watch the favourite

In early 18th-century England, a frail Queen Anne (Olivia Colman) occupies the throne, and her closest friend, Lady Sarah (Rachel Weisz), governs the country while tending to Anne’s health. When new servant Abigail (Emma Stone) arrives, Sarah takes Abigail under her wing as she cunningly schemes to return to her aristocratic roots, setting off an outrageous rivalry to become the Queen’s favourite.

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Where can i watch the favourite


Where can i watch the favourite

Two cousins (Rachel Weisz and Emma Stone) jockey for influence and power during the reign of Queen Anne (Olivia Colman, who scored an Oscar and Golden Globe for her performance) in this political comedy-drama from the Oscar-nominated director of The Lobster. More

  • 93 %Rotten
  • 9 reviews
  • Award
  • Directed by Yorgos Lanthimos

Streaming (4 Providers)

The Favourite | Awards

Best Actress (Olivia Colman), Golden Globes 2019 & Academy Awards 2019

The Favourite | Reviews

93%425 reviews

70%7566 reviews

Flicks, Katie Parker

“Love has its limits.” “Well, it shouldn’t.” This exchange, which takes place in the opening scene of The Favourite, could plausibly be from any of Yorgos Lanthimos’ small yet notorious catalogue of films. From Dogtooth, to The Lobster, to The Killing of a Sacred Deer, the Greek director and cinema darling has something of a preoccupation with emotional barriers—and what happens when they are transgressed.

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It’s a perfectly cut diamond of a movie — a finely executed, coldly entertaining entry in the genre of savage misanthropic baroque costume drama.

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Vanity Fair

The Favourite is a pleasure to watch. It's weird without being alienating, dirty without being cheap. And you'd be hard-pressed to find a better acting trio this fall.

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The Telegraph

This is a skewer-sharp and scabrously funny film, stuffed with quotable deadpan exchanges, often punctuated by that now-trademark Lanthimos camera manoeuvre...

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The Guardian

It is a scabrous and often hilarious film, made loopier by the nightmarish visions and wide-angle distortions contrived by the cinematographer Robbie Ryan.

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This proudly literate and happily bawdy film is being picked as a dark horse in the Oscar race already.

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New Zealand Herald

The absurdist dark humour won't appeal to everyone — depending on your level of cynicism, you'll either witness a masterful work of profundity or an overcooked piece of silliness. I loved it.

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Little White Lies

[Yorgos Lanthimos'] idiosyncratic style is an acquired taste that's starting to go stale, and as such this is one of those films that works like a charm in the moment but whose spell quickly wears off.

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Hollywood Reporter

Fabulously entertaining...

Full review


Yorgos Lanthimos's The Favourite is a filthy, violent and outrageous period comedy that drips with bad language and worse behaviour, and will appal anyone who is expecting a more conventional royal drama.

Full review

The Favourite is available to stream in Australia now on Google Play and Apple TV and Disney+ and Prime Video Store.

Where can i watch the favourite

Watch The Favourite 2018 in Australia

Released: 2018

Updated: 14th Nov, 2022

Where can i watch the favourite
7.5 / 10

Rated: R

Director: Yorgos Lanthimos

Cast: Olivia Colman, Rachel Weisz, Emma Delves, Faye Daveney

Where to watch The Favourite

What is The Favourite about?

In early 18th century England, a frail Queen Anne occupies the throne and her close friend, Lady Sarah, governs the country in her stead. When a new servant, Abigail, arrives, her charm endears her to Sarah.

The Sex Lives of College Girls Season 2

Comedy, Drama

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Where can i watch the favourite

Where can i watch the favourite

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Rent or buy with Apple TV.

With Apple TV, you can rent or or buy your favourite shows and movies and watch them across all your linked devices be it iOS or Android powered.

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You can access content in two ways. You can rent content for a limited period of time, during which you can watch whenever you want. Or you can buy content which will put it into your library and you will be able to watch as many times as you want whenever you want.

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Stream it on Disney Plus

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The range of titles on offer is just too full of highlights to name them all, but let’s start with the big guns. The entire Star Wars catalogue is here, all of it in 4K, Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos. This is the first time most of these movies have been available in 4K, and fans are going to be thrilled with the picture quality. The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe is here as well, letting you finally line up that Marvel marathon and watch all the films in the correct order – also all in 4K, Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos.


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Stream it with Foxtel Now

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Got a question about Foxtel Now?

You can have up to five devices registered to use Foxtel Now at any one time, and you can stream on any two of those at the same time. You can remove and add devices to the list as often as you like.

Unlike some other streaming services, Foxtel Now’s mobile apps don’t allow downloading content for offline viewing. However, almost all shows seen on Foxtel Now’s channels can be streamed on demand at any time.

While you can watch your Foxtel Now channels anywhere in Australia – making it the ideal TV service for frequent travellers – because of rights restrictions it can’t be used while you’re overseas. If you’re travelling outside Australia for an extended period, you can pause your subscription.


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Good to know

The Favourite is available on Disney+, Foxtel Now and Google Play.

The Favourite is not available on Disney+, Foxtel Now and Google Play, Amazon Prime, Apple TV+, Binge, Netflix, Stan.

Is the Favourite on Netflix?


What streaming service has the Favourite?

Watch The Favourite | Full movie | Disney+

Is the favorite on Disney +?

Watch The Favourite | Full Movie | Disney+

Is the favorite on HBO?

HD. An inside look at this period drama starring Emma Stone, Olivia Colman and Rachel Weisz.