What time do most people go on Reddit?

In the world of multiple social media platforms with similar features, Reddit is the most unique of all. It is a super active platform that allows people to put their opinions out in front of the entire community. It is ideally considered as the front page on the internet and it is a great way to share content with like-minded people – which is why it’s worth knowing the best time to post on Reddit, so that you get a lot of upvotes and attention.

It is quite normal to think that the best time to post on Reddit is when you see a lot of activity going on on the platform. But, marketers should find out at what time content does well on Reddit and then post during those times. Because when you post at the right time, you will easily grab hundreds of views on your content.

What You’ll Learn About Best Time To Post On Reddit

1. Why best time to post on Reddit matters?
2. The overall best time to post on Reddit
3. The best time to post on Reddit by day
4. Why is the best time to post on Reddit completely different from other social platforms?
5. Should you post on Reddit on weekdays?
6. Posting content on Reddit on Weekdays
7. Posting content on Reddit on Weekends
8. Best time to post on Reddit according to different subreddits
9. Promote your content on other major social media platforms
10.The Bottom Line
11. Frequently Asked Questions

Why Best Time To Post on Reddit matters?

When you know the correct time to upload your posts, you can make sense of the content overload. People will stop to see your posts when they are scrolling through their feed. Whether you want to use the data to find out the peak times, or you want to take advantage of quieter hours – you can coordinate these insights with your social media scheduler, and prepare the best plans to schedule Reddit posts. 

The best time to post on Reddit is on Mondays between 6 AM and 8 AM and at the other end of the week on Saturdays and Sundays between 7-9 AM and 8-12 PM respectively. You can make the most out of your Reddit efforts if you are posting in the early mornings and post them on Mondays, Saturdays, and Sundays. 

The good news is that you don’t have to stick to the rules – you can post to Reddit whenever you like. However, below we are going to discuss the optimal time to post on Reddit and also some general guidelines, which will help you figure out the best times to post for you, personally.

The Best Time To Post on Reddit by Day

All the timings listed below are as per the US central time.

  • Best Time To Post on Reddit on Monday: 6 AM to 8 AM 
  • Best Time To Post on Reddit on Tuesday: 6 AM to 8 AM 
  • Best Time To Post on Reddit on Wednesday: 6 AM 
  • Best Time To Post on Reddit on Thursday: 4 AM to 8 AM 
  • Best Time To Post on Reddit on Friday: 4 AM to 10 AM 
  • Best Time To Post on Reddit on Saturday: 12 AM to 2 AM and 6 AM to 4 PM 
  • Best Time To Post on Reddit on Sunday: 6 AM to 10 AM 

The majority of Reddit users are based out of the United States, thus you need to think about when they are online the most to be successful with your Reddit content. The above study clearly shows that the best times to post are in the mornings on Mondays, and on the weekends both on Saturday and Sunday. In fact, the post times were between 12% and 44% better than those who posted at other times during the week and during the day.

The main reason behind this is that people like to browse Reddit mainly on weekends, when they can spend some time conversing with other users.

Have a look at similar studies on:

  • The best time to post on Instagram
  • The best time to post on Twitter
  • The best time to post on LinkedIn
  • The best time to post on TikTok

Why is The Best Time To Post on Reddit Completely Different From other Social Platforms?

People often think that the best time to post on Reddit might be similar to Instagram or Facebook. However, as opposed to general thinking, the middle of the working week is not the best time to be uploading to your Reddit account.

No doubt, there are plenty of people who’d be logged in to their Reddit accounts during the workweek, but a very few percentages of users will actually have the time to actually interact on the platform. So, the real action is reserved for the weekends – where people can sit back, relax, and check their Reddit feeds as this social media site demands time to be properly utilized.  

Posting on Reddit in the early morning hours proves to be beneficial as people get the entire day to upvote and interact with it in general. It also leaves room to drum up discussion around your post. The morning posting hours ensure that the post has the whole day for Americans from all six US time zones and the four contiguous continental time zones to see your submissions. If they visit that specific subreddit several times throughout, they’ll be more likely to see your post several times.

Should You Post on Reddit on Weekdays?

Contrary to what we saw above, some research points out that submitting content on Reddit during weekdays is a good idea. This is because of the fact that Reddit gets the most traffic on weekdays. 

However, although marketers might have a “captive audience” in work-week users and visitors due to many being close to computers and other devices throughout the day, many of them have little time (lunch break) to participate actively by upvoting as well as browse and stay longer on the site. 

While there might be a difference of opinion, we have tried to point out the essential points of using these two times of the week for content promotion on Reddit below.

Posting Content on Reddit on Weekdays

As we discussed earlier, Reddit is an American social site. Thus, the traffic on the platform is largely dependent on US traffic. According to research, these users visit Reddit early in the mornings. The traffic visit also increases during lunch break and when people finish their work at the end of the day. Thus, if you want to post on weekdays, these are the golden times.

The optimal time for submitting content is 9 am as per the Eastern time zone. It is beneficial as you will be able to catch users in the Central time zone before they leave for work and the Pacific time zone when they wake up. This time is ideal as this is not too late for the post to fall before users in the Eastern time zone go for their lunch. 

For instance, you post content at 1 pm Eastern time and your other posts are older than this one. It will give you a chance to reach the top of a subreddit and remain there throughout the day. As per this data, the optimal time for submission for most subreddits is usually between 8.30 am to 10.30 am Eastern Time.

Posting Content on Reddit on Weekends

Even though people think since individuals will be at their office in front of their computers, they will be able to give more time to posts. However, that might not be the case as the huge workload might make it difficult for individuals to take time out to upvote or browse the site. 

Expert researchers say that individuals can devote more time to surfing content on weekends. They have more time on their hands, and they can comment, upvote, and even browse the site. It has become a popular way of spending time on the weekend for many individuals. 

When you post during the early morning hours, your post will have the luxury of being seen by Americans the entire day. The user will get more time to be involved in a discussion, and this will attract attention to your news post on Reddit. It is always advisable that you reply to comments and questions asked by users. It will ensure that if any other user looks for this subreddit in the future, they can find the comment on the post.  

Best Time To Post on Reddit According To Different Subreddits

1. r/Askreddit

r/Askreddit is one of the oldest subreddits on the platform. It is made for people to ask some thought-provoking questions. The best timings to post on this subreddit are Friday at 8:00 AM, Monday at 7:00 AM, and Friday at 1:00 PM. One should analyze the weekly result to understand that each subreddit must be covered at least once daily. 

2. r/Science

This subreddit is dedicated to sharing scientific research topics and discussing the latest advancement in science such as Astrology, Physics, Social Science, Biology, and much more. The best time to post content on this subreddit is at 4 am on Friday, at 8 AM on Sunday, and at 7 AM on Monday.

3. r/Funny

Memes, funny videos are part of this subreddit. It is a treasure trove for humor. The best time to post is Friday noon, and 11 AM, and Wednesday noon.

4. r/Gaming

You will find everything related to gaming on this subreddit, including board games, card games, and video games but not sports. It turns out that Tuesday at 8 AM, Wednesday at 2 PM, and 5 PM are the best times to post here.

5. r/Movies

If you are a movie buff, then this subreddit is ideal for you. Any information related to films is available on Reddit. Monday at 9 AM, 11 AM, and Tuesday at 4 PM are the best times to post movie-related content.  

The Result:

After analyzing the previous data and looking into the stats of 5 completely different subreddits, we have analyzed that Monday morning (6 AM – 11 AM) is the best to post on Reddit, generally. However, to get the maximum attraction for your post, you need to analyze your niche’s subreddits and figure out when your community is the most active. The best time to post on Reddit varies according to the nature of the group. 

Promote Your Content on other Major Social Media Platforms

If you are a business that wishes to maintain a presence on multiple social media platforms, you need to continuously post across all of them, that too at their individual best times to post. This requires a lot of planning and research, which ends up consuming a lot of your time. This is when a social media scheduling tool can help save time and effort.

If you hold accounts on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and GMB; you can use RecurPost to manage them. The articles that you post on Reddit can be cross-promoted to these platforms through RecurPost. 

The best feature you get using this tool is ‘Auto-schedule for best time.’ When you select this feature while scheduling posts, RecurPost will automatically schedule your posts for the best times depending on your previous engagement patterns. It is one of the best alternatives to tools like HootSuite as it offers robust features like bulk scheduling, advanced analytics, Canva integration, CSV support, white-label reports, URL shortener, hashtag storage, and much more.

RecurPost’s pricing is also the most competitive as compared to other similar tools. Check out the features on your own by taking the 14-day free trial.

Here’s the takeaway:

  • The larger part of the Reddit audience is from the U.S. so the best time to post on Reddit is when they are up and about.
  • The best days for posting on Reddit are Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays.
  • More specifically, early morning — between 6 AM and 9 AM — is when the users are the most chatty.
  • The best time to post on Monday is between 6 AM and 8 AM.
  • The best time to post on Saturday is between 7 AM and 9 AM.
  • On Sundays, Reddit people prefer to sleep a bit longer, logging in to Reddit only after 8 A.M. and staying there until noon.

The Bottom Line

There you go. Now, you know the best days and hours to post on Reddit & how to automotive marketing. You can simply stick to the hours, but analyzing a subreddit using free tools and data is an excellent move. Finally, post quality content and become an active member of the community you are trying to influence.

P.S. To schedule posts on all major social media platforms, sign up for RecurPost today. It lets you schedule Instagram posts, schedule tweets, schedule Facebook posts, schedule LinkedIn posts, and schedule GMB posts. Click here for a 14-day free trial.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best time of day to post on Reddit?

The best days for posting on Reddit are Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays. More specifically, early morning — between 6 AM and 9 AM — is when the users are the most chatty. The best time to post on Monday is between 6 AM and 8 AM.

2. What are Reddit’s peak hours?

The best time to post on Reddit is on Mondays between 6 AM and 8 AM and at the other end of the week on Saturdays and Sundays between 7-9 AM and 8 AM -12 PM, respectively. You can make the most out of your Reddit efforts if you are posting in the early mornings and post them on Mondays, Saturdays, and Sundays. 

3. What is the most active subreddit?

r/AskReddit is the most active subreddit with 33.73 million subscribers. It is also one of the oldest subreddits on the platform. It is made for people to ask some thought-provoking questions. The best timings to post on this subreddit are Friday at 8:00 AM, Monday at 7:00 AM, and Friday at 1:00 PM.

4. Does it matter when you post on Reddit?

Like any other social media platform, it is necessary to post at the best time on Reddit to get the maximum interaction and upvotes on your posts. It is best to post on Saturdays and Sundays along with Monday mornings. These are the times when people on Reddit spend the most hours scrolling on the platform and engage with content. On Saturdays and Mondays, you should post between 6 AM to 9 AM, while on Sundays, you can post from 8 AM to 12 PM.

5. How do Reddit posts get popular?

The highest voted posts appear at the top of the community in which they were posted. If they receive a LOT of upvotes they will end up on the catch-all community (not really a community, more of an index of all the top rated posts across Reddit) called r/all (reddit.com/r/all), also known as the front page of Reddit. 

Debbie Moran is a Digital marketing strategist with 5+ years of experience producing advertising for brands and helping leaders showcase their brand to the correct audience. She has been a part of RecurPost since 2019 and handles all the activities required to grow our brand’s online presence.

At what time is Reddit most active?

The best time to post on Reddit is on Mondays between 6 AM and 8 AM and at the other end of the week on Saturdays and Sundays between 7-9 AM and 8-12 PM respectively. You can make the most out of your Reddit efforts if you are posting in the early mornings and post them on Mondays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
Reddit is a web traffic powerhouse: in May 2022 approximately 1.7 billion visits were measured to the online forum, making it one of the most-visited websites online.

What is Reddit mostly used for?

Reddit is a social news website and forum where content is socially curated and promoted by site members through voting. The site name is a play on the words "I read it." Reddit member registration is free, and it is required to use the website's basic features.

Who Uses Reddit the most?

People between the age of 18 and 29 make up Reddit's largest user base (64%). The second biggest age group is 30 to 49 (29%). Teenagers (age 13 and 14) are not very active on Reddit. Only 4% have visited the platform, which is relatively low compared to Snapchat (70%) and Instagram (65%).