Whats the fastest Captain America can run?

With the release of ‘The Wakanda Files: A Technological Exploration of the Avengers and Beyond‘ we’ve managed to gain insight to just how the heroes of the MCU operate, from how their superpowers work to how many calories they eat in a day. The in-world book is written by request of Shuri (Sister of King T’Challa AKA The Black Panther) and goes along way in answering some of the MCU’s biggest questions.

Whats the fastest Captain America can run?
Image: Marvel Studios / Disney

How fast can Captain America run?

Not as fast as you might think. According to the book mentioned above, Captain America can “comfortably run thirteen miles in 30 minutes”. This is the equivalent of 26 miles per hour with seemingly limitless stamina to go with it. To put this in some context for you, the fastest speed ever recorded by a human is 27.8 miles per hour, which was clocked during the Olympic 100 meter race by Usain Bolt, the fastest man in history. It also means that Cap can run a Marathon in approximately 1 hour. The world record currently stands at 2 hours. Given this, maybe we should be more impressed by Cap’s speed? I guess the source does use the word “comfortably” hinting that this is not his top speed, but rather jogging pace for the leader of the Avengers.

How much can Captain America lift?

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The energy required for this feat needs to come from somewhere. Even in the fictional world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe there are rules. So just how many calories does Captain America require to power his busy universe-saving schedule? 8000 calories is the answer, which is about the same calorie intake as the competitors in The Worlds Strongest man competition. Where does Cap find the time?!

According to the Wakanda Files book, Captain America can lift several tonnes. This doesn’t reveal too much detail but it does mean that Steve Rogers is able to lift a fully grown male Asian Elephant which weighs about 4 tonnes, or 4,000 Kg depending on how you do your measurements.

Whats the fastest Captain America can run?
Image: Smithsonian Magazine

There you have it. Now you know that Captain America jogs at about the same speed as Usain Bolt running at full pace and that he can lift an Elephant (if he wanted to, of course). Extremely useful information that you can now share with your friends.

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Captain both is and isn't superhuman. He is superhuman in that he's capable of feats no ordinary man can do. He's not superhuman in that he can't survive most anything that would kill a regular human nor can he do more than the human body can theoretically do.

27-28mph is roughly what a regular human sprinter (with exceptional talent) who has trained for their entire life can do.

Captain does that at a leisurely run. The human body could possibly handle up to 40 mph if a lot of other factors weren't important. For the Captain, many of those factors aren't important, thanks to the super soldier serum.

The heart-shaped herb is similar to the super soldier serum, but not identical. I'm not sure it's as strong, but it does provide very similar benefits. Were it not for the Captain, T'Challa would be the most physically fit human on the planet, capable of a wide range of astounding tasks.

So... BP's probably doing 30-35, Capt's doing a bit over that.

Why not 40? One of the reasons humans can't run that fast is more about simple physics - in order to accelerate, you have to press off the ground. While running quickly, your feet spend most of the time in the air, not pushing on the ground. You can't get going that fast because you can't stay on the ground long enough. Captain and BP aren't immune to that.

Whats the fastest Captain America can run?

(References are in Hyperlinks)


Whats the fastest Captain America can run?
Whats the fastest Captain America can run?

Most people speak, at the lower end, 110 WPM. From the time the camera first goes off Cap and we hear "Cake shop clear?" a total of 69 words are said up until Cap reaches an "8 or 9 block" distance. This gives him 37.7 seconds to run. Even if we delay the time between each speech bubble by a second that only brings the timeframe up to 42.7 s. A small city block is 80 m long, so "8 or 9" gives him a distance of 640 to 720 m.

  • 640 m/37.7 s = 16.98 m/s
  • 720 m/37.7 s = 19.1 m/s
  • 640 m/42.7 s = 14.99 m/s
  • 720 m/42.7 s = 16.86 m/s

So 33.53 mph low end to 42.73 mph high end.

5 years ago

Whats the fastest Captain America can run?

@dottiestmoon: Nice cals ! But wouldn’t he need time to recover from WM smashing him then starts running ? Maybe in the time when WM is telling Fury he will record this to bring back to base ?

5 years ago

Whats the fastest Captain America can run?

Whats the fastest Captain America can run?

@dottiestmoon: Nice calc.

Still significantly slower than 616 version, but sill fast.

5 years ago

Whats the fastest Captain America can run?

The last time I checked most guides claim Captain America moves at 30mph.


Whats the fastest Captain America can run?
Whats the fastest Captain America can run?

We also have Captain America claimed by the author of the comic that he can run a 40 yard dash in 3.82 seconds which translate to 20mph, which is most likely sustained runs or long period.

Whats the fastest Captain America can run?

A lot of people claimed Captain America can run 50mph but that's pure exaggeration or misconception. Here Cap says he can do a mile in "just over" a minute, but how much "just over" isn't specified. So, doing various high and low-balls here.

Distance - 1609 m

  • 1609 m/60 s = 26.82 m/s
  • 1609 m/70 s = 22.99 m/s
  • 1609 m/80 s = 20.11 m/s
  • 1609 m/90 s = 17.88 m/s

So this could as low end as 40mph or less as Cap was vague and this a character statement so he could exaggerate.

Whats the fastest Captain America can run?

For my headcanon, Cap should be able to run 20mph at sustained speeds while 30mph at sprint while we have the feat above being him exaggerating. This helps things be a bit more consistent.

5 years ago

Whats the fastest Captain America can run?


I personally think guidebooks are garbage and completely irrelevant. Feats are the only thing that matter.

He has two running feats. The one AvX fun fact from the Gambit fight and the one in which he claimed that he can run a mile in just over a minute.

So this could as low end as 40mph or less as Cap was vague and this a character statement so he could exaggerate.

I see no reason why this would be exaggerated. He was about to rescue his best friend and his best bet was to carry him by himself.
I would say "just over a minute" means approximately somewhere between 60 -70 seconds. He wasn't exactly sure, but he would guess he is somewhere close to 60 seconds.

So I would say 1609 m/60-70 s = 26.82-22.99 m/s seems about right.

5 years ago

Whats the fastest Captain America can run?


I personally think guidebooks are garbage and completely irrelevant. Feats are the only thing that matter.

They're still valid and canon, it's just most fans hate it when their characters aren't strong as they think they're supposed to be. It at least gives us very specific and less vague capabilities the characters. For example spiderman lifts a tank, we don't know the model or actual weight of it so some fans attempt to take the higher end of tank or heavy tanks. Where the guides gives us more specific detail and quantifiable capabilities. The issue with comics is that they can get inconsistent hence why guidebooks can give us something more reliable and consistent as guidebook feats hardly change until the character gets a power up like spiderman did when he became a 15 tonner. Another thing to note is that guidebooks are still published and written by Marvel so why dispute them or why do they differ from comics.

He has two running feats. The one AvX fun fact from the Gambit fight and the one in which he claimed that he can run a mile in just over a minute.

Both are contradicting each other, the more reliable method is to consider 20mph a sustain run while 30mph his actual speed while that latter feat( a mile over a minute) should be ignored if as it sound like exaggeration and it's vague. Personally character statements are less reliable than actual feats or in-universe word in god . Unless we lowball that feat but I really dislike making assumptions on things.

I see no reason why this would be exaggerated. He was about to rescue his best friend and his best bet was to carry him by himself.

I would say "just over a minute" means approximately somewhere between 60 -70 seconds. He wasn't exactly sure, but he would guess he is somewhere close to 60 seconds.

It could be exaggerated as character statements can tend to be exaggerated, not to mention how vague it is so cap may not be clear of his capabilities. I don't see it being too close to 60 seconds but rather 70-90 seconds which seems more consistent. If his sustained run is 20mph then his sprint can't be that far ahead or anymore than twice his sustained speed.

I'm just challenging your argument here, rather than a disagreement.

5 years ago

Whats the fastest Captain America can run?


They're still valid and canon, it's just most fans hate it when their characters aren't strong as they think they're supposed to be. It at least gives us very specific and less vague capabilities the characters. For example spiderman lifts a tank, we don't know the model or actual weight of it so some fans attempt to take the higher end of tank or heavy tanks. Where the guides gives us more specific detail and quantifiable capabilities. The issue with comics is that they can get inconsistent hence why guidebooks can give us something more reliable and consistent as guidebook feats hardly change until the character gets a power up like spiderman did when he became a 15 tonner. Another thing to note is that guidebooks are still published and written by Marvel so why dispute them or why do they differ from comics.

So much text ....
Spider-Man lifted a tank and no I don't think the fans attempt to take the higher end of the tank or heavy tanks. I am pretty positive that most of the time the fans take the weight of the average tank.
Guidebook information gets constantly contradicted by feats. It can be canon, but it's not valid, not at all.

Both are contradicting each other, the more reliable method is to consider 20mph a sustain run while 30mph his actual speed while that latter feat( a mile over a minute) should be ignored if as it sound like exaggeration and it's vague. Personally character statements are less reliable than actual feats or in-universe word in god . Unless we lowball that feat but I really dislike making assumptions on things.

I still don't like the fact that we should use the less impressive feat only because the other one is a character statement. I have absolutely no problem with a character statement as long as it comes from the character itself.
I know that the feats are contradicting each other, but I don't like the fact that you are trying to pick the less impressive, because it's a character statement. Or because of some kind of power-level you think Cap fits in.

It could be exaggerated as character statements can tend to be exaggerated, not to mention how vague it is so cap may not be clear of his capabilities. I don't see it being too close to 60 seconds but rather 70-90 seconds which seems more consistent. If his sustained run is 20mph then his sprint can't be that far ahead or anymore than twice his sustained speed.

I feel like 80-90 seconds is heavily low-balled and neither is that more consistent, because he has exactly 2 legit running (travelling) feats.
I think what matters here is what you think Cap is capable of. There is no real answer, but you can decide for yourself, which feat is more plausible.

5 years ago

Whats the fastest Captain America can run?

@ithemanwithoutfeari: He also has some other running feats. I am on my phone right now so I can only give you the links.

Bucky stated he can run a mile a minute or exactly 60 MPH and Cap didn’t deny it : https://m.imgur.com/LSmOd4c?r

Out-races missiles : https://m.imgur.com/6aghbqK?r Even the slowest missiles should be faster than 60 MPH to stay airborne

Outruns Hawkeye’s arrow : https://m.imgur.com/a/HXV03 Notes that Hawkeye didn’t notice Cap in his vision, otherwise Cap would have warned/shouted out loud for him not to kill the lion. This means that Cap wasn’t anrwhere near Hawkeye’s arrow when he fired it, and yet he still managed to catch up and get in it way to intercept it

Back in the day, he also outran birds stated to be able to run up to 50 MPH on snow :

Outrunning birds: https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_super/0/7604/1269115-8bertbk.jpg

The bird’s speed : https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/0/7604/1269117-6oabnyu.jpg

5 years ago

Whats the fastest Captain America can run?


Thank you.

I personally think it's safe to say that he can run up to 50-60 mph.

He said so himself, Bucky said the same and he saw him fighting for years and the fact that he out-runned Birds that can run up to 50 mph seals the deal (On snow).

5 years ago

Whats the fastest Captain America can run?

@ithemanwithoutfeari: The outrunning arrow feat would be above 60 mph though. Even if we assume that he is only 3 meters (he is probably much further away for the already listed reasons) away from the lion when the arrow is shot, he would still only have less than 0,029 second (arrow can travel at 300 mph) to reach the arrow and intercept it. That is above 100+ mph right there. This feat is one of those PIS one like the time he outran bullets

Though I think 2MAU Cap can run faster than him consider some of his own absurd travel speed feats like moving so fast Spider-Man can only perceive him as a blur, keeps up with an out of control flying Iron Man on foot despite the former’s head start and in their tie-in movie (not sure cannon or not) he actually outruns Iron Man which surprises Tony himself and finally outruns an Ultron version of himself who was keeping with a fully speeding Harley Davisson (100+ MPH). He also outruns Tony’s missiles a few times IIRC

5 years ago

Whats the fastest Captain America can run?


I would say that Cap's sustained speed is 50-60 mph, but he can accelerate in shot bursts, like in the instances you posted for example.

He has also other feats in which he moves in blur speeds or so fast that he basically disappears in front of a thug by simply running.

Yeah 2MAU cap is a whole different league.

5 years ago

Whats the fastest Captain America can run?

@ithemanwithoutfeari: Yeah, short bursts make sense. IIRC, there are 3 instances of him running so fast that he simply disappeared from people vision before they know what was happening

5 years ago

How fast Captain America can run?

According to Sam Wilson as least as fast as 26mph but more than likely 60 mph. Because of the effects of the Super Soldier Serum, Steve Rogers can run and move at speeds beyond the peak of human potential.

What is the fastest Captain America has ever ran?

The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe long ago established Cap's top running speed as 30 mph.

What is Captain America's 40 time?

#2 established that Captain America could run a 40-yard dash in just under four seconds, the MCU's Cap showed how fast he was by keeping up with the hyper-agile Black Panther in the final battle of Avengers: Infinity War.