What to do with hostas in winter

Hosta Winter Preparation – What To Do With Hostas In Winter


What to do with hostas in winter

Hostas are shade loving, woodland perennials that reliably come back year after year with very little care. While they are easy going plants for the most part, some simple hosta winter care should be undertaken in the fall. Keep reading to learn more.

Hosta Cold Tolerance

Prized for their color and texture, hostas can be grown in USDA zones 4 through 9. In these zones, the hosta growing season ends when temperatures dip below 50 degrees F. (10 C.) at night. Hostas in winter go into a kind of stasis and this temperature dip is a signal to the plant to become dormant until temperatures warm in the spring.

All hostas thrive when subjected to freezing or near freezing temperatures during their dormant phase. The number of days or weeks varies depending upon the cultivar, but chilling promotes earlier emergence and better all-around growth. At this juncture, it is time for some hosta winter preparation.

To begin winterizing hostas, if necessary, keep supplying them with an inch (2.5 cm.) or so of water per week throughout the fall. If you have been fertilizing the plants, stop feeding them in late summer or they will continue to produce leaves. These tender new leaves can make the entire plant, including the crown and roots, susceptible to frost damage.

As nighttime temperatures drop, hosta foliage will begin to dry out and fall over. Wait until the leaves have fallen over before continuing with any hosta winter preparation. Why is this important? The leaves are needed post-bloom to produce food for the next year’s growth.

Further Hosta Winter Care

While there isn’t much that needs to be done for hostas in winter, the foliage should be trimmed back. Once the leaves have fallen naturally, it is safe to cut them. Use sterilized shears (sterilize with a half/half mix of rubbing alcohol and water) to prevent fungal infection or rot.

Cut the leaves all the way to the ground. This will discourage slugs and rodents as well as diseases. Destroy the cut leaves to prevent any possibility of spreading potential diseases.

Mulch the hostas with 3 to 4 inches (8-10 cm.) of pine needles to protect the roots from cold temperatures. This will even out the differential between cooling and heating each day, which can interrupt the necessary chilling period.

For hostas that are potted, bury the pot to the rim in the soil and cover with mulch as above. For hostas in zone 6 and below, mulching is unnecessary, as temperatures stay well below freezing through the winter months.

This article was last updated on 11/16/21

Published 1-25-2022

Hostas are a hardy perennial plant that grow well in zones 3-9. This plant will survive cold temperatures, but will need a few things done to prepare for the change in season. Hostas actually benefit from the colder temperatures while it is in the dormant phase. The cold weather helps to promote better health and growth. Before you prepare hostas for winter, the leaves need to dry out and wilt to the ground. While this is happening, the plant is in the process of producing food for next season’s growth. Do not cut it back before this process is complete. Hostas go dormant after a good hard freeze.

What to do with hostas in winter

Once the foliage has wilted, cut the plant to the ground. A thin layer of mulch will help to protect the roots from the fluctuation of temperatures. A good chilling period is beneficial for hostas.

Cutting Back Hostas For Winter

Prior to going dormant, hostas are using its leaves to absorb nutrients and make food. If the foliage is still its original color, it is not time to cut hostas back yet. Wait until the leaves have dried out or wilted to the ground. This usually happens after a hard freeze.

Once the hostas has died back, use garden shears to cut through the plant to the soil line. Discard any cut plant parts. Cover the rest of the plant with a thin layer of mulch. Careful with the mulch, as too much can create a wet base which can invite slugs to live there over the winter. Remove the mulch in early spring months.

Hosta Winter Care in Pots

Hostas are becoming a popular perennial plant for containers. Winter care for potted hostas is important. When the temperature reaches 0 degrees F, the planter and the contents will freeze solid. Steer clear of natural pot materials such as untreated terra cotta. It absorbs water that expands when frozen, cracking the pot. Because of that, we recommend our resin plastic containers or other material that can handle being frozen.

Overwintering your container hostas is easy. There are a few different options.

  • If you have an unheated garage or shed, place the container in there for the winter. After the coldest part of the season is complete, put the pot back outside and water.

  • Bury the entire pot in the ground. Cover with soil to the rim and mulch.

  • Remove the plant from the pot and bury in the garden for the winter. Dig up in the spring and return it to its container. 

  • Wrap the pots with burlap, blankets or cover in a thick layer of leaves. Cover the area with a tarp.

What to do with hostas in winter

Watering Hostas in Winter

Hostas go dormant during the winter and do not need watering. Prior to the cold weather, water the in-ground plant generously once a month during the fall. This will help prepare hostas for the winter dormant months. This does not need to be done if you are getting regular precipitation. A potted hostas will need to be watered a few times over the winter. 

Growing Hostas Indoors

With careful care, hostas can be grown indoors year round. If your hostas container has been outdoors all summer, it is not recommended that you bring it indoor for the winter. Hostas go dormant during the winter and need the cold season to thrive. Place the potted hostas in an unheated garage or shed for the cold months.

What to do with hostas in winter

Steps To Care For Hostas in Winter

Hostas are a hardy plant that require little daily maintenance to thrive. Most preparation for the winter season actually occurs during the fall. Giving the plant a little attention in the fall will ensure its success during the spring blooming time. 

  1. Water deeply once a month in the fall

  2. After the first hard freeze, cut off dead leaves

  3. Cover the remaining plant with mulch

  4. Do not water during the winter

  5. Remove mulch during the spring months

  6. Potted plants need a cold dormant area such as a garage or shed 

  7. Potted plants need water monthly

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Do you cut back hostas for winter?

As a general rule, hostas should be cut back in the late fall. Start with leaves that have wilted or turned brown. Healthy leaves can stay a bit longer to help the roots store needed energy. If 25% or more of the hostas is dying, you will know it is time to cut it back.

Can hostas survive in pots over winter?

You can keep your hostas in containers from year to year, but it's not as easy as overwintering the ones in the garden itself. In fact, some folks will plant their container hostas in the ground for the winter. Other gardeners bury their pots outside, so that the roots are underground, just as a garden hosta would be.

Do hostas need to be covered during a freeze?

You definitely need to cover your hostas for frost. Watch what the weatherman says in the spring and if frost is coming, you need to protect your hostas. But you should only do this if the young leaves have already emerged.