What states have the least sex offenders?

No one wants to think about having sex offenders in their city, but with a total of 917,771 registered sex offenders in the United States and its territories, according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children,1 it’s a harsh reality that must be faced. If you do the math, that’s 279 registered sex offenders for every 100,000 people!

Using data from City-Data,2 this article looks at the United States cities with the highest frequencies of sex offenders per 10,000 residents. Out of all the states, Oregon has the largest percentage of sex offenders with 688 for every 100,000 people. Maryland, on the other hand, has the lowest percentage, with only 125 for every 100,000 people. But before we get into the numbers, we want to tell you a little bit more about registered sex offenders and their surrounding laws.

Sex Offender Risk Levels

Not all sexual offenders are created equal. They are actually separated into three different levels in terms of how likely they are to repeat an offense. The level is determined either at their sentencing or when they are released from custody. The levels are as follows:

  • Level One: Low risk of a repeat offense.
  • Level Two: Moderate risk of a repeat offense.
  • Level Three: High risk of repeat offense or a threat to public safety. Generally, Level Three offenders have previous convictions, predatory characteristics that involve seeking victims unknown to the offender, and a tendency toward violence.

All registered sex offenders must notify the community that they’re moving into the neighborhood, although only Level Three offenders must provide their entire address; Level One and Two offenders merely supply their zip code.

United States Cities Ranked By the Frequency of Registered Sex Offenders

What states have the least sex offenders?
US Cities Ranked by Sex Offenders

This infographic analyzes 125 major U.S. cities to provide a ratio of sex offenders to non-offenders, showing where the highest concentrations of sex offenders are. The top ten cities found to have the highest ratios are as follows:

  1. Wilmington, Delaware — One sex offender for every 107 residents
  2. Orlando, Florida — One sex offender for every 143 residents
  3. Sioux Falls, South Dakota — One sex offender for every 153 residents
  4. Helena, Montana — One sex offender for every 160 residents
  5. Las Vegas, Nevada — One sex offender for every 163 residents
  6. Richmond, Virginia — One sex offender for every 163 residents
  7. Bismarck, North Dakota — One sex offender for every 168 residents
  8. Louisville, Kentucky — One sex offender for every 173 residents
  9. Hartford, Connecticut — One sex offender for every 182 residents
  10. Cheyenne, Wyoming — One sex offender for every 186 residents

Those are the top ten, but if you want to see how your city ranks, click on the above infographic to expand.

Sex Offender Resources

Maybe you’re a sex offender, or maybe you need help feeling safe around one. Regardless, here are some resources to help you out:

  • Sex Offender Resource:3 This website provides information about housing and employment for registered sex offenders who want to reform themselves.
  • OffenderWatch:4 Combining over 3,000 local, state, and federal databases, this database makes sure a community is aware when a sex offender moves into their neighborhood, even if the crime was committed in another state.
  • National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline:5 Operated by RAINN, this hotline helps people affected by sexual violence find their nearest service provider for sexual assault so that they can get the help they need in person.


Aside from staying informed about the number of sex offenders in your city, there are a few other ways to keep yourself safe. If you have kids, we recommend getting a home security system or security camera of your own along with keeping track of the sex offenders in your area.

CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) -The personal safety and security experts at ASecureLife have ranked every state in country based on the amount of sex offenders, per capita, and Ohio has the fourth fewest.

Ohio has 18,394 registered sex offenders in the state, which equals 158 offenders for every 100,000 people.

The states with the fewest sex offenders, per capita, include:

  1. Maryland 125
  2. Indiana 150
  3. Connecticut 152
  4. Ohio 158
  5. Massachusetts and Pennsylvania 164
  6. Oklahoma 176
  7. New Mexico 182
  8. New Jersey 183
  9. Iowa 188
  10. Kentucky 196

States with the most sex offenders, per capita, are:

  1. Oregon 688
  2. Arkansas 536
  3. Delaware 491
  4. Michigan 440
  5. Wisconsin 435
  6. South Dakota 425
  7. Wyoming 415
  8. Kansas 362
  9. Tennessee 359
  10. Florida and Mississippi 356

What states have the least sex offenders?

Ohio has the fourth fewest sex offenders, per capita, in the country.(Source: ASecureLife)

The report from ASecrueLife also included several ways that you can check your neighborhood to see if there are sex offenders living in your area.

Some of the sites give you the ability to sign up and get notifications if an offender moves into your area.

“These resources exist to protect people,” Brianne Sandorf said who is a personal security expert for ASecureLife. “They don’t do any good if you don’t use them. It’s the equivalent of refusing to learn how to stop, drop, and roll because the possibility of ever being on fire frightens you.”





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What state is best for sex offenders?

Kansas, Illinois and Arkansas are the top destinations for sex offenders.

What state is hardest on sex offenders?

Florida becomes the harshest state for sex offenders | Al Jazeera America.