What time does the flight leave in Spanish?

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What time does the flight leave in Spanish?

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What time does the flight leave in Spanish?



Palabra por palabra




el tiempo

la hora







el avión



irse de



At what time does the plane leave?

¿A qué hora sale el avión?

What time does the plane leave?

¿A qué hora sale el avión?

What time does the plane leave?

¿A qué hora es el vuelo?

What time does the plane leave again?

¿Puede repetirme a qué hora sale el vuelo?

What time does the plane leave?

¿A qué hora sale el vuelo?

What time does the plane leave?

-¿A qué hora sale el avión?

What time does the plane leave?

¿A qué hora es tu vuelo?

What time does the plane leave?

Tengo que verle. ¿A qué hora sale el avión?

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What time does the flight leave in Spanish?



Palabra por palabra




el tiempo

la hora







el vuelo


irse de



OK, well, what time does your flight leave?

Vale, bueno, ¿a qué hora sale tu vuelo?

So what time does your flight leave? I don't know.

¿A qué hora es el vuelo? No lo se.

Mrs. Travis, what time does your flight leave?

¡Señora Travis! ¿A qué hora sale su avión?

At what time does your flight leave? - At half past five in the morning.

¿A qué hora sale el avión? - A las cinco y media de la mañana.

What time does your flight leave? - I don't know; I have to check.

¿A qué hora sale tu vuelo? - No sé; tengo que fijarme.

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What time does the flight leave in Spanish?

What time do you wake up usually in duolingo Spanish?

A que hora usualmente .... For me it says the answer is "¿A qué hora te despiertas usualmente?" It is very weird that it showed up so differently for you.

How do you say we are going to call to taxis in spanish?

Vamos a llamar a dos taxis..
The first deals with the notion of a "taxi" itself. ... .
So, one theory I have is that this is a form of personal "a" because it is understood that when you make a call for a taxi, you'll actually be calling a real, live, sentient human being who can arrange a ride for you..

At what time does the plane leave in spanish duolingo?

"When does the plane leave?" ¿Cuándo sale el avión?

What time is the flight in French?

what time is your flight . a quelle heure est votre vol.