What streaming service has Rocky IV directors cut?

What streaming service has Rocky IV directors cut?

Watch Rocky IV 1985 in Australia

Released: 1985

Updated: 12th Dec, 2022

What streaming service has Rocky IV directors cut?
6.8 / 10

Rated: PG

Director: Sylvester Stallone

Where to watch Rocky IV

What streaming service has Rocky IV directors cut?

What is Rocky IV about?

Ever since his match with Clubber Lang, Rocky Balboa has a peaceful life. And now he and former champion, Apollo Creed, enjoy good times and are now the best of friends. But Rocky's peaceful life as a boxer gets paused after a match Apollo went into. Unfortunately, Creed fought Ivan drago, a 6'5" Russian who has never lost a match, and sadly, brutally murders Apollo in the ring. A funeral is held and times start going downhill fast. Now, in order to restore honor, Rocky challenges Drago to a match and must beat him for sweet, bitter vengeance.

Rocky IV Trailer

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Good to know

Rocky IV is available on Google Play.

Rocky IV is not available on Google Play, Amazon Prime, Apple TV+, Binge, Display Plus, Foxtel Now, Netflix, Stan.

PG-13 | 1 Hour 33 Minutes Runtime

Though the one-night only theatrical premiere of “Rocky VI: Rocky vs Drago The Ultimate Director’s Cut” is over, Sly’s edited version of Rocky IV is now available on streaming and VOD services.

As of this writing, MGM has not announced plans for a physical DVD or Bluray release, which is a bummer.

The movie can be rented or purchased on Amazon, iTunes or VUDU in 4K UHD with HDR.

  • Rent or buy on Amazon Prime Video
  • Rent or buy on iTunes
  • Rent or buy on VUDO

Rocky vs Drago Download Extras?

Unfortunately, the Rocky vs Drago download is just the re-cut film itself, there are no bonus features included.

Check out Sly’s 90 minute documentary on the making of the director’s cut, which is free to watch on YouTube and is packed with great stories and details on Stallone’s directorial process.

Where do I start with this? Needless to say, I've always been a big Rocky fan and Rocky IV was no exception, despite the critical maligning. When I first heard Sylvester Stallone was going to release a director's cut, I was intrigued. As more and more details came in (Sico the robot being deleted, deleted scenes put back in), I was even more curious at how much different it would be from the film I'd watched for years.

Then, I watched the feature length documentary on the behind the scenes editing of the new version. It was very captivating to witness Sly's philsophies on the film at the time it was made, and with the re-edit. Every shot, every body position, every punch, seemed to symbolize something. Sly, being an occasional painter, was using the film as a cinematic canvas. Much headier than his critics usually give him credit for.

Then, the time arrived. While I couldn't make it to a theater, I was just as thrilled to witness the film in the comfort of my own home. Emotionally, I was prepped, for better or worse, I wanted to see the results. Strangely enough, that was my ultimate reaction upon the end credits beginning, a mixture of really good and underwhelming.

My first major problem was Sly's choice for the recap from Rocky III. He practically shows a huge chunk of footage from it, instead of the final fight montage we're used to. Most of it came from the scene in Mickey's gym between Rocky and Apollo. It took a little too long to get to the footage of the actual film. If the point was to emphasize Rocky and Apollo's friendship more, I thought the footage we had of them in IV was sufficient for that.

Then the actual plot begins. Needless to say, no Sico, so the majority of the beginning we're used to is gone, and we begin with Apollo seeing the press conference on TV. While I was completely fine with the robot being deleted to accentuate the more grounded human aspects, I didn't appreciate some of the ACTUAL human aspects (some of Rocky's interactions with Adrian; his conversation with Apollo in the locker room) being deleted or otherwise eviscerated. Not only that, previous fixes he had suggested in the documentary were actually not used here.

My main gripe with the edit is mainly the first half of the film. While most of the deleted scenes were appreciated and did flesh things out more, the mood is almost haphazardly ping-ponging around and not giving you enough time to breathe. It was comparable to going sky diving, and just as your instructor begins explaining safety procedures, he shoves you out of the plane without a parachute. Sly had earlier complained about some of his decisions in the theatrical cut coming from "being in a hurry", but strangely enough, I had more of that feeling from this cut at this point in the film. Some of the edits were so jarringly bad (characters clearly being cut off in the middle of a sentence) that it resembles a fan edit.

However, it is the second half of the film that I felt the film rose from the canvas and began to earn its entertainment value. Some of the alternate takes which favored Drago and Koloff instead of Ludmilla seemed to serve a story point: The first half of the Russians campaign, flattery and charm, is over; and now the next phase: hardness and threats, begins. The training sequence has some interesting alternate shots, but the real meat and potatoes is of course the fight itself. The extended, alternate sequences actually added to the experience and made the fight, if I may audaciously claim, even more entertaining than the original. I won't spoil things more other than sadly, the post fight sequence sort of ended things on a flat, uninspiring note, which the original did a much better job of handling.

In conclusion, while I'm extremely glad that Sly revisited and added so many interesting new scenes to this beloved film, it came at the cost of his editing out so many memorable and weighty moments that made the original version so memorable, and this such a partial success in my eyes. I'm sorry to say that this is one reason some fans do corrective re-edits sometimes.

Where can I watch Rocky 4 recut?

Where to Buy “Rocky IV: Rocky vs..
Rent or buy on Amazon Prime Video..
Rent or buy on iTunes..
Rent or buy on VUDO..

Is Rocky 4 Directors Cut on HBO Max?

In the meantime, the original cut of Rocky IV is currently available to stream on HBO Max. A boy from Greenwood, South Carolina. CinemaBlend Contributor. An animation enthusiast (anime, US and international films, television).

Is Rocky IV on Netflix?

Rocky IV is not available on Netflix USA It is available on Netflix in other countries and with a few simple steps you can unlock it and start streaming.

Is there a directors cut of Rocky?

With nearly 40-minutes of new footage - Rocky IV: Rocky vs Drago The Ultimate Director's Cut is a different version of the same film. The most dramatic changes happen early and those fans most familiar with the film will instantly notice those differences.